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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Changing current profile to August Celestials v0.9
[Profile Message]: Compiling August Celestials Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Dailies, moving to Factional City Daily Giver
[Profile Message]: Beginning August Celestials Quests.
[UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 152]: Continuing profile due to User request
Bot Stopped! Reason: Nothing more to do. Stopping bot.
The CastSpellOn is from 11/15/12 and the CastSpell is from 1/18/13. I'll update you tomorrow on whether it works or not (I just updated via your SVN) as I manually completed it already.

Confirmed that a feast for the sense is now working. And with Elvui to boot. Good work and thanks!
Updated from the SVN earlier today then started out fresh on MoP questing on my monk. The crash happens when it is trying to fly to the air ship in Durotar.
It gets about halfway to the ship then does an awkward fly/zoom into self perspective then causes WoW to error out. I've ran 5 chars to 90 using these profiles prior to updating them today and never encountered this before. So pretty sure it's not my config, maybe TreeHook? Haven't started the Jade Forest profile prior to this since the most recent HB update. Once you turn in the quest to general nazgrim and accept the next quest the bot runs as expected. So it seems it is just with it's approach to the gunship... Until it gets to the jade temple quests. after it completes the first set and picks up the next bunch, the one where you have to run around clicking the serpents, scryer staff, and leading into bookwork quest section, it runs to the center area of the jade temple then gets stuck at moving to <X><Y><Z> going to the 2nd serpent. I didn't think to get a log of this last part unfortunately because I was really tired and had just woke up when I noticed it.

With respect to the initial gunship flight error here are 2 separate recurrences:
View attachment 78454
View attachment 78455

Edit: Also, I don't know if you are aware, but the jade forest profile also sets mounting to random at start, this becomes an issue for people with a sandstone drake because it frequently picks that mount for some reason and in turn stops mounting. The rest of your mop profiles are free of this bug though.

Hi, Sadisticelysium, and thank you for the report and logs!

Taking things one at a time...

  1. The camera/zoom thing
    This is clearly an Honorbuddy bug, and nothing to do with the profile. From your log, this is what the profile was doing when the WoWclient crashed:

    [15:52:04.893 D] [FlyTo-v241(debug) @line 836]: Flying to 'Turnin Quest': <1860.489, -5318.669, 490.2317>

    The FlyTo quest behavior is nothing but a 'wrapper' around Honorbuddy's built-in Flightor. Flightor is a rather complex chunk of code that runs a lot of raytraces (for collision detection), and keeps the camera 'adjusted' for your viewing pleasure.

    I'd try to make certain your Video drivers are up-to-date as this could contribute to a problem like this. If they are up-to-date, and you still experience the problem, this issue (along with your excellent logs that capture it), should be reported to the Honorbuddy Bug Reports thread.

    And once again to be clear, the profile may make the problem repeatable, but it is not the cause the bug.

  2. "It runs to the center area of the jade temple then gets stuck at moving to <X><Y><Z> going to the 2nd serpent."
    I am familiar with the area of which you speak. That area has historically had 'mesh issues', which I noticed have been cleaned up on the last couple of times I ran through there. But your logs are relatively recent, so there may still exist some niggles that need addressing.

    "Stuck" issues are a problem with the mesh, and should be reported to the Navigation thread. To fix it, they would need both the coordinates where it happens, and a screenshot to see how it happens. Sometimes, the problem is due to toon size. Sometimes, its due to the direction of approach, or the addition of a seasonal object. This is why the screenshot is so important.

    There is nothing the profile can do to work around a bad mesh.

  3. "The jade forest profile also sets mounting to random at start"
    This statement surprised me, as I could think of no reason a profile writer would ever want to do this. I combed through Kick's Jade Forest profile to make sure this was not the case. Initially, he sets the baseline to this:

    <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="25" UseMount="True" LootMobs="True" GroundMountFarmingMode="False" KillBetweenHotspots="False" />

    As you can see, this does not set the UseRandomMount option. I combed the rest of the profile looking for other chances he may have done so, and there were none.

    You might be running into the problem where you're turning off Random mount while Honorbuddy is running, and the setting isn't "sticking". Honorbuddy should be stopped any time you make changes to its settings. You can find more info about this here...

    And your second sub-point on this... using the Sandstone Drake
    is a known Honorbuddy bug. Again, there's nothing the profile can do to work around this.
Your feedback is most appreciated. I'm sorry we were unable to resolve any of them for you, but none are profile bugs. If you find other issues in the future, please toss your log, and observations, and let's have a look.

