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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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The bot just keeps opening and closing with Vlagga Freyfeather flight master.

Could some 1 help plz.

Hi, United,

Of course we can help, but will need to see a full unedited log to do so. The partial log you provided is inadequate.

It seems that, at least for me, kickz profile from 68-80 has major problems ( he always gets stucked inside / outside warsong hold, never gives in quests that are inside w.h, he rather just stays outside without moving, doesn't take quests that are inside...unless I manually move the char and take the quest )
Is this problem only present in warsong hold, or generally throughout the leveling zones?

Also, on the quest "Coward Delivery....under 30 minutes or it's free " he always looses the mob because he mounts or runs too fast.

Hi, Grizzle,

"Stuck" issues are not a profile problem, and should be reported individually to the Navigation thread. They will need both the location, and a screenshot that shows how you are getting stuck (e.g., "large toon", "approach from wrong direction", "seasonal decoration", etc.)

The rest of the information you are reporting is unactionable, because it cannot be addressed unless you attach a full log that demonstrates the problem.

Hi guys. Returned from vacation and back to you ... While I was on vacation. Bot tirelessly lvluped my characters, and I watched him on teamviewer.
There are still a lot of mistakes, but all of them can be eliminated. Unfortunately, "my hands were tied" restrictions smartphone and netbook, but something I could do and see
1 Add Ifs condition and while to start the profile from any position
I already started something, I hope Kick will add it
By the way, if I change his profiles, whether they will update by his Fixes?
Tested, work fine
2 StartQuestItems need to be with test of their presence
Such as at line 6356 [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
should be
<While Condition="(!HasItem(36742))" >
    <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="PickupQuestItem" X="3367.416" Y="2622.015" Z="55.08236" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" />
<CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" MobId="26349" CollectItemId="36742" CollectItemCount="1" HuntingGroundRadius="120">
will update all that things with lvluping my new char and fixing what I can

I understand why you added all of the conditions, but I'm not adding them all

as far as the quest items that need to be farmed for, i have a grind area because collectthings wasn't developed yet, and it's just easier to copy / paste from old code

as far as most fixes - I fix most things if people tell me what's wrong (and there's a valid problem that I can address) and / or give me the code like you've been doing

The bad thing about just simply giving me a profile is that I don't know what's changed and what's not, in the profile you linked - obviously you added a condition for *everything*

" By the way, if I change his profiles, whether they will update by his Fixes? "

Not always, you can right click on a profile and omit from being updated ... or if you changed it to 'my copy' it doesn't get updated either, which is probably the better of the 2
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In A Dark Corner - Duskwood, Alliance, Retrieve a torn page from the stables over yonder quest. It's currently bugged, if you try to auto loot the page, nothing happens, if you loot the page it opens, but there is nothing inside. Asking the zone, it's a known bug at the moment. I know the bot happened to be having problems there, because the page shows as intractable, but gives you the "it's busy" message. Bot tried several times before I abandoned it, then tried to go back later. In general it seems a little derpy in Duskwood, not sure how it's related.

This is not a bot related problem, asking in general a few other people were having this problem this morning 1/21/13. Just an FYI of a potential Shit I got banned issue, and wasn't sure where else to put it. After abandoning the quest, bot moved on until I restarted and it tried to pick it up again so I had to abandon it, but it did move on.

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I have a problem getting my char to follow the tank. When i am ie a raid, i set the follower lazyraider to:

Automatically follow tank - Follow Distance
Auto Target

But when i move my tank, the follower doestn follow. Getting the message; [LazyRaider] move to tank @ xx.x yds

I tried a clean installe of lazyraider, cleared cache, clear install of HB. And have tried several combatroutines, but none will follow. Anyone has a solution?


I have the same problem.
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In A Dark Corner - Duskwood, Alliance, Retrieve a torn page from the stables over yonder quest. It's currently bugged, if you try to auto loot the page, nothing happens, if you loot the page it opens, but there is nothing inside. Asking the zone, it's a known bug at the moment. I know the bot happened to be having problems there, because the page shows as intractable, but gives you the "it's busy" message. Bot tried several times before I abandoned it, then tried to go back later. In general it seems a little derpy in Duskwood, not sure how it's related.

