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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Quest: "The amulet of grol" uses the item in the boat but dosn?t loot the ogre, it thinks it is not done so it keeps using the item to summon the ogre over and over.

hb issue, i'm quite aware of it. basically the ogre is in water, and the bot is stupid
First of all thank you for the profile, but I ended up level 22 with my paladin and quest and mobs start to get green even grey, is there a way to skip to higher level quests?

like the other 1000 people i've told, read the first post
Sorry for asking my English is not so good. I need to do this <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False ?

Why not make 2 versions? one for those who start after a sertain level and for those who start from level 1. with only that <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="xxx" > option changed.
Not saying it is much work for us to change, but people are lazy.
Why not make 2 versions? one for those who start after a sertain level and for those who start from level 1. with only that <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="xxx" > option changed.
Not saying it is much work for us to change, but people are lazy.

because then each time i fix something on 1, then i have to do it on the other. I make more changes than just what shows up on the forums.

Users can just change 1 word in the profile and they're done. now, if the devs would put this in a user setting (bot settings) then that would fix a lot of issues
I'm running into a problem where it tries to pick up "Drakkensryd" before finishing the prerequisites. I think this entire block:
<PickUp QuestName="The Drakkensryd" GiverName="Gretta the Arbiter" QuestId="12886" GiverId="29796" />
            <If Condition="((HasQuest(12886)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(12886)))" >
            <!-- <Vendor Name="Hyldsmeet Proto-Drake" Entry="29625" Type="Repair" X="7295.787" Y="-673.7227" Z="1859.459" />
                <Vendor Name="Hyldsmeet Drakerider" Entry="29694" Type="Repair" X="7573.893" Y="-592.7961" Z="1864.956" />
                <Vendor Name="Column Ornament" Entry="29754" Type="Repair" X="7502.606" Y="-476.0621" Z="1918.89" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" QuestId="12886" Title="title" AllowBotStop="True" SoundCue="Asterisk" SoundCueInterval="1" Text="The drake will fly you there, use harpoon to jump drakes once you're there\nTo get off, select an orb and use harpoon on it\n\nPress continue and i'll do some quests while we're here\n\nDon't go far, you have a Turret quest soon" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="The Drakkensryd" TurnInName="Thorim" QuestId="12886" TurnInId="29445" />
        <PickUp QuestName="Sibling Rivalry" GiverName="Thorim" QuestId="13064" GiverId="29445" />
            <If Condition="(HasQuest(13064))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="13064" NpcId="29445" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="10" X="7449.971" Y="-535.2917" Z="1896.851" />
                <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script SelectGossipOption(1)" NumOfTimes="3" WaitTime="1000" />
                <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script CloseGossip()" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Sibling Rivalry" TurnInName="Thorim" QuestId="13064" TurnInId="29445" />
        <PickUp QuestName="Mending Fences" GiverName="Thorim" QuestId="12915" GiverId="29445" />

needs to go after:

        <TurnIn QuestName="Aberrations" TurnInName="Thyra Kvinnshal" QuestId="12925" TurnInId="30041" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Valkyrion Must Burn" QuestId="12953" TurnInName="Iva the Vengeful" TurnInId="29997" />            
        <TurnIn QuestName="Off With Their Black Wings" TurnInName="Iva the Vengeful" QuestId="12942" TurnInId="29997" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Yulda's Folly" TurnInName="Iva the Vengeful" QuestId="12968" TurnInId="29997" />

I'll try that now and see if that solves it :)

Get the correct quest before Drakk
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you'll have issues with aoecircle, just do that quest manually, or enable the useitemtargetlocation code that's already there. i think you'll have to stick the type in there though. UseType="ToObject"

i just did those quests in a hurry, so i expect there to be issues, but ty for testing it =)

also, the extra turnin was deleted on my end
hmm... nope, that wasn't it... There's a prequest missing before Drakkensryd called "Lok'lira's parting gift"
[H - Quest] 1-68 Kalimdor - Eastern Kingdoms - Outland / All races and classes

I was the original owner of this.. and is loving how tuba didn't give credit even after our feud. Some notes..

Blood Elf - Has no change from mine, just been dumbed down to the point where it won't work properly.
  • Sunstrider Isle's "School" is missing information and runs around the water underneath
  • Tainted Arcane Silver, dead bag weight
  • 2-3 more dead bag weight, as well as skipping useful quests and going for hard ones (Murlocs)
  • When finished you are left with 5, I believe unfinished quests in the log.

