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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

All issues will be addressed after I take a quick nap.

If you've reported an issue - don't worry, it will get addressed as soon as I'm awake!
Alliance Arak questing seems to be broken. [UseItem-c64c78(error) @line 127]: The 'ItemId' attribute's value (saw 'item:110560') is malformed. (FormatException)


Tweaked the DK starting profile. Since HB automatically selects unholy as a specialization, the DK already had 1 minion.
The profile wasn't necessarily broken but for Unholy DKs, this quest took much longer to complete as HB thinks the player-summoned minion counted for the quest.
If your DK is Unholy, it should now collect the proper number of minions to complete the quest quickly.

For the "Family Heirlooms" quest in Jade Forest I noticed my toon wasn't looting the heirlooms from the dead friendly NPCs.
This has been fixed.

The fixes are available immediately for those using SVN.
Stuck in Sholazar basin. Bot is trying to interact with NPC Elder harkek (Frenzyheart Tribe), even though it chose to get rep with The Oracles, and therefore is hated with frenzyheart tribe,

Horde, LK profile, lvl 78, sholazar basin. No associated quest.


how do i start the bot to do all of the "assault on blabla" quests? for the pathfinder? :)
Sorry dont have the log for it, but the Horde quest in LK 68-80 titled "Coward delivery...under 30 minutes or its free" kept outrunning the follower and causing it to fail and retry repeatedly.

Also theres an area at this point that caused it to get stuck.

[15:46:14.623 N] We are stuck! (<2753.131, 6177.942, 87.64969>)
Last edited:
Is there a way to make it use the Corral mount in Nagrand while questing? Tried searching but couldn't find anything.
trying to do questline in arak for pathfinder and i get this... log attached

Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Spires of Arak (Spires of Arak - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 100 Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Spires of Arak
[Singular] ... Zone: Draenor using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Profile Message]: Compiling Arak Quests
[UseItem-c64c78(error) @line 127]: The 'ItemId' attribute's value (saw 'item:110560') is malformed. (FormatException)
[UseItem-c64c78(error) @line 127]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Bot stopping! Reason: Profile has too many errors

View attachment 8132 2016-08-14 20.43.txt
Hello, in Nagrand alliance questing(98-100), characters will go and try to repair their items at Pyxni Pennypocket.
She is only a quest giver, and the characters would keep an open window, and just stand there.
Thanks :)
Seems that they removed her vendor capabilities with the prePatch.
Fixed in (r. 5075)

Thanks for the report!
Seemed like I did not fix the issue with the decon quest. Have now added IgnoreCombat="true" and the issue is fixed (bot was fighting mobs instead of using the decon machine).

I have also optimized two of the quests. Instead of completing one quest at the time, the bot now kill that mob that is closests until it is not needed anymore.

For the quest where you need to break the makeshift cages, I have reduced the target distance to 5ft due to the bot fighting the mobs instead of breaking the cages (looked botish when the bot prioritized a mob when standing and break a cage.

I have tested the profile changes on a gnome hunter and a gnome warrior with no issues.

Working on the lvl 5-12 quests now, but demons decided to invade the zone for the next 4 hours...
I've merged your contributions in (r. 5076)

Thanks again! :3
quoted the wrong reply for some reason , this is for the Establish Your Garrison - Quest - World of Warcraft bug
added my log from the last char that had this issue , since its a very long log ill lead you to the time stamp that it happens : [16:23:25.261 D]
I may have to manually check this one.
Supposedly they changed it to where you shouldn't even have to interact with the surveying equipment - the cinematic should just kick in as you approach it.
Hello EchoTiger first of all i want to tell u that u are doing excellent job here wanted to write a long time but well i am lazy.

Frostfire Ridge 90-92 lvl

"Taking a Trip to the Top of the Tank" (Taking a Trip to the Top of the Tank - Quest - World of Warcraft) : Cant complete the quest going down and killing the boss over and over again
"A Taste of Iron" (A Taste of Iron - Quest - World of Warcraft) : He enters the cannon and completes that part but after he cant press the main trigger he is standing there doing nothing
"Establish Your Garrison" (Establish Your Garrison - Quest - World of Warcraft) : The bot dont use the master surveyor
"Mission Probable" (Mission Probable - Quest - World of Warcraft) : Can send the follower on the mission he is going in a loop i think this is some kind of Blizzard crap coz it gives me to enter a name for something it was not like this before
"The Eldest" (The Eldest - Quest - World of Warcraft) : After finishing this quest he cant get the right path to the next quest coz he needs to get over the mountains, he gets there but he needs a lot of time he needs to engage a mob and the mobs despawn so he finds the correct path. Sorry i dont know how to explain (i have flying in wod this is not with a ground mount)
"The Mark of Defiance" (http://wowhead.com/quest=34102) : Some chars complete this quest some cant i had more fail than success u should check this out if u can
"Vulgaths End" (http://www.wowhead.com/quest=34075) : Wound be nice to add garrison HS after the bot complete this quest it is the last quest in frostfire ridge and the bot is forced to repair and sell in the garrison

I know that some of the quests are already noted that need to be fixed but i post it anyway. Fresh install after demon hunter patch no addons what so ever. All quests done with flying in WOD i dont know is this relevant or not.
I'm going to run some Demon Hunter testers on both the Horde and Alliance profiles to see what I can figure up of these issues.
Like you said, some have been addressed - but others I don't see why they should be happening. And it would be better to see what's going on in-game.
not completing quest

I'm not sure what quest the bot is getting stuck on but ask the bot says is kill 1 and runs a huge circle around bc nagrand killing everything.


Gorgond 92-94 lvl

"A Harsh Reminder" (A Harsh Reminder - Quest - World of Warcraft) : He will find a few mobs at start like 4-5 (while he is doing other 2 quests in the area) and after that he goes in circles. Some chars complete this quest tho after 10-15 min maybe more
"The Axe Of Korgall" (The Axe of Kor'gall - Quest - World of Warcraft) : The bot had some problems entering the cave (with flying mount) like pre demon hunter patch but i guess thats fixed now will test with another char and see
I'll need to get a tester out to this one.
Right now I'm using Demon Hunters to sweep through the 90-100 quests.

Once I get around this section - I'll look into it a bit further.
Thanks for the report!
just wanted to say thanks echo for releasing quality profiles, I know its your job but you're still great!
Thanks :D
Right now's rough times with the prePatch breaking absolutely everything - but hopefully it'll all be cleared up soon.