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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Yes, it matches the Wowhead faction IDs. Here's what I've been using with your profiles:

  	Exalted = [42000...42999) 
  	Revered = [21000..42000) 
		<!-- If Im not revered with Klaxxi -->
		<If Condition="GetFactionReputation(1337) < 21000">
			<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="themopdailyexp\[Rep] The Klaxxi Dailies [Brodie]" />
		<!-- If Im not revered with Golden Lotus -->
		<If Condition="GetFactionReputation(1269) < 21000">
			<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="themopdailyexp\[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie]" />
		<!-- If Im not revered with Shado-Pan -->
		<If Condition="GetFactionReputation(1270) < 21000">
			<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="themopdailyexp\[Rep] Shado Pan Dailies [Brodie]" />
		<!-- If Im not revered with The August Celestials -->
		<If Condition="GetFactionReputation(1341) < 21000">
			<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="AugustCelestialDaily" />
		<!-- If Im not exalted with The Tillers -->
		<If Condition="GetFactionReputation(1272) < 43000">
			<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Tillers Dailies\[N - Quest] Tiller Dailies-With Extras" />

I added it in for the Shado Pan and August celestials.

I see you don't use all of my daily profiles :-P hehe
Hi Brodie,

I have a suggestion for the Shieldwall profile's "Lion's Landing" section that should speed it up.

The quests either take place in the forest (i.e. north) or the beach (i.e. south) with a couple taking place in both.

Currently the quest order is:

I think the profile should go much faster if the quests are re-arranged like so:

These quests appear in lines 793-821 of [Rep] Shieldwall [Brodie]. Thanks and keep up the great work!
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Shado-pan and August Celestials : It keeps saying I need to be Revered to Golden Lotus but I already Im though. The scripts were working fine yesterday and now its telling me this.
Hey Kicks love the bot got me to level 66. Now i hit a problem in Outlands. It won't work properly for me. Once i load the script and press start this is what happens. Picture Below
I added it in for the Shado Pan and August celestials.

I see you don't use all of my daily profiles :-P hehe

Haha you got me! Nah, actually I'm only using your daily profiles now and was just this to get around having to stop at Shado-Pan town when I wasn't revered with Golden Lotus. It never got to the August Celestials or Tillers checks.
The August Celestials profile has a bug in the reputation check. The current one is checking that your current reputation is at or above revered, and if it is, stopping and saying you're not revered. The current condition check is...

<If Condition="Me.GetReputationLevelWith(1269) &gt;= WoWUnitReaction.Revered" >
		<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="You are not Revered with Golden Lotus. Stopping in 5 seconds." LogColor="Green"  />
		<CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" ExpiryTime="5" ExpiryAction="InputEnabled_Continue" AllowBotStop="True" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="1" Text="Your current reputation level with Golden Lotus is too low! \n\n This profile requires at least Revered with Golden Lotus to operate.\n Skipping profile and continuing grind." />
		<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" StopBot="true" />

It should be...

<If Condition="Me.GetReputationLevelWith(1269) &lt; WoWUnitReaction.Revered" >
		<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="You are not Revered with Golden Lotus. Stopping in 5 seconds." LogColor="Green"  />
		<CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" ExpiryTime="5" ExpiryAction="InputEnabled_Continue" AllowBotStop="True" SoundCue="Exclamation" SoundCueInterval="1" Text="Your current reputation level with Golden Lotus is too low! \n\n This profile requires at least Revered with Golden Lotus to operate.\n Skipping profile and continuing grind." />
		<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" StopBot="true" />
Hi Brodie,

I have a suggestion for the Shieldwall profile's "Lion's Landing" section that should speed it up.

The quests either take place in the forest (i.e. north) or the beach (i.e. south) with a couple taking place in both.

Currently the quest order is:

I think the profile should go much faster if the quests are re-arranged like so:

These quests appear in lines 793-821 of [Rep] Shieldwall [Brodie]. Thanks and keep up the great work!

Current quest order is actually:

[*]32153 Hero Killer (south)

[*]32150 Supply Block (south)

[*]32151 Tower Defense (north)

[*]32152 Siege Damage (north to south) (if theres no Resource Gathering)

[*]32149 Resource Gathering (north) (if there's no Siege Damage)

[*]32148 Attack! Move! (north and south) (finish up left over kills)

What you were reading is quest turn in order.
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Due to the increasing quantity and diversity of my profiles, I am closing out the MoP Daily Experience SVN (as well as my others) to bring them all together into one location. This changeover will require you to change the download location of your existing folders, or simply setup a new folder to receive the new files.

I will not be deleting the files within the old SVNs for at least a week or two, to assure the change-over. After that, any attempt to access the old SVNs will return only a text file with information on the new SVN.
Expect to see this update later this weekend, or possibly Monday.

The MoP Daily Experience Forum page will remain open and monitored of course. However, updates may become slightly less often, but more plentiful in quantity of changes (less revision numbers to count).

Thank you all for your support, KCCO, and may the RNGs be with you all.
Yes. That is because you have no spaces left to plant.
The Farm Dailies profile does NOT dig up an existing plant. If you have filled all spaces already, then you will get stuck.

Okay, good to know. So, should i start at the tillers Quests?
Okay, good to know. So, should i start at the tillers Quests?

Before you start one of the planting profiles. Come back to it later, or stop the dailies profile after its finished the farming daily.

