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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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im alliance and im having ALOT of issues with this deepholm profile it will start up throught on buff and then sit there and not do anyhting ive done all quest up to and past the flying boat quest and it still just sits there any info to fix it will be great thanks

as far as for all the other profile cant complain been supurb couldnt ask for anything better

no logs = no svc
Not working for me

As stated in another thread, I cannot get this plugin to work. I've followed the instructions in the video, on the first post, and what is repeated in many posts here. (YES, I clicked the red button.) :) There are no errors being kicked out, I select the GB2 bot, load a GB2 profile that is valid, click the plugins, enable PB, goto the pb settings, click "open", navigate to the PB>profiles folder, select the mining/herb 1-525 flying profile (YES, I'm a lifetime subscriber), click open. Click the red box, and it says running.
* Pardon for being pointedly specific, wanted to get the silly troubleshooting questions out of the way*

I had deleted the professions, so it started by picking up first the herb, then the mining. Then bought the pick, like it should. Then....stands there for as long as I let it.

This is on a fresh install folder for HB, in case you're wondering...default everything.

Any ideas?
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Murkstone Trogg
Looting Murkstone Trogg Guid:0xF130AF8800020E54
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Murkstone Trogg
Can't generate a path to the lootable. Blacklisting it for 15 minutes.
Stopping the bot!
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<

or it will start a quest saying loading tiles and will sit there for hours and not move and will sometimes say cannot generate location of quest person or cannot generate hotspot
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Murkstone Trogg
Looting Murkstone Trogg Guid:0xF130AF8800020E54
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Murkstone Trogg
Can't generate a path to the lootable. Blacklisting it for 15 minutes.
Stopping the bot!
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<

or it will start a quest saying loading tiles and will sit there for hours and not move and will sometimes say cannot generate location of quest person or cannot generate hotspot

you're not listening

attach a log.txt for assistance
there are log.txt's in the log folder in HB that are produced each time you use the bot

I need the one from the time period you're referring to
[8:18:09 PM:885] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.4982 started!

use newest hb and delete your current mesh folder
Thrall - NPC - World of Warcraft

cache issue

if you do quests manually in the goblin starter zone i need to know why and logs

the 'can't find npc xx' isn't a profile issue, it's a user issue for starting in the middle of something

i've given you plenty of logs and have tried to explain it. the goblin walked to a specific point on the beach and just stands there , not trying todo anything, nothing comes up on the screen to say he's trying to do anything also, and you told me the logs tell you nothing.
I know I keep coming with stuff lol. But would it be possible for you to add a line number for error messages? It's a pain to go bug hunting in my profile lol. I edit lots of stuff and save, then next day when I decide to open HB I get errors and I've no idea what they are. Dunno if that's something that you can "just" add or if it's alot of trouble. I am aware it would be the line number if I open the profile in notepad, not in PB.
Haven't tested yet but should work with
    <If Condition="(InbagCount(52180)/2)-InbagCount(52188) &gt; 0" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="2">
      <Comment Text="Log(&quot ;[ProfessionBuddy] Need Jewelers Settings.&quot ;);" />
      <BuyItemAction NpcEntry="30730" X="8863.968" Y="-861.5417" Z="99.61039" Entry="52188" Count="Math.Round((InbagCount(52180)/2)-InbagCount(52188))" BuyItemType="SpecificItem" />

dunno if the expression in the Count Property can be calculated, if not ... ask HighVoltz if he can implement this ;)

(i took Nightstone Choker - Spell - World of Warcraft as basis for calculation)

P.S. NPC and Coords are WRONG, this isn't working with this NPC, because i took him from a inscription profile !!!

I'd reaaaaally like to know if this works, cause right now I'm just buying "while" a condition (InbagCount) is still false.

And also, the line # an error occured on is way overdue to appear in the log. ;P
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View attachment 25090

For some reason it fucked up at this moment, when it tried to learn Riding at lvl 40 (which I already got) Besides, the bot levels at way too low areas. It is constantly in green areas, even though I changed IgnoreCheckPoints.
there may be something wrong w/ the behavior, because there's nothing wrong in the profile

				<CustomBehavior File="UseTransport"
								WaitAtX="1838.676" WaitAtY="-4387.965" WaitAtZ="135.2332"
								TransportStartX="1833.509" TransportStartY="-4391.543" TransportStartZ="152.7679"
								TransportEndX="2062.376" TransportEndY="292.998" TransportEndZ="114.973"
								StandOnX="1834.961" StandOnY="-4385.694" StandOnZ="135.0334" 
								GetOffX="2066.773" GetOffY="288.873" GetOffZ="97.03159"

I have no clue why it's throwing this error:

[02:13:14:883] [Profile Message]: Going to EK - EPL
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'End' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportEndX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'End' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Exit' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'GetOffX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Exit' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Start' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportStartX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Start' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Entry' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'WaitAtX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Entry' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[02:13:14:883] [UseTransport-v184(error) @line 2305]: Stopping Honorbuddy.  Please repair the profile!
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View attachment 25090

For some reason it fucked up at this moment, when it tried to learn Riding at lvl 40 (which I already got) Besides, the bot levels at way too low areas. It is constantly in green areas, even though I changed IgnoreCheckPoints.

i'm going to need you to bind your shop account to your forum account Mike
Sorry I am new to your Profs, and using SVNs. I loaded your Questing in Hyjal and he just stands there. I have "Questing" loaded from the drop down. What am I doing wrong or am missing here?

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