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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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This profile works awesome on German Client until "UseTransport" Behavior is used. It needs to be updated

I'm currently working on a full test of all 1-60 profiles, and the Orc + Tauren + Northern Barrens and Ashenvale should work without errors/warnings/interaction now (will come in the svn later)
Meanwhile Megser is working on getting the Outlands profile up and running, so alot to look forward to :)
* Any If/While Condition,Wait or Custom action compile errors will cause the effected action's font turn red in color and the compiler error is shown in a CompileError property within the action.
* Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the current botbase from running when it should have.
* Fixed the profile Mining-Merb (1-300)flying-GB2.xml
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As stated in another thread, I cannot get this plugin to work. I've followed the instructions in the video, on the first post, and what is repeated in many posts here. (YES, I clicked the red button.) :) There are no errors being kicked out, I select the GB2 bot, load a GB2 profile that is valid, click the plugins, enable PB, goto the pb settings, click "open", navigate to the PB>profiles folder, select the mining/herb 1-525 flying profile (YES, I'm a lifetime subscriber), click open. Click the red box, and it says running.
* Pardon for being pointedly specific, wanted to get the silly troubleshooting questions out of the way*

I had deleted the professions, so it started by picking up first the herb, then the mining. Then bought the pick, like it should. Then....stands there for as long as I let it.

This is on a fresh install folder for HB, in case you're wondering...default everything.

Any ideas?
Update to the latest SVN
Ok, re-updated and now the toon starts gathering, but HB is spamming lots of stuff, creating so much lag that I had to turn it off...new log file.
now on svn.
made some changes to herb-mining 1-525 profile - should nolonger repeatedly keep loading different GB2 profiles while in the 1-300 range
no longer including herb-mining 1-300 flying profile. use the 1-525 instead
Ok, re-updated and now the toon starts gathering, but HB is spamming lots of stuff, creating so much lag that I had to turn it off...new log file.
Did you update from svn again and did it solve the spam?
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Quest Location to pickup 'The Trek Continues' takes you to the wrong place.

Below is the correct location -
<Vendor Name="Fiona" Entry="45417" Type="Repair" X="1845.88" Y="-3692.61" Z="158.7099" />
I'm currently working on a full test of all 1-60 profiles, and the Orc + Tauren + Northern Barrens and Ashenvale should work without errors/warnings/interaction now (will come in the svn later)
Meanwhile Megser is working on getting the Outlands profile up and running, so alot to look forward to :)

OK deal, donated some bugs !
Sorry for the delay, I was testing. Solved the spam. I started in badlands, both profs are about 190. Started PB, and it made a beeline for stormwind, gathering on the way. It tried to mail, but wow threw up an internal error after the first batch got sent off. So, restarted HB and fired up PB. Now it wants to just harvest in Elwynn Forest only. Should be in badlands or so by now.

Edit: Update. Skilled both mining and herb by hand to 200 and trained. Now PB seems to be heading toward the appropriate area.
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Some Problems Blood Elve LVL 14

bot stops and stuff.

here is the log

There is something wrong with your mesh folder, create a new one and change the path in the settings.

You can just name the folder "Meshes" and put it in your HB folder.
Ya, the elevator inside the inn at the airstrip isnt working, i just manually completed the quest and then HB took over, no prob.

Yeah it will get stuck there. Hopefully all the quests are complete that uses that elevator. The last two days I came home and I was disconnected because it got stuck there lol
Ok, seemed to be acting what should be normal for quite a while. Moved to new zones as needed. But, when it hit the herbal cap and turned off gathering, it loaded meshes endlessly. I reloaded HB and the PB profile and after trying to load meshes, it finally brought mining to 275 and headed to Stormwind. However, at the border of the city, it reverted back to gathering mode, beginning the search pattern in Elwynn Forest again.
New log attached.
Thanks for the help and updates so far. BTW, updated from the svn again, and using new .cs that was found there.
Problem questing in STV

Hey Kick,

I am in STV Everything is going fine and then bot says going to Questpickup and I get this error (see log). Can ya help me figure which quest its trying to get and Ill do it manually.View attachment 25124
Now testing this with a brand new Troll hunter, I'll post in a bit to tell how it goes =)
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