[12:18:54 PM:227] Start/Stop button pressed.
[12:18:54 PM:232] Starting the bot!
[12:18:54 PM:450] Creating 'Rest' behavior
[12:18:54 PM:452] Creating 'Pull' behavior
[12:18:54 PM:454] Creating 'Heal' behavior
[12:18:54 PM:455] Creating 'Combat' behavior
[12:18:54 PM:588] Cleared POI
[12:18:54 PM:588] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[12:18:54 PM:589] Cleared POI
[12:18:54 PM:656] You are a level 81 Assassination Rogue
[12:18:57 PM:719] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[12:18:57 PM:719] Loading Kalimdor_35_22
[12:18:57 PM:936] Compiling expression 'Me.IsHorde' @ line 337
[12:18:58 PM:164] Compiling quest behavior from 'D:\HB2\Quest Behaviors\Message.cs'
[12:18:58 PM:394] [Profile Message]: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick
[12:18:58 PM:394] Goal: For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick
[12:18:58 PM:542] Compiling expression 'Me.IsAlliance' @ line 342
[12:18:58 PM:760] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25316))' @ line 362
[12:18:58 PM:965] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25370)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(25370)))' @ line 369
[12:18:59 PM:176] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25317))' @ line 380
[12:18:59 PM:390] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25323)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(25323)))' @ line 395
[12:18:59 PM:596] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25464)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(25464)))' @ line 404
[12:18:59 PM:805] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25464)) && (IsQuestCompleted(25464)))' @ line 412
[12:19:00 PM:11] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25430))' @ line 418
[12:19:00 PM:211] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25320))' @ line 424
[12:19:00 PM:424] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25424))' @ line 434
[12:19:00 PM:635] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25324))' @ line 441
[12:19:00 PM:872] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25578))' @ line 452
[12:19:01 PM:78] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25584))' @ line 460
[12:19:01 PM:288] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25255)) && (IsQuestCompleted(25255)))' @ line 472
[12:19:01 PM:491] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25269))' @ line 585
[12:19:01 PM:699] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25272)) && IsQuestCompleted(25272))' @ line 599
[12:19:01 PM:915] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25279))' @ line 603
[12:19:02 PM:121] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25298)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(25298)))' @ line 619
[12:19:02 PM:473] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25332)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(25332)))' @ line 624
[12:19:02 PM:673] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25303)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(25303)))' @ line 629
[12:19:03 PM:26] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25312))' @ line 637
[12:19:03 PM:239] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25355)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(25355)))' @ line 648
[12:19:03 PM:445] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25355)) && (IsQuestCompleted(25355)))' @ line 655
[12:19:03 PM:656] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25354)) && (IsQuestCompleted(25354)))' @ line 663
[12:19:03 PM:884] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(25617))' @ line 670
[12:19:04 PM:97] Can not turn in quest Into the Maw! (ID: 25617) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
[12:19:04 PM:97] Could not create current in quest bot!
[12:19:04 PM:98] Stop called!
[12:19:04 PM:118] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[12:19:04 PM:118] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()