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First of all great work. Secondly I ran the gb2 1-525 flying profile and as a BE, it would either fly to uldum, or elwynn forest to collect herbs. I'll let it run, but I have a bad feeling about it.
Edit: I let it run for awhile and found it attacking alliance guards in elwyn forest. Any suggestions?
You guys are on the wrong continent. Horde starts in Kalimdor and Alliance in Eastern Kingdoms.same problem here.. so no.. its not one click to 300.. ^^
This sounds like an issue with the bot you're running, e.g QuestBot or Gatherbuddy2. PB basically lets the bot do the gathering until its ready to train or empty bags then it takes overIf i aggro a low-level mob on the way to the herb node...sometimes the bot starts running away...and other times it will go through a mob of 4-5 of "my level" and stop and gather...and hopefully not die....
few times it just stands with its back turned on the attackers and does nothing.
I'll post a log next time it happens...not at home now.
You guys are on the wrong continent. Horde starts in Kalimdor and Alliance in Eastern Kingdoms.
it says C:\Users\Elgiganten\Desktop\Matte\Ny mappe(222)\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\1-68 Horde Questing.xml
- Then it dosent work... what is wrong? ;(
I try to use this profil with my new Troll Druid toon and it Say LoadProfile : Running. but he does not make anything else.
so i tried to lod it now and troll doesnt seem to work on 3 diff toons keeps just spaming "
[LoadProfile(info) @line 34]: Loading profile : "SubProfiles\1-5 Troll SubProfile.xml""
Blackspot X="-3187.637" Y="-5051.431" Z="120.5044" Radius="3.215476" />
Are you pressing the red button in PB? should be in the upper right corner with the text "Stopped" on it.I tried it on both continents. If I start in Kailmdor he flies directly to uldum and hangs out. If I start on Eastern Kingdom He flies to Elywn forest. So on either continent he doesn't gather. And thanks for the fast response.
where is profile ?