Flies next to a mob trying to perform action while mounted in air, will not go down dismount and perform action. If enemy mob will get beaten to death if friendly will get stuck until manually finish what he is doing.
<If Condition="!Me.IsOnTransport">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29730" MobId="55648" GossipOptions="1" X="1444.606" Y="-545.2101" Z="353.1352" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" GoalText="Waiting for vehical {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="00" GoalText="Waiting for vehical {TimeRemaining}" />
<If Condition="!Me.IsOnTransport">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29730" MobId="55648" GossipOptions="1" X="1444.606" Y="-545.2101" Z="353.1352" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="35000" GoalText="Waiting for vehical {TimeRemaining}" />
<Objective QuestName="An Urgent Plea" QuestId="29749" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="74258" CollectCount="1" />
<MoveTo X="2956.202" Y="-1636.843" Z="252.8336" DestName="Move to Object Area" />
<Objective QuestName="An Urgent Plea" QuestId="29749" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="74258" CollectCount="1" />
<Quest Name="The Fledgling Colossus" Id="24692">
<Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="38305" Name="Gorishi Fledgling Colossus " KillCount="1">
<Hotspot X="-8107.361" Y="-1228.399" Z="-338.1162" />
<Quest Name="The Fledgling Colossus" Id="24692">
<Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="38305" Name="Gorishi Fledgling Colossus" KillCount="1">
<Hotspot X="-8117.13" Y="-1194.29" Z="-335.1748" />
hi, nice stuff. but i keep dying at a uldum quest where u have to distract some bos with an item, but my twink wont use this item.
fixed the problem by clicking the item when he was there before he died.
saw that he sometimes just ran into the group, sometimes he tried to use the item in the air.
<While Condition="HasQuest(30002) && !IsQuestCompleted(30002)">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="209594" Range="5"
WaitTime="2000" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="True" CollectionDistance="1000" X="831.1536" Y="-2455.138" Z="176.3029" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="30002" WaitTime="3000" GoalText="Waiting for bookworms {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="57237" CollectionDistance="1000" MobState="Alive" NonCompeteDistance="10"
InteractBlacklistTimeInSeconds="20" WaitForNpcs="False" NumOfTimes="12" WaitTime="0" X="831.1536" Y="-2455.138" Z="176.3029" />
<While Condition="HasQuest(30002) && !IsQuestCompleted(30002)">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="209594" Range="5" ObjectType="GameObject" WaitTime="2000" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="True" CollectionDistance="1000">
<Hotspot X="844.7874" Y="-2460.378" Z="174.9608" />
<Hotspot X="817.2835" Y="-2477.354" Z="176.3041" />
<Hotspot X="858.798" Y="-2489.446" Z="176.3032" />
<Hotspot X="870.4317" Y="-2441.141" Z="176.3033" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30002" MobId="57237" CollectionDistance="1000" MobState="Alive" NonCompeteDistance="10" InteractBlacklistTimeInSeconds="1" IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="True" IgnoreLoSToTarget="True" WaitForNpcs="False" NumOfTimes="12" X="844.6836" Y="-2460.097" Z="174.9617" />
<!-- stupid books on the 2nd floor -->
<Blackspot X="821.0117" Y="-2478.628" Z="192.5526" Radius="5" />
<Blackspot X="854.1977" Y="-2444.09" Z="192.5632" Radius="5" />
<Blackspot X="821.7141" Y="-2491.898" Z="179.902" Radius="5" />
<Blackspot X="837.5516" Y="-2517.023" Z="179.9022" Radius="5" />
<Blackspot X="872.4144" Y="-2436.604" Z="192.5647" Radius="5" />
<Blackspot X="829.2274" Y="-2424.292" Z="192.5599" Radius="5" />
<Blackspot X="805.1687" Y="-2495.39" Z="192.5486" Radius="5" />
<Blackspot X="848.749" Y="-2510.958" Z="192.5531" Radius="5" />
[17:45:12.352 D] Could not generate full path from {835.9565, -2476.645, 176.3027} to {1047.59, -2560.368, 174.1573} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
<PickUp QuestName="Everything In Its Place" QuestId="30004" GiverName="Lorewalker Stonestep" GiverId="56786" X="839.3281" Y="-2476.998" Z="176.3033" />
<If Condition="!HasQuest(30004) && !IsQuestCompleted(30004)">
<PickUp QuestName="Everything In Its Place" QuestId="30004" GiverName="Lorewalker Stonestep" GiverId="56786" X="839.3281" Y="-2476.998" Z="176.3033" />
<!-- Bypass to Leave the Room -->
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="838.3664" Y="-2480.586" Z="176.6582" />
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="812.8027" Y="-2559.374" Z="186.4825" />
Profile: GoTo\[N - Quest] MoP Train Flying LP [Kick]
Description: Replace the UserDialog with the GetOutOfGroundEffectAndAuras Behavior from the [N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick] Profile, so that the Bot make the Quest for Us ;-)