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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Latent Demons of the Land

This Quest is extremely bugged, it endless kills the mobs but doesn't click them, there are anywhere from 1 to 10 bots here (at least on my server) doing the endless loop.

"Hemet's Happy Hunting Grounds" (Bonus Objective: Hemet's Happy Hunting Grounds - Quest - World of Warcraft) After he kills both big wolfs Lupe and Loup and the big worm Big pete he cant fly to the mountains to kill the rest 15 wolfs (he is mounting dismounting too much times maybe u should give him another path looks very bot like) anyway he gets there and completes the quest after he get stuck like 15-20 times.
Will capture this on my Demon Hunter testers.
I think I've seen this exact issue you've reported before - but I figured it would be fixed on the Mesh.

Once my tester runs it, I'll see exactly what's causing issues and try to fix it on the Mesh myself.
Alliance Arak questing seems to be broken. [UseItem-c64c78(error) @line 127]: The 'ItemId' attribute's value (saw 'item:110560') is malformed. (FormatException)
Fixed (r. 5078)

Thanks for the report!
Stuck in Sholazar basin. Bot is trying to interact with NPC Elder harkek (Frenzyheart Tribe), even though it chose to get rep with The Oracles, and therefore is hated with frenzyheart tribe,

Horde, LK profile, lvl 78, sholazar basin. No associated quest.
The quest chain in Sholzaar Basin progressively flows you between the Frenzyheart and Orcale factions.
It isn't until the end of this chain line that you pick which faction you want to go to - which the bot doesn't do this quest, so I'm not sure what's going on with your issue.

The log seems to be questing in Grizzly Hills. So it may be the wrong one.
how do i start the bot to do all of the "assault on blabla" quests? for the pathfinder? :)
They're located in this directory:

Questing Profile Pack -> Reputation -> WoD -> Apexis Dailies
Sorry dont have the log for it, but the Horde quest in LK 68-80 titled "Coward delivery...under 30 minutes or its free" kept outrunning the follower and causing it to fail and retry repeatedly.

Also theres an area at this point that caused it to get stuck.

[15:46:14.623 N] We are stuck! (<2753.131, 6177.942, 87.64969>)
How its it outrunning the NPC? Is it doing so by using a flying mount?
If so, I can simply disable flying for this quest.
Is there a way to make it use the Corral mount in Nagrand while questing? Tried searching but couldn't find anything.
There may be a 'hackish' way of getting the bot to use it, but there's no easy way unfortunately.
The bot is purely designed to not use mounts in combat since that's not normal at all - so attempting to make it use this mount will most likely freak the bot out.

I'd give you a solution for this, but I've personally never experimented with it.
Sorry :(
trying to do questline in arak for pathfinder and i get this... log attached

Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Spires of Arak (Spires of Arak - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 100 Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Spires of Arak
[Singular] ... Zone: Draenor using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Profile Message]: Compiling Arak Quests
[UseItem-c64c78(error) @line 127]: The 'ItemId' attribute's value (saw 'item:110560') is malformed. (FormatException)
[UseItem-c64c78(error) @line 127]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Bot stopping! Reason: Profile has too many errors

View attachment 207194
Fixed in (r. 5078)

Thanks for the report!
I'm not sure what quest the bot is getting stuck on but ask the bot says is kill 1 and runs a huge circle around bc nagrand killing everything.
Fixed in (r. 5079)

Thanks for the report!
This Quest is extremely bugged, it endless kills the mobs but doesn't click them, there are anywhere from 1 to 10 bots here (at least on my server) doing the endless loop.
Should be fixed in (r. 5080) - InteractWith was refusing to interact with the mobs due to them being "friendly."
hey guys,

is there an issue with vendors at the moment?

I have 3 bots quest levelling at different stages and they are all stalling at vendors when repairing or selling.

have tried a clean reinstall

many thanks and keep up the fantastic work
hey guys,

is there an issue with vendors at the moment?

