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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

I'm using [Fly][N - Quest] 90 Dread Wastes [Kick] its starts fine but it always gets stuck with the Kik'tik flight master in Klaxxi'vess in Dread Waste.I used the profile several times before with other toons and its always the same spot,I have deleted catch and updated HB and its still not fix.Could this be a quest behavior issue?View attachment 116723

Hi, Dna9418, and many thanks for the log.

There was nothing special about this interaction, so I don't understand why Honorbuddy couldn't complete it.

In any case, the interaction with Kik'tik appeared to be unnecessary, and we have removed it in v3057. Thanks for the report!


Ref: [size=-2] [post=1373970]Dna9418's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Ehm yeah just wanted to report this bug about some quest NPC the bot cant seem to locate.View attachment 116749

Hi, Helmig1995, and thanks for the log.

We do not accept bug reports using Honorbuddy Beta. If you replicate the problem with a Release, we'll be glad to have a look.

You can find out more about why Betas are not supported in [post=1259961]Things To Know[/post].

You might see if the following article will resolve your problem:
[post=1356864]HelpDesk: Quest giver is not offering expected quest[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1374310]Helmig1995's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Profile: [N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick]
Quest: The Scent of Life - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Reactive the CollectItem Objective (instead of usting InteractWith), because the Interact Range is 5 what looks Bot like for Casters.

            <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30806)">
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="60437" MobState="Alive" CollectionDistance="1000">
                        <Hotspot X="4729.318" Y="1063.349" Z="0.4883557" />
                        <Hotspot X="4685.132" Y="1105.107" Z="6.818406" />
                        <Hotspot X="4627.727" Y="1036.926" Z="12.05283" />
            <If Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30806)">
                <Objective QuestName="The Scent of Life" QuestId="30806" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="80907" CollectCount="1" />
Huge problem with FPS using bot even tho its functional:

Hello, I'm running HB on Windows XP SP3, 3gb Ram, Intel Core 2 Duo, 8600m GT Nvidia
CPU usage at 20-50% max
RAM physical available 1gb while running everything
No Heat issues

Bot funcionally performs well but starting to take heavy resources for only one instance on this computer plus HEAVY constant freezes.

Using Kick's Cata profile 80-82+

as soon as I hit stop HB, freezes go away completely and return to 100 FPS generally.
Right when it is turned on drop to 3 fps or lower with freezes

Is there a possible compatibility issue with XP?
Well a bot is sending instructions to wow several times a second. Try turning off framelock and set ticks per second all the way down to 5. Besides that your computer is pretty old and fairly weak to even run a video game on. I have an 8 core CPU and 8 GB of ram and use 6.5GB while botting with about 30-40% CPU load. It is CPU and Ram intensive. Also you have an onboard GPU that uses your system ram as video ram further decreasing your power.

Hi, Thalim90, and welcome aboard,

This is clearly not a problem with the profile. You need to open a new thread in the Support forum, and attach your full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Since you are new, this article may help you figure out where to post to receive help: [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

Hi there. Just a note, on the Horde profile at around level 7 in Durotar, the profile picks up two quests, "Shipwreck Searching" from Gail Nozzywig and "Storming the Beach" from Gar'Thok. The profile then runs you to the beach where the quests take place and then stops you at a single point where you stand, amidst all the other bots running the profile who also never move. I have been doing these quests by hand for the past few days but thought I would mention they are not running smoothly. Everything else going good though. :)
Profile: [Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
Quest: A Disarming Distraction - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Replaced RunLua with UseItem, because UseItem checks for Item Cooldown, what RunLua not do.

