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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Flies next to a mob trying to perform action while mounted in air, will not go down dismount and perform action. If enemy mob will get beaten to death if friendly will get stuck until manually finish what he is doing.


Flies next to a mob trying to perform action while mounted in air, will not go down dismount and perform action. If enemy mob will get beaten to death if friendly will get stuck until manually finish what he is doing.

This is not a Profile Problem. The Complete Bot has problems with meshes and loading title/s in deepholme. Its already on there Bug Tracker and now we have to wait for a fix.
Profile: [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]
Quest: Scouting Report: Hostile Natives - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Changed the WaitTimer to fix a Bug where one of this Items get Blacklistet, because the Bot cant reached the item within 30 seconds afters start, because npcs are talking first.

            <If Condition="!Me.IsOnTransport">
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29730" MobId="55648" GossipOptions="1" X="1444.606" Y="-545.2101" Z="353.1352" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" GoalText="Waiting for vehical {TimeRemaining}" />
            <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="00" GoalText="Waiting for vehical {TimeRemaining}" />
            <If Condition="!Me.IsOnTransport">
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29730" MobId="55648" GossipOptions="1" X="1444.606" Y="-545.2101" Z="353.1352" />
            <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="35000" GoalText="Waiting for vehical {TimeRemaining}" />
Profile: [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick] + [A - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]
Quest: An Urgent Plea - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Add a MoveTo to Bypass a Bug where the Bot not reach the Objective Area

            <Objective QuestName="An Urgent Plea" QuestId="29749" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="74258" CollectCount="1" />
            <MoveTo X="2956.202" Y="-1636.843" Z="252.8336" DestName="Move to Object Area" />
            <Objective QuestName="An Urgent Plea" QuestId="29749" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="74258" CollectCount="1" />
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]
Quest: The Fledgling Colossus - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Changed Hotspot because it seems Char is out of Range and not attack the NPC. Now it works.

    <Quest Name="The Fledgling Colossus" Id="24692">
        <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="38305" Name="Gorishi Fledgling Colossus " KillCount="1">
                <Hotspot X="-8107.361" Y="-1228.399" Z="-338.1162" />
    <Quest Name="The Fledgling Colossus" Id="24692">
        <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="38305" Name="Gorishi Fledgling Colossus" KillCount="1">
                <Hotspot X="-8117.13" Y="-1194.29" Z="-335.1748" />
keep dying at uldum

hi, nice stuff. but i keep dying at a uldum quest where u have to distract some bos with an item, but my twink wont use this item.

fixed the problem by clicking the item when he was there before he died.
saw that he sometimes just ran into the group, sometimes he tried to use the item in the air.


hi, nice stuff. but i keep dying at a uldum quest where u have to distract some bos with an item, but my twink wont use this item.

fixed the problem by clicking the item when he was there before he died.
saw that he sometimes just ran into the group, sometimes he tried to use the item in the air.

normaly he should fly over the items / bombs, then use the item, wait some seconds to the npc got friendly and then dismount and click the bomb/item.

but your right, sometime there are problems. i will take a look when i have the time for it.

//Edit: I think i found a solution, but i have to test it first the next time one of my chars making these quest.
I'd just like to let you know that i have this error with the 68-80 horde profile... it flyes to the quest giver, talks to the quest giver, but doesn't accept the quest... and it does that to every quest... I accept it manualy and it start doing the quest, np there but still a little anoying... Please help or something...

Thx in advance
- Ruffian
going to sound like a noob question. I'm going back to complete quest in MOP areas and it seems to still want to use ground mount even though i'm 90. How can I change the profile to use a flying mount???

Profile: [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick] + [A - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]
Quest: Pages of History - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Improvements ;-) With HuntingGrounds we have a better navigation in the room. And added more Blackspots to Blacklist all the Books on the 2nd Floor, to avoid stucks.
Quest works now a little bit better, but not perfect...the room is horrible...