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got a problem with my shaman
Class: shaman
CR: singular
Bot : latest (no beta)
Profile : hyal 80-82
just stands there and do nothing
View attachment 78465

Hi, Rosek, and thanks for the log!

I can find no profile issues, but it looks like you've got a couple of problems that need cleaning up.

  • It looks like your copy of the Bowman combat routine is damaged and causing Honorbuddy heartburn.
    To repair, we need to delete the Honorbuddy/Routines/Bowman pics/ directory.

  • It looks like you may have a cache-corruption problem.
    To repair...
    • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
    • Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
    • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
If you're not off-and-away after this, please post a fresh log so we can have another look.

i wonder how u can skip quests or ignore quests while the bot is going

Hi, Mammamia,

You can't.

Kick's questing profiles are designed for 'completion' (zone achievements, exploration achievements, etc.) as much as possible. If you want a set of quest profiles designed for "quickest time to level 90", then you need to search the forums for a profile author that uses that as a design goal.

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Hey kickazz this is the best profile i have ever used! I just had one slight problem! I'm running the [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick] and its doing very well , its just that its not picking up quests for some reason... it just sits there and opens the quest then shuts it! Here my log...

View attachment 78481

Hi, Deathsign,

First, what you are reporting is not a profile issue, and should really be addressed in the Support forum.

But for corrective actions...
  • You need to upgrade your version of Honorbudy.
    (.525 is current--you're running .523)

  • Clear your caches
    Your log shows a couple of markers that they may be corrupt. To fix...
    • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
    • Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
    • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
If that doesn't solve your problem, then please follow up to the Support forum with a fresh log.

lvl's 1 to 46 /warrior/horde.
There was only 1 small issue at like lvl 30, where I had to go up to the top of a castle building in the attic and turn in a Quest, it was a Ghostly undead-Race shadow person spirit thing.
I know thats not much to go on. What I am trying to say is....

besides that 1 little issue around lvl 30.... which only took 1 to 4 clicks...
I went all the way from lvl 1 to 46 in 22 to 24 hours, as a fury warrior with boa's :D
lvl 1 to 15 was without boa's 8 hours
lvl 15 to 32 was with boa's 7 hours
made a few auction stops, and picked up flying.
continued to 46...

Currently in felwood,
there is a IMP Quest where i literately watched my bot attack this IMP , the game is glitched so that u can't kill it without useing a Quest item.
bot did not use Quest item.

Quest fight the power
also the bot is not useing Quest items to put out some walls of fire to continue threw the path.
had to put out 2 manually out of like walls +

Hi, Conetopia,

Alas, we've no way to examine or repair such issues without a log to see what's happening. All this good information is completely unactionable.

I'm in valley of the four winds and getting "Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown". It looks like it keeps trying to find a BarrelHook.cs quest behavior which I don't see.

Edit: Nvm. Found that it was added in the latest revision and moved it to the HB quest behaviors, works again.


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i have the same problem its coming to the quest giver and it say hello and its not takeing the quest and it reapeat 20 times til i have to accept it manually
i cant attach the log its 2.4 mb lol

Hi, Mammamia,

There is no way to analyze or repair issues such as this without seeing a log. The profiles are solid, and such things are usually a bug on the user's end.

All modern versions of Windoze have Zip built in. The next time you have a large log, please zip it and upload. The forum can easily accommodate log files upwards of 50 megabytes when the log is zipped. Logs are highly compressible.

can u explain why it looks like this
No. (And, I did look at your fragment) Log fragments rarely contain all the information necessary for analysis. Where the problem was caused usually happens waaaaay before the symptom manifests.

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I would like to know, why my bot always grinds since around lvl60. I am lvl 75 now and all it does is grinding its way up. Is this normal behavior?
(ofc I am running questing mode)
Changing current profile to August Celestials v0.9
[Profile Message]: Compiling August Celestials Quests...
[Profile Message]: Starting Dailies, moving to Factional City Daily Giver
[Profile Message]: Beginning August Celestials Quests.
[UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 152]: Continuing profile due to User request
Bot Stopped! Reason: Nothing more to do. Stopping bot.

Most likely you are not Revered with the Golden Lotus

Ok, where is this folder i have never ever seen? :)

On my SVN, its the fodler marked Quest Behaviors. Copy that into your HB folder, and overwrite the old. (Merge the two basically)
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