            <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(3, 27761)">
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="1st Sparkles" Distance="1" X="-10704.05" Y="-2455.384"
                                Z="123.0618" />
                <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(62398)" WaitTime="0" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for stripper bot {TimeRemaining}" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27761" MobId="206397" Range="4.75" WaitTime="5000"
                                ProactiveCombatStrategy="NoClear" />
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(62398)" WaitTime="1500" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Flying" />
                <EnableBehavior Name="All" />
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Up" X="-10702.17" Y="-2455.62" Z="133.2423" />
            <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 27761)">
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="2nd Sparkles" Distance="1" X="-10678.92" Y="-2452.069"
                                Z="110.3572" />
                <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(62398)" WaitTime="0" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for stripper bot {TimeRemaining}" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27761" MobId="206396" Range="4.75" WaitTime="5000"
                                ProactiveCombatStrategy="NoClear" />
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(62398)" WaitTime="1500" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Flying" />
                <EnableBehavior Name="All" />
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Up" X="-10678.92" Y="-2452.069" Z="110.3572" />
            <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 27761)">
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="3rd Sparkles" Distance="1" X="-10589.87" Y="-2437.749"
                                Z="103.84882" />
                <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(62398)" WaitTime="0" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for stripper bot {TimeRemaining}" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27761" MobId="206395" Range="4.75" WaitTime="5000"
                                ProactiveCombatStrategy="NoClear" />
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(62398)" WaitTime="1500" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Flying" />
                <EnableBehavior Name="All" />
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Up" X="-10591.21" Y="-2443.066" Z="114.61473" />
            <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(3, 27761)">
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="1st Sparkles" Distance="1" X="-10704.05" Y="-2455.384"
                                Z="123.0618" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="62398" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for stripper bot {TimeRemaining}" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27761" MobId="206397" Range="4.75" WaitTime="5000"
                                ProactiveCombatStrategy="NoClear" />
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <While Condition="!Me.Mounted">
                    <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="62398" />
                    <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Flying" />
                  <EnableBehavior Name="All" />
                  <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Up" X="-10702.17" Y="-2455.62" Z="133.2423" />
            <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 27761)">
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="2nd Sparkles" Distance="1" X="-10678.92" Y="-2452.069"
                                Z="110.3572" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="62398" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for stripper bot {TimeRemaining}" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27761" MobId="206396" Range="4.75" WaitTime="5000"
                                ProactiveCombatStrategy="NoClear" />
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <While Condition="!Me.Mounted">
                    <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="62398" />
                    <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Flying" />
                    <EnableBehavior Name="All" />
                    <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Up" X="-10678.92" Y="-2452.069" Z="110.3572" />
            <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 27761)">
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="3rd Sparkles" Distance="1" X="-10589.87" Y="-2437.749"
                                Z="103.84882" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="62398" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for stripper bot {TimeRemaining}" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27761" MobId="206395" Range="4.75" WaitTime="5000"
                                ProactiveCombatStrategy="NoClear" />
                <DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
                <While Condition="!Me.Mounted">
                    <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="62398" />
                    <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Flying" />
                    <EnableBehavior Name="All" />
                    <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Up" X="-10591.21" Y="-2443.066" Z="114.61473" />
First of all thank you for your wonderful profiles. They have helped the community immensely.

I am trying to get some gold by running lower level 85-87 quests that I didn't complete before since I switched zones. Now that I am level 90 is there a way for it to force flying instead of running everywhere? Thank you for your help :)
Just dinged level 58 on my tauren shaman and selected the next profile (58-70) . All the bot does is fly to shattrath city and stands next to some boxes. I have stopped and started the bot but no luck he just keeps going there. It says 'QuestPickUp' but there is no quest near that location where he stands. Ty for any help :)

The bot says : Goal: Picking Up Quest - Rather Be Fishin' : QuestID - 10037 : To - Seth : ID - 18653 : But the quest isnt there, any help would be very nice :)
Hi, Jade forest 85-86 (i'm horde), quest: Scouting Report: Hostile Natives ... the bot does not stop to "examine the warning sign" before moving to the widows house, so he just stops there :) Thanks!
There is a quest in durator were the water elements are and it has a bunch of orcs laying on the ground bot will just stand there looking for the quest u have to click on the orcs on the ground to get the quest but the bot doesn't know that i guess =) its a level 5-9 quest line
Currently at level 7 in durotar. I was AFK for a bit and when i came back the bot was just standing still at this paritulcar spot. I went ahead and closed HB and restarted wow. Started up HB again and my toon will not leave the spot he is standing.
Info in the bot reads:
If a sea elemental spawns nearby he will kill it but then he just runs right back to the same spot.
View attachment 116761

Hi, Ambrose, and many thanks for the log.

The problem should be repaired in v3058.