        <While Condition="HasQuest(30002) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(30002)">
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="209594" Range="5"
											WaitTime="2000" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="True" CollectionDistance="1000" X="831.1536" Y="-2455.138" Z="176.3029" />
            <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="30002" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for bookworms {TimeRemaining}" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="57237" CollectionDistance="1000" MobState="Alive" NonCompeteDistance="10" 
											InteractBlacklistTimeInSeconds="20" WaitForNpcs="False" NumOfTimes="12" WaitTime="0" X="831.1536" Y="-2455.138" Z="176.3029" /> 
        <While Condition="HasQuest(30002) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(30002)">
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="209594" Range="5" ObjectType="GameObject" WaitTime="2000" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="True" CollectionDistance="1000">
                    <Hotspot X="844.7874" Y="-2460.378" Z="174.9608" />
                    <Hotspot X="817.2835" Y="-2477.354" Z="176.3041" />
                    <Hotspot X="858.798" Y="-2489.446" Z="176.3032" />
                    <Hotspot X="870.4317" Y="-2441.141" Z="176.3033" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="57237" CollectionDistance="1000" MobState="Alive" NonCompeteDistance="10" InteractBlacklistTimeInSeconds="1" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="True" IgnoreLoSToTarget="True" WaitForNpcs="False" NumOfTimes="12" X="844.6836" Y="-2460.097" Z="174.9617" />

And then add these Blackspots:
        <!-- stupid books on the 2nd floor -->
        <Blackspot X="821.0117" Y="-2478.628" Z="192.5526" Radius="5" />
        <Blackspot X="854.1977" Y="-2444.09" Z="192.5632" Radius="5" />
        <Blackspot X="821.7141" Y="-2491.898" Z="179.902" Radius="5" />
        <Blackspot X="837.5516" Y="-2517.023" Z="179.9022" Radius="5" />
        <Blackspot X="872.4144" Y="-2436.604" Z="192.5647" Radius="5" />
        <Blackspot X="829.2274" Y="-2424.292" Z="192.5599" Radius="5" />
        <Blackspot X="805.1687" Y="-2495.39" Z="192.5486" Radius="5" />
        <Blackspot X="848.749" Y="-2510.958" Z="192.5531" Radius="5" />
These profiles are terrific. Lately I've been running the Tol Barad peninsula & Baradin Hold dailies. I'd like to add some code that will have HB first check to see if Tol Barad is controlled by my faction before deciding to run the Baradin Hold dailies. Does anybody know how to add that sort of logic to the beginning of the BH profile?

Ideally, I'd like HB to also check how much time remains before the next TB battle so it can figure out whether there's time to complete the dailies, but that may be asking a lot.
Profile: [A - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick] + [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]
Description: For some Days / Weeks i Reported a Problem where the Char not leave the Room after PickUp the Quest Everything In Its Place - Quest - World of Warcraft because of navigation error:

[17:45:12.352 D] Could not generate full path from {835.9565, -2476.645, 176.3027} to {1047.59, -2560.368, 174.1573} (time used: 0 milliseconds)

Here is a Bypass Fix.
The Bot now leave the Room with using CTM to navigat out:

        <PickUp QuestName="Everything In Its Place" QuestId="30004" GiverName="Lorewalker Stonestep" GiverId="56786" X="839.3281" Y="-2476.998" Z="176.3033" />
        <If Condition="!HasQuest(30004) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(30004)">
            <PickUp QuestName="Everything In Its Place" QuestId="30004" GiverName="Lorewalker Stonestep" GiverId="56786" X="839.3281" Y="-2476.998" Z="176.3033" />
            <!-- Bypass to Leave the Room -->
            <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="838.3664" Y="-2480.586" Z="176.6582" />
            <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="812.8027" Y="-2559.374" Z="186.4825" />

It's cool you are providing fixes for all of these, but are these being pushed via SVN by someone?
Just dinged level 58 on my tauren shaman and selected the next profile (58-70) . All the bot does is fly to shattrath city and stands next to some boxes. I have stopped and started the bot but no luck he just keeps going there. It says 'QuestPickUp' but there is no quest near that location where he stands. Ty for any help :)
Hia, first off love your profiles been working more or less perfect for my first 9 lvl 90s.

But now I have encounterd a problem at lvl 60 Alliance in Hellfire Penninsula with the quest: [Disrupt Their Reinforcements] They have changed the req to do it, but the profile does not know this.
The profile wants to get an item to kill the portals, but you get the item from quest giver.

Otherwize works great.
I suppose that there is a navigation error involved: the toon gets repairs in Hijal, then decides it has to go to Forest Song, Ashenvale., where is has nothing to look for. Then it gets stuck on its way back at the mountains, after a few detours in ashenvale and Feralas. There it stayed for a few hours.

Search the log for ****** to find the spots I mentioned.


Profile: GoTo\[N - Quest] MoP Train Flying LP [Kick]
Description: Replace the UserDialog with the GetOutOfGroundEffectAndAuras Behavior from the [N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick] Profile, so that the Bot make the Quest for Us ;-)

Thanks, MaxMuster!

The changes have been folded into v3055, along with some other clean up for that profile.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1373855]MaxMuster's problem report w/recommended repaire[/post][/size]