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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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In my "Info tab" stands: "Goal: UseItemOn: Gei?elmasse"
He didn't download any meshfiles, and he didn't load mesh files from my harddisk.

Last entries in "Debug" are:

Cleared POI
Activity: Moving to location <3118.608, -3309.79, 141.4453>
Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g 54s 34c]

Would be great if that could be fixed (idk if that's an profile sided error (fail) or an bot sided error.) ^^

You did very great work !

I know what your log said. it's scanning for the ghouls i think. Just do the quest manually if it bugs out for you
heya you are really doing your best for us I never seen profile where you can chose from 30 to 35 and 40 to 45 but the profile has problems I think all profiles dose.
main problem my chara lv 42 now doing dungeons alone as tank druid today i faced one problem I pick up 40-45 quest and my chara used mount and stoped moving at all and from 20+ when he go to learn talents he stock on orig all the time in same spot never go up where the fly point he go left side near the way take u up where you do use ur valor points i think and stop there and in thunder B he jump from top and die :( and run back and use mount and trying to go back to thunder B but he allways stock at same spot around lv 26-29 at that time i don't remmber. and some quest he was moving around and the mobs were hiding for time he keep runing around and one quest he should use glass to see monster and he keep runing on mount with out . ur profile is nice keep the hard work I like your way man for pll how like to do quest some times dungeons ur profiles the best .
do you think you can make profile that work on each zone from level to level like profile from 20 to 25 from 25 to 30 and gose up and dif zones .
I know talk is easy but work is hard most pll do random things when they wanted to get back to quests best way to find profile with same level they are at I hope you understand whatI'm trying to say so I can test your profile and level up faster :)
yep, i did all the quests in that area, which he has in his questlog manually - it sucks, but now HB could continue working for me :D
View attachment 23471

I keep getting this. I read through your first 3 posts several times and I still cannot find anything about what version of HB we should be using with profile though. It's working with the new test ones; but I'm not sure if this error is attributed to using them.

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43885 in database. <<Happens when I downgrade>>
Now it's saying it can't find 43884; but it's done quests linked to these NPCs before..
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View attachment 23471

I keep getting this. I read through your first 3 posts several times and I still cannot find anything about what version of HB we should be using with profile though. It's working with the new test ones; but I'm not sure if this error is attributed to using them.

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43885 in database. <<Happens when I downgrade>>
Now it's saying it can't find 43884; but it's done quests linked to these NPCs before..

http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-[behavior-patch-4910-only]-usersettings.html <--- use that user settings... or redownload hb which also has that file in it (they ninja uploaded it)
Thanks, that fixed that error; but what about the database error?

it's not in your cache

also, you need to use the item in your inventory before continueing. i think it's a bracelet? if you dc or attach a new hb - you gotta use it
it's not in your cache

also, you need to use the item in your inventory before continueing. i think it's a bracelet? if you dc or attach a new hb - you gotta use it

Alright, starting HB near the NPC seemed to fix it. Thanks for your help.
do you think you can make profile that work on each zone from level to level like profile from 20 to 25 from 25 to 30 and gose up and dif zones .
I know talk is easy but work is hard most pll do random things when they wanted to get back to quests best way to find profile with same level they are at I hope you understand whatI'm trying to say so I can test your profile and level up faster :)

I like this. :)
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown. on the [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80
any way to fix it please and thank you...
Fixed it started reading around did a few things and this seemed to work, deleted honorbuddy cept anything with kick and a few saved profiles, working now, thanks again
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I have tried everything now but i cant get any profile to loop while the statement is true.
I assume a while loop shall run until the while statement is false, right?
I have tried while(Me.FreeBagSlots >= 4) didn't work
Tried while(Me.FreeBagSlots <= 400) still didn't work
Tried to set var1 = HasNewMail and set var to true and while(bool)var1 == true after
Still cant get it to work.
I have tried everything i can now and has accepted that my brain is smaller than Homer Simpson's.

therefor ill ask you for help...
How can i get Professionbuddy to loop to infinity while a statement is true?
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Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown. on the [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80
any way to fix it please and thank you...
Fixed it started reading around did a few things and this seemed to work, deleted honorbuddy cept anything with kick and a few saved profiles, working now, thanks again

always attach a log for assistance (usually the issue is a behavior error for could not create current)
@ the above posters - your issues are all with the ?eta profile and i'll be getting to that in the next few days.

@ everyone else - the flying R version is ready for testing! Please let me know how it goes!
Having "Might As Well Wipe Out of the Scourge" and "I'm Stuck in this Damned Cage... But Not For Long!", it goes to the entrance of the objective, uses flymount, goes inside(and you get dismounted), and then it goes to the entrance and repeat it.

It tries to pickup The Drakkensryd but it needs to do this quest first(Lok'lira's Parting Gift) in order to pickup that quest, its an easy quest, just pickup and delivery.

Lok'lira's Parting Gift - Quest - World of Warcraft
The Drakkensryd - Quest - World of Warcraft

can someone get me the pickup / turnin of that quest?

Lok'lira's Parting Gift

once you accept it, push 'quest order' or 'all quests' and then copy / paste the pickup / turnin


if not, i'll be getting to it some time this weekend i hope!
my apologies up front if this question has already been asked, i am new to prof buddy and i noticed when my character was sent to the AH to sell it would time out. I am using Auctioneer addon, is this addon compatible with PB?? Thanks!!
do you think you can make profile that work on each zone from level to level like profile from 20 to 25 from 25 to 30 and gose up and dif zones .
I know talk is easy but work is hard most pll do random things when they wanted to get back to quests best way to find profile with same level they are at I hope you understand whatI'm trying to say so I can test your profile and level up faster :)

You mean level in 1 zone 5 levels and so on? I'm sorry, the level zones just aren't designed that way.
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