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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Looking for a little direction on this. While leveling a Pandarian Monk from 85-90, with a few tweaks.. i've made it to 89. About half way through 89 using Kicks profiles it says "you need to be level 90 to use this profile. I realize that the min. level is 89". Is there anything I can do to bridge the gap?

if you did all the panda quests you should have hit 90 way before you were done with townlong stepps

Hi, Omnired,

Unfortunately, Xaq is exactly right--you've cheated yourself out of some needed experience somewhere along the way.

But, since you're 89 and a Monk (non-squishie toon), you may can handle the profile at a slightly lower level than it was designed for. If you want to give it a try, open the profile and adjust the <MinLevel> line 'down' to your level:

<MinLevel>89</MinLevel> <!-- originally 90 -->

I looked through Kick's MoP profiles, and it looks like they all have a level 85 minimum requirement, so I'm not sure exactly what you're seeing. We'll need to see your log, if you want further help.

Not sure if this has been addressed, tried a search but it's hard to find it.

My bot worked fine for my Monk and my Spriest, but for my Warlock it wont vendor or mail. It goes to the vendor, opens it up, stands there and doesn't repair or mail. I generally have to start/stop the bot, sometimes it will continue on but not have mailed anything or sold anything, just keeps going.

I have a Mail recipient set, (has special character at start of name), but as I said it worked before (in the same zone as well).

As for the WoW Addons, I'm using nothing, I deleted all my addons.

As for the log, I will check for it when it happens again. Can't seem to find the correct log.

Edit:View attachment 72241 seems to sell now that im In Zangar, still does not mail items (cloth). Added log.

Hi, Excelerate,

This is not a profile issue, and should be reported to the Support section instead. Difficulty mailing is a known problem with Honorbuddy at this time, but not selling. Are you running multiple sessions of WoW, perchance?

Either way, your issue needs to be reported to he Support section, and not here.

Ive used this Profile pack with 2 85's to go to 90 with out major issues. Im a big fan. I now Im leveling a new toon from Level 1. Its worked brilliantly so far, however I have a general question now that I am level 60 in Hellfire Peninsula using the H 58-70 Profile. It stopped questing and began grinding. It grinded 58-60, trained Flying and now the bot says that its grinding to 62. Is this as intended? If so is it all grind to 70?

Hi, Lowlyffe (cute name!),

Your observations are exactly how the profile was designed. I hate grinding myself personally, also. However, when Kick designed the profiles, he determined it was not safe for low-level squishies (mostly mages and rogues) to run those quests at the lower levels. So, he sends everyone (the profiles are not class-specific largely) to grind until they have an appropriate level for squishies to do the quests without dieing.

Also, things have changed over time. Mages now have a perma-pet--not just the frost mages with a time-limited pet of old--so things are safer for them. Things may be safer for rogues nowadays, too (not sure). The profile might could use some updating, but it should work fine as is.

View attachment 72260 I have this problem at 80-82 profile please help
THis is the message from the honourbuddy :

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Bot Stopped! Reason: This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!

Hi, Chrisvirgiotis, and thanks for the log!

You are using Cava's profile--not Kick's. You need to report the problem in that thread, instead.


Honorbuddy v2.5.6597.518 started.
Logging in...
...<snippity-snip of the useless tripe>...

Hi, Byron,

When asking for help, you need to attach a log--not cut-n-paste the useless Honorbuddy scrolly window.

Also, you need to be explicit with a description about the problem you're having. The plea for "help" is no more useful for chasing a problem than the highly technical term "no workie". Please tell us what you perceive to be the problem.

View attachment 72281
Not sure which Quest it is.
but me and 2 of my friends play Human Priest Hunter Paladin.

for some reason all 3 of our bots ended up dieing atleast 20 times + until we manually stopped the bot, finished the few Quests and moved on.
Basically i think what ever Quest it is, you should Fix the hotspots or something or just take it out of the script.

this should be a high priority fix.
just think, if i was superviseing the bot.... and died 20 times... imagine a user leaveing his bot run over night and dieing 250 times +.
I am sure someone could take a video of that and send it to blizzard and get them an account suspention/ban easy. just saying. so thats y i think this should be a high priority fix.

Hi, Conetopia,

You'll need to attach a log and coordinates of the area where you're dieing so much.

Kick probably doesn't have a toon that is ready to run that quest and figure it out. So, if you believe it to be such high priority, you're going to have to help him out with logs, area coordinates of the problem area, and such.

This must be a Horde quest, as I've run several mages (ranged) and several pallies (melee) through the profiles without too much trouble so far. (Other, than the highly-frustrating meshing issues).

Well, my log is something like this. My bot tried to pick up a quest that isn't there. :/ Warn Stoneplow is the name of the quest! Hope you can fix it :)


Hi, Kickaninimous,

While doing Bind the Glamour in the "[Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick].xml", the profile interacts with Chief Rikkitun, then flies to the destination and waits for him to arrive. Yet, he never arrives.

This is one of those quests where you must be in range of the Chief while traveling; otherwise, he despawns and you have to start over. As such, I changed the FlyTo behavior to an Escort behavior to repair this.