This is not a bot related problem, asking in general a few other people were having this problem this morning 1/21/13. Just an FYI of a potential Shit I got banned issue, and wasn't sure where else to put it. After abandoning the quest, bot moved on until I restarted and it tried to pick it up again so I had to abandon it, but it did move on.

yeah there are a few issues that solve themselves over time

before that there was on in EPL, Deepholm, various other places ... it's stupid

First time I have encountered a problem with the bot stopping I get this

Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: The type initializer for 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception.

while running profile to [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick]($Rev: 1998 $) any ideas on how to fix this?

First time I have encountered a problem with the bot stopping I get this

Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: The type initializer for 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception.

while running profile to [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick]($Rev: 1998 $) any ideas on how to fix this?
i believe i responded to your other thread

With the Profile 86-87 by Kick i have this mistake:
[Profile Message]: Compiling Valley of the Four Winds Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Pools of Purity Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silken Field Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farmer Yoon Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling The Heartland Quests
Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current behavior in quest bot, exception was thrown.

But befor the last Update it works but now....

Thx for the answer

GreezView attachment 4316 2013-01-21 17.54.txt
Hey. Why is my bot always throws the following items?
Watering can to water plants on a farm and spray for killing bugs?
Good afternoon All i have noticed on the vally of 4 winds profile when the profile goes to the farm it just stays there and i think its due to the flight master been moved can this be fixed plz as with the profile u can only get to that part and then try and go onto the farming profile till 87 thanks guys :)
With the Profile 86-87 by Kick i have this mistake:
[Profile Message]: Compiling Valley of the Four Winds Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Pools of Purity Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Silken Field Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Farmer Yoon Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling The Heartland Quests
Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current behavior in quest bot, exception was thrown.

But befor the last Update it works but now....

Thx for the answer

GreezView attachment 78819

[17:14:51.954 D] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\Christian\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\BarrelHook.cs'.

you need to copy over the quest behaviors
Good afternoon All i have noticed on the vally of 4 winds profile when the profile goes to the farm it just stays there and i think its due to the flight master been moved can this be fixed plz as with the profile u can only get to that part and then try and go onto the farming profile till 87 thanks guys :)

'the farm' isn't specific

can you give me the name of the fp master? the id? a quest nearby?

I have like 500 quests easy in the MoP xpac i coded

when's the last time u updated from my svn?
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sry dont know flight master name but its were the tillers dailys are and when it goes there were the cooking trainer is thers 2 fence like things it stands there and all it says it waiting for object to respawn
Quest: Dis-Assembly Required - Quest - World of Warcraft Dis-Assembly Required , a shildwall quest

These are elite-mobs and they are very hard to kill without using this quest-item.
Re-Configured Remote - Item - World of Warcraft

please fix

<!-- Dis-Assembly Required -->
<If Condition="HasQuest(32446) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(32446)">
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Starting Dis-Assembly Required" LogColor="Green" />
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" QuestId="32446" LootMobs="true" PullDistance="25" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-2065.803" Y="2048.407" Z="25" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" ItemId="93180" QuestId="32446" MobHpPercentLeft="70" MobId="67285" MaxRange="25" />
<Objective QuestName="Dis-Assembly Required" QuestId="32446" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="93179" CollectCount="6" />

This is actually already in. During the quest, it will use said item. If the bot is NOT on that quest at the time you pull, it is NOT going to use the item. Unfortunately, profiles are not capable of threading pulse information like we want. If it can be inserted into the plugin then I'll find a way.

edit: the turn-in point is wrong, this is correct:

Information about Sully "The Pickle" McLeary
Name = Sully "The Pickle" McLeary
Wowhead Id = 68166
Faction = 1733 [Alliance Generic]
Location = <-2566.922, 2158.842, 149.6253>

From what I've seen, this is a moving NPC. A moving NPC will be ignored if they more from XYZ given. I will make adjustments to make the bot move more freely instead of bound to locations.
Hey. Why is my bot always throws the following items?
Watering can to water plants on a farm and spray for killing bugs?

Do you mean throws away? They are not required to keep in inventory. They can be picked up at any time at the farm.
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