These two are not made to working in conjunction. This will require your intervention.
[00:11:19.016 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[00:11:19.016 D] Could not generate path from {2007.226, -346.5285, 35.45228} to {301.1074, -3685.806, 27.10916} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly

Trying to pick up fr.wowhead.com/quest=871
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first of all this profile is awesome, tho sometimes little more babysitting than i would want and sometimes it runs with no issues for an entire day.
Now..... after the brown nosing :)

I guess you don't like alliance much Kick ^^

Atleast my NE druid went into some sort of madness the same second he hit 69..... he tried to get to northrend, but it didn't happen - AT ALL, he went to Shat to go to SW, which is what he is supposed to do -> but from here the bot goes nuts.
1. it runs to mage quarter (where he ofc spawns after porting from Shat) then it tries to run somewhere, don't know where tho, but ended up running back and forth between to points not so far from the herbalism trainer 2-3 mount lengts. Even after a complete reboot and several start/stop routines it does the same, well I can move it to northrend my self thats not a biggie.
2. the bot enters northrend *puff* even more nuts, it instantly starts to fly east (all the way to howling fjord) takes about 10min with normal flying, lands near the little taunka village and does nothing (it could have just taken the FP to here which would have taken less time) but thats not the real issue, the issue is that the bot just stops, and even if I restart the bot (shut it down) it does the exact same thing flies to a point then backtrack following the road ofc killing whatever mobs it might aggro and stops.

here's the log: View attachment Northrend madness.txt

It's all gibberish to me, so please help me out, I'd rather not level him the rest of the way by hand.

View attachment 78558

Here i attached the correct log. Outlands wasn't working correctly for me when leveling, Had the most issues in Zangarmarsh.

Also When i start Dungeon bot. When it says "Queuing For Dungeon" on my wow screen it says "You Did Not Select Any Valid Slots" When Tank/Healer/Dps are all checked. Any idea?

Hi, Acesap, and thanks for the log.

Two things....

  1. Your installation of Honorbuddy is damaged. The Questbot is unable to locate the Message behavior. The Message behavior is one that ships with Honorbuddy, and there is no way it should be missing unless the installation was incorrect or has been damaged. Please find the guide below that should walk you through getting Honorbuddy set up correctly.

  2. You cannot use "Questing" as a valid "Mixed Mode" selection. Questing must be done by itself--you may not do it in conjunction with BGs or Dungeons, or anything else. This is because quest state is not properly preserved if you enter and leave a dungeon/BG, and no quest profile writer will support using questing in this fashion.
Please do a fresh install of Honorbuddy (into a new directory), and you should be able to continue with questing. If not, please show us a fresh log, so we can have another look.
>>> You must either choose to do "Questing", or do BG/Dungeons and some other activity (like grinding) <<<​

first of all this profile is awesome, tho sometimes little more babysitting than i would want and sometimes it runs with no issues for an entire day.
Now..... after the brown nosing :)

I guess you don't like alliance much Kick ^^

Atleast my NE druid went into some sort of madness the same second he hit 69..... he tried to get to northrend, but it didn't happen - AT ALL, he went to Shat to go to SW, which is what he is supposed to do -> but from here the bot goes nuts.
1. it runs to mage quarter (where he ofc spawns after porting from Shat) then it tries to run somewhere, don't know where tho, but ended up running back and forth between to points not so far from the herbalism trainer 2-3 mount lengts. Even after a complete reboot and several start/stop routines it does the same, well I can move it to northrend my self thats not a biggie.
2. the bot enters northrend *puff* even more nuts, it instantly starts to fly east (all the way to howling fjord) takes about 10min with normal flying, lands near the little taunka village and does nothing (it could have just taken the FP to here which would have taken less time) but thats not the real issue, the issue is that the bot just stops, and even if I restart the bot (shut it down) it does the exact same thing flies to a point then backtrack following the road ofc killing whatever mobs it might aggro and stops.

here's the log: View attachment 78559

It's all gibberish to me, so please help me out, I'd rather not level him the rest of the way by hand.


Hi, Jalockin, and thanks for the log!

Honorbuddy believes it has completed a number of the Northrend quests, and this is not true. This is caused by a corrupt cache. To remedy...
  • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
  • Delete the WoW/Cache/, WoW/Data/Cache/, and Honorbuddy/Cache/ directories
  • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
Caches can get corrupted a few of ways:
  • You switch toons, or do a quick log out/in, without restarting Honorbuddy
  • You simultaneously run multiple sessions of Honorbuddy from the same directory on disk
  • There are other (user caused) triggers, but these are the most common.
To be clear, this is an Honorbuddy bug, and not a profile problem. If you're not off-and-away after this, please show us a fresh log after making the corrections.

just started a troll mage, after first two quests i received the following:
[scroll down]
i tried deleting hb and wow cache folders [hb cache, wow cache, wow data cache], but for no success.

Hi, hotShotLover, and thanks for the log.

Kick is aware of this issue, but has yet to repair it. For now, when you run into these VendorType messages, go to your trainer, and learn any new spells that are available for you, then restart Honorbuddy.

These problems should cease once you are past level 5, and on to the next Quest hub.

cheers & sorry for the inconvenience,
Trying to use this bot in N.STV, but it keeps getting stuck on getting the Flight Path. Just using this Kick's and NuckChorris as my CC. First time trying out botting so if you could help me?
Trying to use this bot in N.STV, but it keeps getting stuck on getting the Flight Path. Just using this Kick's and NuckChorris as my CC. First time trying out botting so if you could help me?

Hi, Xkayxvenx,

We'd love to help, but can't without your full log attached so we can see what is going awry for you.

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