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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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At line 4450 and 4451, the turnin for "Making a harness" is double so errors out.
(using revision 32 by the way, updated 2 minutes ago :))
        <TurnIn QuestName="Making a Harness" TurnInName="Astrid Bjornrittar" QuestId="12900" TurnInId="29839" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Making a Harness" TurnInName="Astrid Bjornrittar" QuestId="12900" TurnInId="29839" />
        <PickUp QuestName="The Last of Her Kind" GiverName="Astrid Bjornrittar" QuestId="12983" GiverId="29839" />
Quest: "The amulet of grol" uses the item in the boat but dosn?t loot the ogre, it thinks it is not done so it keeps using the item to summon the ogre over and over.
Nuok please help me

I have been using this profile but can u please remove all the Hero's Calls from the XML file.... I am trying to get Loremaster achievements and if the Hero's Calls are in there it screws things up... I tried to remove them myself but I mess up the file
Quest: "The amulet of grol" uses the item in the boat but dosn?t loot the ogre, it thinks it is not done so it keeps using the item to summon the ogre over and over.

This happened in all the versions. Not sure how to fix this one. Never loots the item.

Also never drops the living seed in all the necropolis in EP.

Was using your old version of this. Happy to set my char off with ignore chekpoints set to true (doing all the lame old quests) but will it skip the ones I have alkready done?
View attachment 21091
He kept on running to this location when in lvl 63 and completed I think most of the quests in HFP. and when he arrived he died all the time and refused to move.

Will this carry on from where i stopped questing manually?

Won't load the profile:

Could not load profile: The 'SellGreen' start tag on line 11 does not match the end tag of 'HBProfile'. Line 1420, position 3.

Went into it and it isa missing the < before /SellGreen>. Added that.

Also why won't it allow me as a level 83 to go do thequests for the money/rep when ignore checpoints is set to true and min level is 80 and max is 86? Says the profile does not fit the character?

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Will this carry on from where i stopped questing manually?

Won't load the profile:

Could not load profile: The 'SellGreen' start tag on line 11 does not match the end tag of 'HBProfile'. Line 1420, position 3.

Went into it and it isa missing the < before /SellGreen>. Added that.

Also why won't it allow me as a level 83 to go do thequests for the money/rep when ignore checpoints is set to true and min level is 80 and max is 86? Says the profile does not fit the character?


	<Name>[N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]</Name>

it looks like you messed up the profile, mine looks fine
is this only for fresh characters for horde side? I've progressed through hyjal for a few quests but its giving me errors.

user / cache issue.

go to the npc that you're currently on the quest for and press start
nice profile!..so far my pally is 33 :)
question: can i permanently blacklist a trainer?
Sister Darnhald in westfall is never there for me...and it always wants to go there to train..and then rides to goldshire. seems it would be faster if it skipped her alltogether and just flew to goldshire.

meh, nevermind...it found her this time...it's a first :P

The quest object code looks like this.

<While Condition="((HasQuest(26169)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26169)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="26169" NpcId="203230" NumOfTimes="1" ObjectType="Gameobject" X="-11450.43" Y="-3793.646" Z="-4.315826" />
So as long as it dosnt have the item it will summon the ogre, but it wont loot it, there must be a way to get it to loot the ogre.

Now if you have "Loot mobs" selected in the bot wouldn?t it loot the ogre if you had a "NoCombatMoveTo" in there to?

for example
<While Condition="((HasQuest(26169)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26169)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="26169" NpcId="203230" NumOfTimes="1" ObjectType="Gameobject" X="-11450.43" Y="-3793.646" Z="-4.315826" />
<CustomBehavior File="NoCombatMoveTo" X="-11221.3" Y="-3478.109" Z="8.995502" />

I am not a profile writer so i don?t know, could test it, later today.
keeps following in 5mans no matter what the settings
[FONT=Courier New][SIZE=2][1:03:38 AM:792] [LazyRaider] Version 1.0.1 initialized[/SIZE][/FONT]
foggystyle, That was fixed in 1.0.2. Just upgrade to the latest and you should be good to go. Good luck, Bobby53
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The Bot gets stuck ALOT. The bot starts to deliver quest, but runs the wrong way and start killing mobs. And its very suicidal. 12 Hours botting from 1-18.
I try to use this profil with my new Troll Druid toon and it Say LoadProfile : Running. but he does not make anything else.

I have found when this happens.. check your quests... seems there are some quests where interaction must occur (sometimes during training at low levels, or talking to them at higher levels). ONce thats done manually (usually a simple one or two click) it continues on normally.
The Bot gets stuck ALOT. The bot starts to deliver quest, but runs the wrong way and start killing mobs. And its very suicidal. 12 Hours botting from 1-18.

Since the release before last, this has been a serious issue with almost all profiles. Seems the Stuck fix they put in the one release, seriously messed with the meshing. I've NEVER died in RFC but since the last 2 releases I have to actually watch my toons in there cause they will run into the fire and die almost every time now. its sad.. but oh well it'll get fixed eventually
Hmmm he removed the profile that's to bad :(

Do what I do whit my outland profile put a big banner ALPHA on it and release it. People who know a thing or 2 about profiles can help resolve problems.
the only problem I can see at the moment is with being a healer (i am a priest)

when the target being healed is not in LoS, the CC takes over and spams the spell it wants to use... so when trying to move the priest it stops every second to cast a spell, leaving the toon looking very bottish and stopping you from running to aid your party. is there anyway past this?

also... when drinking it still casts spells prematurely losing the drink effects... is there any way to drink until atleast 50% mana maybe?
First of all thank you for the profile, but I ended up level 22 with my paladin and quest and mobs start to get green even grey, is there a way to skip to higher level quests?
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