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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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The golden lotus quest Hard as a Rock has never worked for me. It doesn't destroy the statues.
The golden lotus quest Hard as a Rock has never worked for me. It doesn't destroy the statues.

This problem was addressed and fixed last night. It is available on the new SVN listed on post 1. Make sure your plugin is up to date, that is the fix.
Where exactly in the profile would I add this in, still new and trying to familiarize myself with profiles.

Hi again, Kryp,

You just change the existing values in the profile. This is why we marked the items in red to show you the difference between what you will find in Kick's profile, and what you probably wanted.


the last tip fro m chinajade to delete the Cache from WOW and HB works great till the bot wants to pick up a quest in kun lai summit, but there is still no quest to pick up. The bot ride a round and goes every time back to the person who have at this time no quest.

Here is the log file.

View attachment 78662

I hope you can see whats wrong.

Hi again Yvoenchen123,

Clicking on your attachment yields the following message: "Invalid Attachment specified."

You might try again to upload your log, and double-check that it was successful.

Current quest order is actually:
What you were reading is quest turn in order.

Bah, sorry for referencing the turn in section of the profile (instead of the quest completion section).

However, I still think this quest order will speed up the profile. This order goes north (49, 51, 48, 52) to south (48, 52, 53, 50) whereas the current profile goes south (53, 50), north (51, 52), south (52), north (52, 49, 48) and south (48).

What do you think?

Okay i don't get this 58-70 is Outlands 58-60 is in Hellfire Peninsula, the profile is fly only yet you get flying at level 60 the bot just stands there when i load it because he cant fly..
View attachment 78665Having an issue with 88-89 Alliance, HB says [profile message] going to get fp and then pickup quest from len the whisperer, It then ran from the jade forest through three zones, and then started to swim off of pandaria lol. Hope you guys can figure out whats wrong :)

Hi, Unscrupulous,

First, there is a serious problem with your TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition--it is generating a ton of "compiler errors".
You need to delete the Honorbuddy/Routines/TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition/ directory. Try re-installing if you wish, but we must remove the directory to clear the problem first.

Your second problem is connectivity issues with the Honorbuddy mesh server. Honorbuddy is not getting all the information it needs to calculate a competent path to the destination, so it is winding up in the weeds. A couple of corrective actions for this:
  • Make certain port 5031 is open in your firewall for both TCP and UDP
  • Make certain Honorbuddy (the executable or the directory) is an exception in your AntiVirus

Still no joy?
Manually move to Len the Whisperer and pick up Robbing Robbers of Robbers, then restart Honorbuddy.

Hi Brodie,

I've run into this issue a few times in "[Rep] Shieldwall [Brodie]" for both of the Skyfire-based quest groups "Bilgewater Operations" and "Domination Point."

After picking up the quest And Then There Were Goblins (or Send a Message) the profile gets stuck waiting for a portal to the Skyfire that (usually) doesn't exist.

Would it be possible to replace the portal interact with a FlyTo to the Skyfire? I'd much rather fly there, even though it takes a little longer than porting, instead of the bot getting stuck interacting with a non-existent portal.

Thanks for your help.

[23:11:32.535 D] Goal: Interacting with 
[23:11:32.543 D] Activity: Moving towards - <-1168.175, -1231.153, 29.13549>
[23:11:32.668 D] Could not generate path from {-1166.176, -1235.683, 29.60096} to {-1168.175, -1231.153, 29.13549} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[23:15:07.431 D] Unloading tiles!
[23:15:07.436 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[23:15:07.436 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_34_34
[23:15:07.461 D] Could not generate path from {-1166.176, -1235.683, 29.60096} to {-1168.175, -1231.153, 29.13549} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

View attachment 4980 2013-01-20 15.09.txt
Hello, i love these rep profiles! thank you. but im having issue with angler profile, it was working for me on both of my bots but now they just skip the angler profiles like there is nothing to do there when there clearly is. any help?
Hello, i love these rep profiles! thank you. but im having issue with angler profile, it was working for me on both of my bots but now they just skip the angler profiles like there is nothing to do there when there clearly is. any help?

Make sure your cache is clean. Directions to maintaining this are on post #1.
Hi Brodie,

I've run into this issue a few times in "[Rep] Shieldwall [Brodie]" for both of the Skyfire-based quest groups "Bilgewater Operations" and "Domination Point."

After picking up the quest And Then There Were Goblins (or Send a Message) the profile gets stuck waiting for a portal to the Skyfire that (usually) doesn't exist.

Would it be possible to replace the portal interact with a FlyTo to the Skyfire? I'd much rather fly there, even though it takes a little longer than porting, instead of the bot getting stuck interacting with a non-existent portal.

Thanks for your help.

[23:11:32.535 D] Goal: Interacting with 
[23:11:32.543 D] Activity: Moving towards - <-1168.175, -1231.153, 29.13549>
[23:11:32.668 D] Could not generate path from {-1166.176, -1235.683, 29.60096} to {-1168.175, -1231.153, 29.13549} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[23:15:07.431 D] Unloading tiles!
[23:15:07.436 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[23:15:07.436 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_34_34
[23:15:07.461 D] Could not generate path from {-1166.176, -1235.683, 29.60096} to {-1168.175, -1231.153, 29.13549} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

View attachment 78749

The issue here is not that it is endlessly waiting for a portal. The issue is pathing. The segment of your log you posted, and your log itself, both show that it flew to Lion's Landing in an attempt to use the portal, but could not generate a proper path to the portal location. The FlyTo is whats sticking (as the InteractWith is CTM and designates to skip if there is no portal) not the bot waiting for a portal. I will confirm the landing location to assure pathing.

There is a FlyTo the Skyfire already in. If the InteractWith shows no portal, it flys to the Skyfire.
Make sure your cache is clean. Directions to maintaining this are on post #1.
clearing cache does not fix this issue for me ):

Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Changing current profile to The Anglers Dailies v0.9
[Singular] Your Level 90 Orc Fury Warrior Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Valley of the Four Winds
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Profile Message]: Compiling Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning The Anglers Quests.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 559]: Loading profile '[Rep] The Klaxxi Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to The Klaxxi v1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Klaxxi Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Klaxxi Dailies, moving to Klaxxi'Vess.
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what do i need to do evrytime i do the tillers quest it goes to a difference one but there is nothing and keeps flying?
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clearing cache does not fix this issue for me ):

Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Changing current profile to The Anglers Dailies v0.9
[Singular] Your Level 90 Orc Fury Warrior Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Valley of the Four Winds
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Profile Message]: Compiling Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning The Anglers Quests.
[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 559]: Loading profile '[Rep] The Klaxxi Dailies [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to The Klaxxi v1.0
[Profile Message]: Compiling Klaxxi Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Klaxxi Dailies, moving to Klaxxi'Vess.

Could you include a log file with this issue?
Honorbuddy printouts of "Normal" Log Level gives no information relevant to the operation of the bot and the profile's instructions given/received.
Sounds like this profile is good. I test it out

Strange that you and kickass do not merge and make this the best 1-90questing profile for horde and alliance.
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how come that when i start the Domican Offensive daily quest my toon will go and accept all the dailies but then after it will say more coming soon, and the bot ends.. I have seen my toon actually complete these quests before, but its like every other day, he will just accept the quest and then the bot ends. how do i fix that. I delete and re-paste the daily folder after i SVN update each day, but it doesn't help. someone help me plz
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