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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I am level 40, I just finished questing in Dustwallow Marsh, and it's going to Tanaris, fighting level 45 mobs? Is this what should be happening or is there something wrong? If needed I can attach log.

Also another question, sometimes it seems my bot needs some help on some quests (like once in an hour max), it seems to random randomly, it's no big deal but I'm wondering, what are the QB's that we need for this profile to function best?

Otherwise nice profile, leveled me to 40 so far ^^
Question about this, does it include any grinding?

Not that I'm complaining because I haven't had many issues with it (at least, I didn't after the buddy update, before that it got stuck a lot). It's just that right as I'm typing it is running in circles just grinding in EPL. It has the very last EPL quest active right now but isn't attempting to do it, it's just grinding.
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When editing profiles as big as my Engineering Profile, it freezes for like 20 sec every time I edit something in an action. Is that just my computer, or do we have an issue here? :P

Also, I would love some clarification on the "While" thingy. What was the problem previously, and exactly how does it behave now?
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When editing profiles as big as my Engineering Profile, it freezes for like 20 sec every time I edit something in an action. Is that just my computer, or do we have an issue here? :P

Also, I would love some clarification on the "While" thingy. What was the problem previously, and exactly how does it behave now?
I made a change so the treeview doesn't get complete redrawn every time a property is edited though I don't expect that was the main cause. Everytime anything that uses C# code (If/While Condition ,Custom Action) gets modified it gets recompiled and loaded which increases HB's memory usage each time among other things, so I would recommend restarting HB after while.

About the while Condition changes. Before, execution sometimes dropped to actions below a while condition even if the while condition was 'true' .This was never intended and the changes will nolonger allow that to happen.
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I have the same issue occurring with the Usetaxi CB. CB's need to be updated... I've been scratching my head all day trying to figure out how to fix them.... I wish there was more info in the wiki.
wouldnt mind having it able to lure the heat treated spinning lure.. but seriously this is amazing
i have a 73 rogue and a 73 warrior both of which are stuck at valiance keep trying to pick up "nick of time" but i've already completed it, log is attached. Thanks :)
Pardon me.. but how do i changed the IngnoreCheckPoint setting from False to True.. Cant seems to locate that..
LoL~ did just that... but i cant seems to locate that setting.. do i actually open that xml file or is the setting somewhere in the program..

PS: Never expect to get a reply that fast.. lol..

edit: Got it now.. =D
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Sorry, not familiar with the lingo...what does re-svn mean?

in the mean time, i've deleated and redownloaded the profile and restarted hb (twice) each time putting my toons in a different starting place (dalaren and dragon blight) both times they mounted up and flew to valiance keep and try to p/u the same completed quest.
It appears to be working, i'm no longer gettin stuck at valience keep, thanks alot.

I'm new to HB, i've been using pirox-bot for the last 6 months...HB is by far the best, goodby pirox...i only hope your legal problems break in your favor.

Small Log on Salvaging Life's Strength it doesn't wait for the item to be done it leave just before finishing.

Longer log stuck in Makers Overlook after activating the box. Then when it ports to Kalimdor the tile map isn't valid.

Completed the quests by hand.
Small Log on Salvaging Life's Strength it doesn't wait for the item to be done it leave just before finishing.

Longer log stuck in Makers Overlook after activating the box. Then when it ports to Kalimdor the tile map isn't valid.

Completed the quests by hand.

1st quest has a waittimer of 5 sec, i moved it up to 7 sec
2nd issue is a bot issue or mesh issue
Ya, the elevator inside the inn at the airstrip isnt working, i just manually completed the quest and then HB took over, no prob.
manually had to do the last 2 quests and now it's says "Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 38935 in database."
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