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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I'm not sure if I've got something config'd incorrectly or not, but I've been having a number of problems overall. I blame my crap ass comp to begin with, but I watched the bot run "Ravage Against the Machine" and I noted that it does not move toward mobs at all. It does, however, track them. If I move toward the mobs, it attacks, but only uses spell number 1. I have attached a log. Please advise. Please note, it is the last quest the bot attempted before I aborted (Bottom of the long list) :)


I'm not sure but Singular does this to me. I can run LazyRaider or any other bot base and it will target mobs that other people are fighting. It's a pain in the ass when it's a busy area and my toon will just keep attacking random mobs and keep me in combat. It's really aggravating on my hunter because he will send my pet and traps flying through the air to the other mobs. The pet will aggro everything.
So I'm new to HB and leveling a char now with this amazing profile. I also want to level herbalism/mining; can I do this along with the questing or can HB / your profile not do this? Because in the bot options I enabled herbalism/mining but HB ignores all nodes.
Thank you.
So my rogue is not doing anything...

It runs to the quest objective without picking up items that have a " wheel" on them and it take aggro but do not fight any of the mobs.... So its just running around dying.

EDIT:: Nvm, forgot to put the quest behavour inside the HB folder :)
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I'm not sure if I've got something config'd incorrectly or not, but I've been having a number of problems overall. I blame my crap ass comp to begin with, but I watched the bot run "Ravage Against the Machine" and I noted that it does not move toward mobs at all. It does, however, track them. If I move toward the mobs, it attacks, but only uses spell number 1. I have attached a log. Please advise. Please note, it is the last quest the bot attempted before I aborted (Bottom of the long list) :)

There seems to be a large number of errors coming from your QB for this quest. I recommend copying the QB from the SVN over yours and reloading HB. That may/maynot help.
Updated from the SVN earlier today then started out fresh on MoP questing on my monk. The crash happens when it is trying to fly to the air ship in Durotar.
It gets about halfway to the ship then does an awkward fly/zoom into self perspective then causes WoW to error out. I've ran 5 chars to 90 using these profiles prior to updating them today and never encountered this before. So pretty sure it's not my config, maybe TreeHook? Haven't started the Jade Forest profile prior to this since the most recent HB update. Once you turn in the quest to general nazgrim and accept the next quest the bot runs as expected. So it seems it is just with it's approach to the gunship... Until it gets to the jade temple quests. after it completes the first set and picks up the next bunch, the one where you have to run around clicking the serpents, scryer staff, and leading into bookwork quest section, it runs to the center area of the jade temple then gets stuck at moving to <X><Y><Z> going to the 2nd serpent. I didn't think to get a log of this last part unfortunately because I was really tired and had just woke up when I noticed it.

With respect to the initial gunship flight error here are 2 separate recurrences:
View attachment 2784 2013-01-18 09.44.txt
View attachment 3284 2013-01-18 09.54.txt

Edit: Also, I don't know if you are aware, but the jade forest profile also sets mounting to random at start, this becomes an issue for people with a sandstone drake because it frequently picks that mount for some reason and in turn stops mounting. The rest of your mop profiles are free of this bug though.
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Why want it to grind when i put dread waste 90 profile ?. Is it not a full 1-90 questing

dread wastes clearly says 90 ... if you skipped other quests prior to dread wastes, then it's a user issue ... i usually hit 90 shortly after getting into townlong steppes
View attachment 78446 i have attached the log like you said.I tryed what you said to do when i edit it but it did not work
the profile was red not green

[03:19:23.454 N] Character is a level 80 Pandaren Monk
[03:19:23.455 N] Current zone is Mount Hyjal
[03:26:11.433 N] [LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 2955]: Loading profile '[Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Kick].xml'
[03:26:11.436 D] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True

do the hyjal profile first ...
Hey. Tell me, why you need to "Tillers Farm Planting Profiles"? Today my SVN downloaded a lot of it.
Hey. Tell me, why you need to "Tillers Farm Planting Profiles"? Today my SVN downloaded a lot of it.

These are for grinding seeds. it will plant lots to farm lots.

Hey. It is possible to make it so that the bot was running around the field with a small trampled weeds that can not be selected in the goal? So it would be much faster to do the job.

Weed War II - Quest - World of Warcraft

I can add a run command, but it will be less efficient with picking up weeds, and look a little awkward running in the same square pattern over and over again.
I'm not sure but Singular does this to me. I can run LazyRaider or any other bot base and it will target mobs that other people are fighting. It's a pain in the ass when it's a busy area and my toon will just keep attacking random mobs and keep me in combat. It's really aggravating on my hunter because he will send my pet and traps flying through the air to the other mobs. The pet will aggro everything.

Yes, that's my problem with Lazy Raider. I'm also a hunter, and it constantly sends my pet after other peoples mobs. Or it'll target other mobs and attack them. It's killed me a number of times.

I want to make it attack only after I choose a target, and initiate combat. Anybody know how to make this? ;-)
Hey. In this job, there are large and powerful animals, and there are small and weak. You can teach a bot that he killed only small and weak, and they are much bigger and they quickly die.
Thank you.
Not in Chee-Chee's Backyard - Quest - World of Warcraft

The ravagers are blacklisted already. However, if they get to close, there isn't much the bot will do. I've seen the bot actively avoid them, then I've seen it head for one right after. Its...random.
Yes, that's my problem with Lazy Raider. I'm also a hunter, and it constantly sends my pet after other peoples mobs. Or it'll target other mobs and attack them. It's killed me a number of times.

I want to make it attack only after I choose a target, and initiate combat. Anybody know how to make this? ;-)

read the first post, you problem with your pet is CC issue not lazyraider
change setting in your cc or READ the first post of the CC your are using
Hey i just downloaded this.

I would like to ask, the front page the big green text under each daily is what i need to have complete before running this correct?

also i have to load each area daily on its own and when it is finish move to the next one correct?

thanks for all the hard work
<!-- Fear Takes Root -->
<If Condition="HasQuest(31509) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(31509)">
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Starting Fear Takes Root" LogColor="Green" />
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" QuestId="31509" LootMobs="true" PullDistance="1" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1235.184" Y="4816.934" Z="29.11862" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<While Condition="HasQuest(31509) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(31509)">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="214543" MobId2="214549" ObjectType="GameObject" CollectionDistance="10000" WaitForNpcs="false"/>


The toon can get stuck in an endless loop. I think he moved to an object and added a mob. So he killed it but in the meantime someone else used that opject so it is gone.
This will result in:

[QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
Goal: Interacting with
[QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
Goal: Interacting with
[QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
Goal: Interacting with
[QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.

Any chance to change it to Object with quest override ?
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