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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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i need list of everything thats crafted for guild deposit asap come guys who use this plugin i need them quick :)
sorry but i don?t believe that this worked flawless from 1-62........
many,many,many stucks and a few quests which i had to to manually.. =(
new release will be ready by tommorow.. contains!!..
new guild withdraw with full gui..
new guild deposit with full gui..
most bugs written out..
and few other goodies for you all :)

hope you enjoy :)
Welcome back mate :)

What exactly do you need? Raw materials that can be crafted to other sellable mats?
Give the [mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2.xml profile a try to see if you still get the issues that you got with [mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2).xml.
Flying profile ran through Halaa (on a ground mount, while it was trying to quest in Zangarmarsh) while it was horde controlled and died a few times trying to sell to a vendor in Telaar. Said vendor was not even friendly yet, so it stood there trying to sell until I ran it back to Zangarmarsh closer to a different vendor.

The bot seems to use the ground mount too often (though I'd imagine it should never use it at all after 60), is flying support just mediocre atm?
Flying profile ran through Halaa (on a ground mount, while it was trying to quest in Zangarmarsh) while it was horde controlled and died a few times trying to sell to a vendor in Telaar. Said vendor was not even friendly yet, so it stood there trying to sell until I ran it back to Zangarmarsh closer to a different vendor.

The bot seems to use the ground mount too often (though I'd imagine it should never use it at all after 60), is flying support just mediocre atm?


you were actually probably going on a repair run, which i can't do much about that. hb is stupid and paths through halaa
Here you go, hope it helps.

View attachment 21164

and i was right

[17:51:59:625] Eating Sunspring Carp
[17:51:59:750] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:00:765] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:01:328] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:02:390] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:03:31] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:04:109] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:04:765] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:05:859] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:06:515] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:07:609] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:08:218] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:09:265] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:10:46] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:11:109] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:11:687] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:12:765] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:13:328] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:14:406] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:15:78] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!
[17:52:16:140] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Sparik
[17:52:16:796] No Filtered Draenic Water in bags!

I'll do some force set vendors sometime later this month when i run it again so that you don't have this issue, but you'll be walking all the way across zangar instead
There is the vendor in the north as well if I recall correctly.

I think forcing the bot to vendor after completing quests near them is a good idea, or if they get near a vendor while picking up a quest. Should remove these issues.

Another issue just popped up. The bot ran to train which is fine, no biggie. However it was just about to run through Garadar, and it isn't mounting. Log is attached.

View attachment 21165

I'd also add AvoidMobs for Horde Halaani Guard (18192)
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that won't stop them from running into the camp.

as far as garadar, use flying profile, you shouldn't have issues with garadar w/ that

for some reason, HB is ignoring blackspots again *yay*
I am using the flying profile.

And I realize now I'm posting in the thread for the wrong profile... Oops!
the only problem I can see at the moment is with being a healer (i am a priest)

when the target being healed is not in LoS, the CC takes over and spams the spell it wants to use... so when trying to move the priest it stops every second to cast a spell, leaving the toon looking very bottish and stopping you from running to aid your party. is there anyway past this?

also... when drinking it still casts spells prematurely losing the drink effects... is there any way to drink until atleast 50% mana maybe?
Heal target management and Los is a CC issue. CC should also be dealing with drinking and eating but will look at that. Out of town for a few more days so won't be till weekend. Thanks for post.
can this or should this be used as a replacement for mrautofight?
I know that bobby told me to use this while in a raid and using shamwow and I might be trying to just do something this is not designed to do.

Due to continued issues being reported with the old setup, I wrote this Bot. Please see first post describing install of everything you need and disregard the old information I had given you.
Same prob m8, the bot dont dismount for learn skills need a manual help ( only in FLy mount ).

But the place of gathering is Good, he dont go to the Outland, start in elwind forest :D
I was the original owner of this.. and is loving how tuba didn't give credit even after our feud. Some notes..

Blood Elf - Has no change from mine, just been dumbed down to the point where it won't work properly.
  • Sunstrider Isle's "School" is missing information and runs around the water underneath
  • Tainted Arcane Silver, dead bag weight
  • 2-3 more dead bag weight, as well as skipping useful quests and going for hard ones (Murlocs)
  • When finished you are left with 5, I believe unfinished quests in the log.

Blood Elf Overall - You can't afk it without looking completely botlike, not to mention looping in vendor sales. As well if you don't provide it bags, and with the 3-4 quest items in your bags you will be stuck in a vendor loop (tested 2x)(Player issue yes, but not efficient).

Profile Transitioning - It tends to "stop" and you have to restart it. Most likely a known bug.
General Meshing Issues, I cant leave it without it becoming stuck in plain sight.. Suspecting bot issue.

Has great potential, if allowed I may re-write the bloodelf one to use quest-items and more efficient quests. (Murlocs are usually a big problem for most people)

Really hope this happens, needs it bad!
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