I have 3 bots quest levelling at different stages and they are all stalling at vendors when repairing or selling.

have tried a clean reinstall

many thanks and keep up the fantastic work
There was an error in the bot itself that was fixed a few weeks ago - but currently there should be no issue with it.
Which profiles are you using?
ok i think i found the problem, all characters are wearing the new felshroud items, i uneqipped them and sold them manually and the bot continued as normal
Two of my characters got stuck at the quest "the riders bind". I found them both with 3 out of the 4 objects completed but both standing in the heroic dungeon version of the jade temple. (I guess they got zoned out and re-entered ending up in the normal instance version and not the quest version).

Also; using teamviewer I deleted the quest hoping it would pick up the quest again but it ran straigt into the heroic again. Log attached.


The quest chain in Sholzaar Basin progressively flows you between the Frenzyheart and Orcale factions.
It isn't until the end of this chain line that you pick which faction you want to go to - which the bot doesn't do this quest, so I'm not sure what's going on with your issue.

The log seems to be questing in Grizzly Hills. So it may be the wrong one.

Quests in Sholozar Basin are buggy as hell atm. Ran into same issues with my ally-paladin. Apart from that it doesn't always recognize its "quest mates" who should follow you up (sometimes quest mates even disappear and the bot's stuck in a loop) and therefore you have to complete these questst manually. Log attached.

This post is related to esbe1236. My char tried to interact with NPC "Elder harkek" (Frenzyheart Tribe) and died MANY times. Something's broken in the whole quest-chain, it seems.

View attachment 4948 2016-08-12 13.35.txt
Last edited:
Some reports

-Still not fixed in Rev. 5082-

"Return to Sentinel Hill" Return to Sentinel Hill - Quest - World of Warcraft:
-> Char just stays in front of the King and won't pickup this quest so bot gets stuck. If you restart hb, it will set redridge mountains as next questzone and moves on but for afk-questing this is not working properly

"Render's Army" Render's Army - Quest - World of Warcraft (after "Breaking Out is Hard to Do"):
-> Char runs into sleeping wolves, dies very often until armor breaks -> repaired at vendor and restarted hb it managed to complete, but it's still broken I guess

View attachment 4292 2016-08-14 23.17.txt


"Deploy the Shake-n-Quake!" Deploy the Shake-n-Quake! - Quest - World of Warcraft:
-> Char doesn't deploy the Shake-n-Quake 5000, runs in circles and kills random mobs near the hole

View attachment 6048 2016-08-11 15.19.txt

"Slim Pickings" Slim Pickings - Quest - World of Warcraft:
-> Char doesn't return to complete quest, gets stuck in an ice canyon

View attachment 5176 2016-08-11 11.09.txt

"The Elder's Instruments" The Elder's Instruments - Quest - World of Warcraft:
-> Char doesn't obtain Rosewood Breads after it has already: Waterspeaker's Staff, Ceremonial Robes, Jade Crown

View attachment 5320 2016-08-12 22.37.txt

"SI:7 Report: Fire From the Sky" http://www.wowhead.com/quest=29725/si-7-report-fire-from-the-sky:
-> Char doesn't return to complete quest

View attachment 2948 2016-08-13 04.13.txt

"The Fabulous Miss Fanny" http://www.wowhead.com/quest=29912/the-fabulous-miss-fanny:
-> Char doesn't collect needed objects, runs in circles at quest giver

View attachment 4952 2016-08-13 13.33.txt
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
[Discovering]: Talador - Duskfall Island.
Bot doesnt move, just stands still. Alliance Draenor Pathfinder.
Alliance Arak at the start of the profile isn't picking up the quest from the bulletin board in the garrison. I tried accepting the quest manually and starting the profile afterwards but the bot still doesn't recognize it.

[12:38:39.181 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 34653, QuestName: Arakkoa Exodus].
[12:38:39.181 D] Added new hook [Combat_Only] 7d8a7c56-67a6-4bde-b955-34133363f04f
[12:38:39.182 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp, NavType: Fly
[12:38:39.182 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - Arakkoa Exodus (Arakkoa Exodus - Quest - World of Warcraft) : From - Bulletin Board (Error - Wowhead) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 139]
[12:38:39.613 D] Interacting with Bulletin Board (GameObject Id: 232400)
[12:39:19.613 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Bulletin Board after 20 seconds
[12:39:19.614 D] Interacting with Bulletin Board (GameObject Id: 232400)