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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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This profile is really awesome but since one or two days I have a problem. It starts doing the dailys as usual going to the tillers and accept all the dailies. But then it does this:

[Profile Message]: Checking for harvestable plants.[Profile Message]: Starting Squash Those Foul Odors
[Profile Message]: Buying Seeds
Mounting: Flameward Hippogryph
Mounting: Silver Riding Nether Ray
[Profile Message]: Alluring crop...
[Profile Message]: Wiggling crop...
[Profile Message]: Encroaching weeds...
[Profile Message]: Tangled crop...
[Profile Message]: Wild crop...
[Profile Message]: Runty crop...

After it just runs to the back of the farm and waits for object to spawn. Anyone knows how to fix this?


A very thankfull botter


I fixed this by just running [Rep] Tillers Dailies [Brodie] instead of [Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie].
Which puts me to thinking that maybe I was running the wrong script and this script is for an actual farm?:P
meaning I should run [Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie] instead.

Make sure you have the most up to date version. R19 is the most up to date. I believe r17 addressed this issue with the aoe sprinklers and zappers. If you didn't have them it got stuck.

Starting with daily grind or Tillers will start the run from the beginning. If you want to stop midway (at Klaxxi for example) I recommend running the Klaxxi profile directly. All profiles are setup to continue the run, but there's no backtracking.
hi brodieman,

1st of all, thanks for your hard work here. respekt.

now, i have a question. The August Celestials in detail, Defense at Niuzao Temple. he fly to the temple, pic all quests, fly to the middle on the place and wait, wait, wait.
today i have test and he wait 20min.

can you assist here? whats the problem?


Which quests?
Is it saying "Waiting for spawn"?
Do you have a log?
"Mr Fish it" kept casting fishing and didnt stop once the hook landed inside the green egg pool [anglers].

On a couple of occasions buddy got stuck on "moving to amber pot" [klaxxi]. i had to manually move away - then buddy would come back to the pot and pick it up.

With Klaxxi, does that happen on every pot? Is it the one on the tree or the ground? Are you sure it's not just waiting for the amber to drip out? It is programmed to wait 5-7 seconds for the pot to "fill".
I used to run the Serpent Profile, then i got a error message and i can?t get the bot to work again. Yesterday the same.

[CastSpellOn-v251(fatal) @line 918]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(0, "unknown")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior CastSpellOn-v251.


I used to run the Serpent Profile, then i got a error message and i can?t get the bot to work again. Yesterday the same.

[CastSpellOn-v251(fatal) @line 918]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(0, "unknown")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior CastSpellOn-v251.

Do you have the highest level of cooking?
Working beautifully for all sections apart from Shieldwall and oddly Townlong Steppes Celestials quests - the quest where you use the yaks milk on fallen defenders is a bit hit and miss every time it runs. Just sits in the courtyard and waits for them to spawn nearby, quite often disconnects waiting. But still, this project of yours is coming along nicely I'm barely ever back here with bugs anymore :D
Working beautifully for all sections apart from Shieldwall and oddly Townlong Steppes Celestials quests - the quest where you use the yaks milk on fallen defenders is a bit hit and miss every time it runs. Just sits in the courtyard and waits for them to spawn nearby, quite often disconnects waiting. But still, this project of yours is coming along nicely I'm barely ever back here with bugs anymore :D

Shieldwall Is a pain in my ass. It's going to take some time before that one is perfect. The one for the steps, at the temple, I fixed this morning. It should be okay now. Let me know if there are any problems post revision 21.
Ive been using this for all my toons and i am very satisfied except for my DK before buying honorbuddy i had a DK at lvl 65 and felt like leveling him up but everytime i try using this profile for him he keeps going up to NPC's for Quests that dont even have any so i tried hand leveling him a little to make it switch zones to see if it would do anything so i start it back up and he goes to a new zone but again tries going up to a NPC that does not give out any quests at the moment so im kinda wondering is their a problem with the DK Questing?

Hi, Snowmn313,

The problem is probably not related to DK, but you have to attach a full log for us to analyze the problem for you.

Hi guys. Returned from vacation and back to you ... While I was on vacation. Bot tirelessly lvluped my characters, and I watched him on teamviewer.
There are still a lot of mistakes, but all of them can be eliminated. Unfortunately, "my hands were tied" restrictions smartphone and netbook, but something I could do and see
1 Add Ifs condition and while to start the profile from any position
I already started something, I hope Kick will add it
By the way, if I change his profiles, whether they will update by his Fixes?
Tested, work fine
2 StartQuestItems need to be with test of their presence
Such as at line 6356 [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
should be
<While Condition="(!HasItem(36742))" >
	<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="PickupQuestItem" X="3367.416" Y="2622.015" Z="55.08236" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" />
<CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" MobId="26349" CollectItemId="36742" CollectItemCount="1" HuntingGroundRadius="120">
will update all that things with lvluping my new char and fixing what I can


I cant figure out how to get my bot to run back to its body after it dies it will take rez sickness instead and idk why it is doing that or what changed to make it take the rez sickness? its pretty annoying

Hi, Wolfman1190,

What you are describing is not a profile issue, and can be configured with Honorbuddy Settings. Its probably in the class configuration:

Honorbuddy -> Settings & Tools -> Class Config​

If you want us to have a look rather than guessing, you'll need to attach your full log.

