Awesome profile
When leveling an Orc, mine got stuck grinding (to level 5 I think?) training dummies instead of mobs... so it would "kill" one, walk away, walk back, and keep repeating - obviously no XP was gained, so it kept looping this (it had just handed in a quest, by the NPCs and training dummies). I'm new to HonorBuddy (and the forum), so I'm afraid I don't have a log of it, but I'll go back and check IDs, or let it level a new Orc character and upload the log, if you'd like
I also had this problem, leveling a troll druid:
Just started a troll druid it picks up the quest The Arts of a Druid then runs to trainer Den'chulu to get Rejuvenation, when it should just train it from the quest giver Zen'tabra, then it trys to cast the wrong spell healing touch should be rejuvenation (spellid 774).
My troll druid also kept failing to complete
Proving Pit - Quest - World of Warcraft - it was still a level 2 at the time, and the mob was just too strong (I watched it die, res, and re-try numerous times - having to drop the quest each time). I stopped HonorBuddy and went killing some mobs until I reached level 3 (wasn't log), then let HonorBuddy carry on and it re-did the quest completing it first time... so I'd suggest/request making it grind until level 3 before taking that quest (might not be necessary for other classes or players, but would help those in my situation

Also got stuck trying to hand in
Blood of the Weak - Quest - World of Warcraft - would open the "hand in" window, but just not do the "Complete Quest". Log attached:
I know nearly nothing about HonorBuddy or writing profiles, but from what I can see it looks right:
<TurnIn QuestName="Blood of the Weak" QuestId="13803" TurnInName="Durak" TurnInId="33760" />
(Durak is the right NPC, 13803 is the QuestID shown in Developer Tools, and 33760 is the TurnInId for Durak - it picks up the next quest from him fine).
I've tried starting and stopping the bot, quitting and re-running HonorBuddy, etc - always does the same thing.
While leveling in Ashenvale, HonorBuddy tried to send my character through Astranaar... not so much fun when you're a level 20-something and the town's full of much higher enemy NPCs

I let it try and res and run several times, but it hardly made progress (if at all)... would definitely be worth forcing it to avoid this area if possible (is that what a "blackhole" is?).
Hot Lava doesn't seem to work either... it picks up the quest, and moves to a Lava Fissure (Developer Tools confirms it's MobId is 195002), but doesn't do anything (should be using "Gift of the Earth" on them - Wowhead has the itemId as 46352).
<PickUp QuestName="Hot Lava" QuestId="13880" GiverName="Core" GiverId="34290" />
<If Condition="((HasQuest(13880)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(13880)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="UseItemTargetLocation" QuestId="13880" MobId="195002" WaitTime="3000" UseType="ToObject" ItemId="46352" X="2613.855" Y="-1197.812" Z="139.908" />
I made sure I had the "UseItemTargetLocation" file, and even copied it to the "CustomBehaviors" folder (found it in the "Quest Behaviors" folder).