"Loss Reduction" turns out to be a very abnormal quest, and requires specialized handling just to do the PickUp.

Thanks again!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1374374]Ambrose's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Don't know why but for both my lvl 87 characters whenever i set it to a MoP questing path it keep changing profiles untill it goes to Kun-Lai summit profile and than says grinding till 87.5 and basically sits there until i DC from AFK not sure why it's doing this especially on my mage why is past 50% on 87
Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Description: I see on lots of my Chars over the last weeks / months, that my Chars stuck at this Elevator: http://i.epvpimg.com/OCAcb.jpg
Now, I improved the UseTransport for the Down Sequence and now we use UseTransporter for the Up Sequence, too (i dont know why we used ctm the whole time to get up?!).

Hi, MaxMuster, and thanks again!

The profile has been updated in v3059 with your recommendations.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1374567]MaxMuster's problem report w/recommende repair[/post][/size]
Profile: [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]
Description: Change the Hotspot for this Override from 2 to 1, because running between 2 Hotspots looks very botish ;-)

Thanks, MaxMuster!

The changes have been folded into v3060.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1374616]MaxMuster's problem report w/repair[/post][/size]
started testing today and is going great so far ... The only problem that i have is the fps drops a lot sometimes(only with the bot) without any reason( i have play on max 120fps without problems), you guys have any idea?

Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Quest: Flight of the Wintergarde Defender - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Everytime one of my Chars doing this Quest, the Bot is crashing and i dont know why. It seems that the FlyingVehicle Behavior makes Problems.
But i dont know whats wronge and how to fix it ;-(

Hi, MaxMuster,

[12:02:11.491 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Nur ein Teil der ReadProcessMemory- oder WriteProcessMemory-Anforderung wurde abgeschlossen, at addr: 014111B0, Size: 4
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)​
We're relatively certain this is not a problem with the behavior, because the problem is rooted in the GreyMagic DLL. Behaviors usually generate "Invalid Object" exceptions which are caught by Honorbuddy. Greymagic problems are much, much deeper, and I don't know the cause of them.

We'll most certainly keep an eye out for this issue the next time we're through the area. The only possible work-around we have for you is to reboot your computer. This usually clears up GreyMagic errors. If not, please post your full log to the Support forum the next time this happens. Perhaps, a developer for this area can take a look at the cause, if the full log is available.

cheers and very sorry we didn't have a better answer for you!

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1374712]MaxMuster's original post[/post][/size]
Using 1-58 Alliance, I have had this happen on two different characters:

During this quest: Done Nothing Wrong the bot only interacts with one of the chained whelps and then runs to stand in the middle of them, doing nothing.


Hi, Hatredcopter, and many thanks for the log.

The problem is your copy of the profile is out-dated. Your log shows you are running v3022. The problem was repaired in v3034. And the current version is v3060.

Just update the profile pack, and you should be golden. Instructions here: [post=1259749]Keeping the Profiles Up-to-Date[/post].


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1374775]Hatredcopter's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Similar problem to my previous post, with a different quest. I made another post because I didn't want to cause confusion attaching two logs. Please let me know if this was wrong to do.

1-58 Alliance, during this quest: Ancient Protectors the bot will interact with the Warden, but not the Sentinel; instead it goes to stand between them and does nothing.


Hi Hatredcopter, and thanks for the log!

A distinct post is *exactly* the right way to do it. Thank you for having the presence of mind to do this!

It looks like this problem is a Navigational issue:

[12:11:16.936 D] Could not generate path from {-6942.356, -1070.768, 189.457} to {-7002.615, -1118.745, 258.7853} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

Which could be related to this problem:
[12:41:35.714 D] System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 230054AC, Size: 4
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)​

"GreyMagic" exceptions mean that Honorbuddy is no longer able to communicate with the WoWclient. The only way I know to clear them is to reboot your machine. If you still have GreyMagic errors after a reboot, please make a post into the Support forum with the log that has the GreyMagic errors.

If the GreyMagic errors are gone, but you are still unable to "generate a path", then that is a navigational issue that should be reported to the [post=350949]Navigation thread[/post]. The first post in that thread describes all the information they will need from you to resolve the issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1374779]Hatredcopter's original post w/log[/post][/size]