Strange because I try it and I could open it.

Here is the Log File again.View attachment 78771

Hi again, Yvoenchen123, and thanks for the new log!

The inability to download the log may have been an intermittent server problem. That was the second one I ran into like that, but only two, and not again. <shrugs> I don't know why it was flagged as 'invalid'.

As to your problem...
You are still suffering signs of cache corruption. So, we need to try clearing them again. There are three caches to clear and you might've missed one:
  • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
  • Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
  • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
Caches can get corrupted a few of ways:
  • You switch toons, or do a quick log out/in, without restarting Honorbuddy
  • You simultaneously run multiple sessions of Honorbuddy from the same directory on disk
  • There are other (user caused) triggers, but these are the most common.
You've got a second issue... you need to select a weapon style for AutoEquip2. The link below should get that fixed up for you:

It seems that, at least for me, kickz profile from 68-80 has major problems ( he always gets stucked inside / outside warsong hold, never gives in quests that are inside w.h, he rather just stays outside without moving, doesn't take quests that are inside...unless I manually move the char and take the quest )
Is this problem only present in warsong hold, or generally throughout the leveling zones?

Also, on the quest "Coward Delivery....under 30 minutes or it's free " he always looses the mob because he mounts or runs too fast.
Something is up with Searing Gorge. Got to the Seige!, They Build a Better Bullet, Set Them Ablaze!, and The Mysteries of the Fire-Gizzard and it makes my character run around the entire basin. I've restarted Honorbuddy and everything. Also it keeps running into the pits where all the mobs are collecting 4-5 when I can't handle that in the spec I am in.

Hi, Xkayxvenx, and thank you for the log,

  1. You are running an old copy of Kick's profiles, and you need to update them, please.
    (As of this writing, the current version is v2022.)

  2. Your copy of the Talented2 plugin is damaged.
    The easiest thing to do to repair it is to re-install Honorbuddy. Alternatively, you can just disable the plugin.

  3. Your copy of the Windwalker Monk Combat Routine is throwing exceptions (coding or design issues).
    You should delete the Honorbuddy/Routines/NuckChorris/directory, and reinstall the latest copy. Or alternatively, give Singular a try.

  4. Your caches show some signs of corruption.
    To get this repaired...
    • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
    • Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
    • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
    Caches can get corrupted a few of ways:
    • You switch toons, or do a quick log out/in, without restarting Honorbuddy
    • You simultaneously run multiple sessions of Honorbuddy from the same directory on disk
    • There are other (user caused) triggers, but these are the most common.
  5. You are having intermittent problems communicating with the WoWclient.
    Hopefully, clearing up the other issues will make this problem go away. Would you answer a question for us... are you using .NET 4.5 or .NET 4.0? (We're trying to establish patterns for this problem).
Please take the corrective actions listed above, and if that doesn't get you off-and-away, post a fresh log.

I used to run the Serpent Profile, then i got a error message and i can?t get the bot to work again. Yesterday the same.

[CastSpellOn-v251(fatal) @line 918]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(0, "unknown")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior CastSpellOn-v251.

I'm coming with a patch later tonight that should fix this. I did not realize that Fish Cakes can be made at early levels. The issue is now I have no check for "do I have this recipe" and PerformTradeskillOn may crash if it gets all the way there and you don't have it.

So the question is what would You (the users as a whole) like? Support for all cooking levels, but it will crash if you don't have fish cakes, or support for only the highest level of cooking, but it will crash if you are below that (and if you don't have fish cakes too).
Missing Quest Behaviors\BarrelHook.cs

Valley of the four winds: log attached. Using Rev 2202 (Updated today) - I can confirm it worked fine a few weeks ago when i was leveling another toon

Hi, Helg,

I'm on Kick's latest copy also (v2022), and the BarrelHook.cs quest behavior is still provided. You need to install it into Honorbuddy by copying it to the Honorbuddy/Quest Behaviors/ directory.

Honor and Strength - Quest - World of Warcraft

This quest can fail for warlocks and hunters.
When you speak to the NPC 3 mobs will appear, you need to kill those 3 to complete the quests, however if your pet kills a mob you end up with 2/3 mobs killed and your toon just stands there.

Hi, Angelo,

This is just one of those quests your going to have to help out Honorbuddy. There is no way for a profile to communicate with HBcore or the Combat Routine to tell it to dismiss a pet, and don't resummon it. Even if Kick put the appropriate code in the profile to dismiss the pet, the Combat Routine is going to immediately resummon it, with a net zero overall effect.

For now, its an architectural flaw in Honorbuddy, and will require the user to help it.

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