Blood Elf Overall - You can't afk it without looking completely botlike, not to mention looping in vendor sales. As well if you don't provide it bags, and with the 3-4 quest items in your bags you will be stuck in a vendor loop (tested 2x)(Player issue yes, but not efficient).

Profile Transitioning - It tends to "stop" and you have to restart it. Most likely a known bug.
General Meshing Issues, I cant leave it without it becoming stuck in plain sight.. Suspecting bot issue.

Has great potential, if allowed I may re-write the bloodelf one to use quest-items and more efficient quests. (Murlocs are usually a big problem for most people)
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Running the wildhammer rep profile again, getting a "Could not generate path" error after it picks up all the quests, can't continue, bot goes nuts.

Here's the log
There is an error in the [mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2).xml profile that comes with HB. Download this [mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2).xml‎ and replace the one in your Honorbuddy/Plugins/Professionbuddy/Profiles/ folder

Going to run this tonight with the profile ^^. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Going to unlearn mining/herbing for a fresh start. Also, going to start in org on my 85 pally.

Edit: When I first started it it trained and then went to portal and went to blasted lands. Porting back to see if it will continue.
Edit:* I hearthed and stopped/started pb and it flew back to the portal to try and go back. Also, it has having problems unmounting before training and before entering the portal. I did it manually, but just a heads up. Also uploaded a log.
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Omg wow this was amazing. Im about 40 quests in. I am so glad to never have to quest again!

The only criticism i could have is that the quests in the water are a TINY BIT buggy. One of my characters did it perfectly, but my mage seemed to fly over the top of the water instead of going underwater to kill the adds. This isnt a profile problem, must be a HB issue.

+REP !!!

Also if your reading this kickazz, i want to get the loremaster achievment and do horde quests, is there any way to do this with a level 85? :)
Bug with quest Just a Fancy Cockroach:

[07:24:24:603] Start/Stop button pressed.
[07:24:25:422] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[07:24:25:422] Cleared POI
[07:24:25:786] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [12g26s67c]
[07:24:25:794] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[07:24:30:833] Picking up Shaping Up : 28210
[07:24:30:833] Goal: Picking up Shaping Up
[07:24:30:884] Picking up After the Fall : 27624
[07:24:30:884] Goal: Picking up After the Fall
[07:24:31:127] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[07:24:33:185] Goal: Moving to <-9138.837, -1498.636, -170.9099>
[07:24:36:998] Goal: Moving to <-9159.382, -1533.535, -170.9099>
[07:24:43:264] Goal: Moving to <-9132.069, -1514.717, -170.9099>
[07:24:47:429] Spell_C::CastSpell(55342, 0, 0xF530B431002271B2, 0) [109]
[07:24:48:249] Activity: Combat
[07:24:49:51] Spell_C::CastSpell(82731, 0, 0xF530B431002271B2, 0) [110]
[07:24:50:676] Spell_C::CastSpell(44457, 0, 0xF530B431002271B2, 0) [111]
[07:24:52:336] Spell_C::CastSpell(133, 0, 0xF530B431002271B2, 0) [112]
[07:24:57:567] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Indentured Protector
[07:25:00:175] interact: 0x2BC5667C
[07:25:00:187] interact done: 0x2BC5667C
[07:25:01:188] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[07:25:01:188] Cleared POI
[07:25:01:696] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Indentured Protector
[07:25:01:917] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[07:25:01:917] Cleared POI
[07:25:07:358] Goal: Moving to <-9165.752, -1520.724, -171.7404>
[07:25:12:517] Goal: Moving to <-9142.581, -1518.275, -170.9099>
[07:25:13:922] [STUCK] Got stuck at <-9158.136, -1520.438, -166.8477> on map 1
[07:25:13:924] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[07:25:13:924] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[07:25:13:924] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[07:25:13:924] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[07:25:13:924] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[07:25:13:924] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[07:25:13:924] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[07:25:15:11] [STUCK] Jumping worked!
[07:25:16:662] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Siemza\Desktop\HB3\Quest Behaviors\AcceptLogQuest.cs'
[07:25:16:665] Stop called!
[07:25:16:699] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[07:25:16:699] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
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user error. download the behaviors from blog as stated

and the water issue is HB, believe me... it bugs me as much as it bugs you :(
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