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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I need someone who is on the 'saving foreman oslow' quest to load up profile helper (plugin) and 'tame' an ettin and let me know what aura you have (open the plugin, my auras). I need the name and the id of the aura (the plugin will state it)

also, if you need to go to the rock - if it's waiting long enough for the ettin to come
after it picks up the rock and moves to the dock ... if it's waiting long enough after it's done running, and if i need to use the item again

basically i need some help w/ the quest so i don't have to spend 5-6 hours getting to that point


name: Canyon Ettin Spawn Spell
ID: 82558

full info: Canyon Ettin Spawn Spell 82558 Canyon Ettin Spawn Spell (), Range: 0-50000, CastTime: 0, Cost: 0 (0%), Mechanic: None, Dispel: None, TargetType: Unknown, Power: 0 None 17676814067133126196 SecondEffect, Cancellable, NoDuration 600000 7611484 00:08:15.8540000 0 0 False True False True

BTW in profile are some training skill forces still, but less then previos. Could you remove them, please? :)
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Bot tries to pick up "Help for Mudsprocket" quest from Tabetha in dustwallow marsh but she doesn't have one.

Edit: Fixed by abandoning quest and taking it again.
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Problem in late 20's. Tries to pick up "Rebels without a clue" from Sister Elsington but the quest isn't available for some reason. My char just sat there for 8 hrs trying to pick it up lol

Following on from this, i've just found a thread on the wow message boards from somebody saying they couldn't pick up this quest and there was a reply saying it's now given out by "Sentinel Velene Starstrike" in Ashenvale (which is quite a long way to go if i'm in Northern Stranglethorn)
I'd like to know in which zones the bot goes to at what level, tried to look through the file, but didn't get much smarter :)

Anyway, 12-36 now with very few problems (3-4 so far).

Thanks for a nice script (rep already given) :)
Testing it!

First of all, tnx for ure efforts and Hard work. Testing it right now. Started at 60 and am now 64. Havent seen any probs yet. Will report if i see anything weird. Again gr8 work. / Robin
WPL bugs

I've just reached WPL, and upon ariving the bot stood still doing nothing, after downloading Meshes etc. it went afk. Stopping/starting made the bot start properly, for a little while. It went to pick up a quest, to pick up feathers, but ignored targets attacking me.

Full log attached
NOTICE: Everyone that is going to report priest errors or suggestions and what not report in the priest topic from now on to keep things clear for Gilderoy so he can address each issue to the proper class.

First posts have been updated!

and vice versa
I am not sure if there is a problem with my settings or what not, but on the quest "Cleansing the Waters" the bot just stand around waiting for the MobID to spawn; however, the only way to get it to spawn is by actually using the "Cleansing Vial", which the bot doesn't.

I lost the log unfortunantly, but hopefully you can look into it, and see if there is something there.

(I'll keep editing/posting if there are any other issues. DK (63))
Thanks for this, Kick. It's more afkable than I thought a quest profile could be, let alone such an extended one.

I have a couple questions about the settings if you don't mind.

1. The profile seems to resist my efforts to enable flightpaths. In the last hour or so it ran my toon from Dustwallow to Thunderbluff (and back) to complete The Black Shield (27258), and ran it from the speedbarge in Thousand Needles to Orgrimmar to train riding. Are flightpaths too buggy to use for questing profiles?

2. I think there are a couple alliance quest hubs that haven't been blacklisted (or whatever.) While questing in Ashenvale the profile repeatedly ran my toon through Astranaar, and while questing in Stonetalon it ran my toon through Windshear Hold. Is this a profile issue, an HB mesh issue, or what?
The type initializer for 'UltimatePaladinHealerBT.UPrHBTSetting' threw an exception.

Can't use priest CC in the latest rev.
Hi again, thanks for amazing job highvoltz :) I wonder, is it possible to turn off herbing or mining when some condition becomes true. My bot has both mining \ herbalism and i want to stop gather herbs when he has enough of them in bags.
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