About line 1295, it was:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="fork blade" X="601.3607" Y="4042.001" Z="203.8296" />

<CustomBehavior File="Escort" EscortUntil="QuestComplete" QuestId="31084" MobId="63118" />

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Hi, Kickiecat,

While doing Emergency Care in the "[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick].xml" profile, the toon doesn't want to move to Sage Liao's Belongings to collect the potion. This seems to be a failure with the InteractWith behavior not moving to the destination as it should. I added a RunTo, as shown below, that keeps everything running smoothly.

Starting about line 2256 in the profile, I added the line in red:
<If Condition="(!HasItem(81177))" >
<RunTo DestName="Sage Liao's Belongings" X="4719.645" Y="1021.772" Z="7.731985" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30794" MobId="211510" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="8" CollectionDistance="1000" X="4719.645" Y="1021.772" Z="7.731985" />​

Hi, Lowlyffe (cute name!),

Your observations are exactly how the profile was designed. I hate grinding myself personally, also. However, when Kick designed the profiles, he determined it was not safe for low-level squishies (mostly mages and rogues) to run those quests at the lower levels. So, he sends everyone (the profiles are not class-specific largely) to grind until they have an appropriate level for squishies to do the quests without dieing.

Also, things have changed over time. Mages now have a perma-pet--not just the frost mages with a time-limited pet of old--so things are safer for them. Things may be safer for rogues nowadays, too (not sure). The profile might could use some updating, but it should work fine as is.

Thanks for the information (and compliment). I am having much success with this profile. Its really pretty amazing. Though I have had a few issues here and there (some minor navigation issues and Honor Buddy somehow getting stuck doing and action over and over and not advancing to the next step). Its very close to an AFK process. I appreciate the great work done here. Best Money Ive ever spent on WoW (maybe second best...I couldnt play without my Naga).

Hi, Kickdungonemissin,

The quest Fresh Pots takes an excessive amount of time to complete (over an hour) in the "[Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick].xml" profile. This happens because the Sea Monarch Chunks are used two-at-a-time to bait the trap, and the profile doesn't take this into account. If your backpack has only one chunk, it goes from trap-to-trap trying to use the insufficient chunk count to bait the trap.

The fix is simple. Around line 1393 of the profile, I changed what was:
<While Condition="((HasItem(85230)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(31181)))" >

<While Condition="((GetItemCount(85230) &gt;= 2) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(31181)))" >

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Sv: [Rep] The Complete MoP Daily Experience

Have you tried installing HB in a new folder, completely new. Put your stuff in there and then try again? That's my first thought. That rules out the "reset every day" bug. But with all those exceptions I don't know what I can do for you. My profile doesn't throw those on mine, and half of those in your log are coming from Megser's plugin too.

Hmm interestingly enough it did deliver the quest today. I didnt use the clean install version, so who knows :P
Hi, Kickwemissalot,

The quest Breaking the Emperor's Shield needs a helping hand in the "[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick]" profile.

During this battle Nakk'rakas (the quest kill objective) will spawn an Imperial Guard. While the Imperial Guard is up, Nakk'rakas is invulnerable. We need to pop up a warning that the user will have to help the CombatRoutine with target selection, to make certain the Imperial Guard is targeted, any time its up.

The changes start about line 2003 of the profile. It is merely a UserDialog issuing the warning:

<If Condition="((HasQuest(30798)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30798)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" AllowBotStop="true" Text="Quest: &quot;Breaking the Emperor's Shield&quot;\n\nWe are about to run you to kill Nakk'rakas.\n\nHe will periodically spawn an Imperial Guard that must be killed, as Nakk'rakas is invulnerable when the Imperial Guard is alive.\n\nYour Combat Routine may require some help in selecting the Imperial Guard for killing." />
<RunTo X="3553.384" Y="1504.276" Z="819.6432" />
<Objective QuestName="Breaking the Emperor's Shield" QuestId="30798" Type="KillMob" MobId="60572" KillCount="1" />​

Well, my log is something like this. My bot tried to pick up a quest that isn't there. :/ Warn Stoneplow is the name of the quest! Hope you can fix it :)

Hi, Ganzo, and thanks for the log!

From your log...

[01:00:39.862 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\home\***\HB\Default Profiles\Cava\[Quest]MOP 85 to 90 With Loot By [Cava].xml

You're using Cava's profile--not Kick's. You need to report the bug in his thread.

Hey, Brodie. Sorry for disturbing, but i can't get this working. I manually downloaded all the scripts, files e.t.c. as it was said in your guide, repacked clean HB, moved all the stuff there, and after i start my botie it says "Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown". Actualy i did not download any Plugins. Is it necessary?
I think you should focus on the dailys from Shado-Pan, Klaxxi, Operation:Shieldwall and Golden Lotus.This is most important factions that gives gear.And August Celsetials
Is it possible to let the profile to turn of mount riding for a while while doing quests in whitepetal lake?
Hey, Brodie. Sorry for disturbing, but i can't get this working. I manually downloaded all the scripts, files e.t.c. as it was said in your guide, repacked clean HB, moved all the stuff there, and after i start my botie it says "Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown". Actualy i did not download any Plugins. Is it necessary?

Send me a log file.
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