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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Found another issue related to level restrictions, when using the "Auto Loader" if you are level 90 it will also ignore the "Ignore Checkpoint" and take you to "WoD"
Yea, it's also noted. I'll be stripping out the force-load code once Legion-related stuff calms down.
Alliance 96-98 doesnt work. I dont know how to say in english but he use the bulletin board in the garrison and do nothing, and if we take the quest "spires of arak", he continue to use the bulletin board.
I'll need a log to see what's going on.

If you manually quested, you could've completed a quest which prevented other quests from showing.
Quest: Familiar Fungi http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9708/familiar-fungi
Problem: Doesn't kill Ango'Rosh Ogre's to collect Mushroom Samples

Quest: A Warm Welcome http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9728/a-warm-welcome
Problem: Doesn't kill Naga to collect "Naga Claws"

View attachment 205798


Quest: Stealing Back the Mushrooms http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9709/stealing-back-the-mushrooms
Problem: Doesn't kill Ano'Rosh Maulers etc to collect "Box of Mushrooms" it does however loot the object "Box of Mushrooms" correctly.

Quest: Withered Flesh http://www.wowhead.com/quest=10355/withered-flesh
Problem: Doesn't kill Hydra's or Bog Lords.

View attachment 205800
All fixed in (r. 5021)
I think I have found another quest that you should take a look at. It is the A steak fit for a hunter, this one just gets stuck on walking into a giant tree and will not start the quest. Next is the Crocolisk MAstery: The bot does the aimless run even after killing a few it just seems to not realize that they are still there. Same with An offering for Soo-ram. Just look into those and hopefully this item bug will be fixed soon! Keep up the awesome work!!
There's three "Crocolisk Mastery" quests - I'm assuming the one that was giving you issues was "The Plan?"

Fixed in (r. 5025)
Error in horde profile quest - Terokk's Fall http://www.wowhead.com/quest=35895/terokks-fall in Spikes of Arak. Spams error message in HB window (log included)

One more problem is that in some quests where player need to go in cavern and fly mount available (for example, draenor nagrand quest Meet Me in the Cavern http://www.wowhead.com/quest=34866/meet-me-in-the-cavern) bot flies above an entrance, this happens in several quests in Talador too
That error is known - but it shouldn't cause issues.
I have it noted down to make it so it doesn't spam those messages.

The cave issue is also known - Honorbuddy in general has trouble flying into caves.
Does the profile get auto-updated through HB or should we be using the SVN to stay completely up to date?
It depends on how you're obtaining it.

If you're obtaining it through the store - then it gets updated twice a day at 11AM and 11PM PDT.
hey - have the following errors - anything that can be done ?

0:15:15.372 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[10:15:15.372 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[10:15:24.619 D] Activity: Loading Profile...
[10:15:38.004 D] Loading profile from store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/Auto Loader.xml
[10:15:39.523 V] [Compiler Warning]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\UseItemTargetLocation.cs(148,29) : warning CS0108: 'UseItemTargetLocation.Me' hides inherited member 'QuestBehaviorBase.Me'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
[10:15:39.523 V] [Compiler Warning]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\BreakImmunityByKillingMobsInCloseProximity.cs(141,36) : warning CS0108: 'BreakImmunityByKillingMobsInCloseProximity.Me' hides inherited member 'QuestBehaviorBase.Me'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
[10:15:39.523 N] [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(19,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.SpecificQuests.MrDsWildRide' already contains a definition for 'MrDsWildRide'
[10:15:39.523 V] [Compiler Warning]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\24817-LostIsles-AGoblininSharksClothing.cs(58,20) : warning CS0108: '_24817.QuestId' hides inherited member 'QuestBehaviorBase.QuestId'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
[10:15:39.523 N] [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(21,16) : error CS0111: Type 'MrDsWildRide' already defines a member called '.ctor' with the same parameter types
[10:15:39.523 N] [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(68,30) : error CS0111: Type 'MrDsWildRide' already defines a member called 'OnStart' with the same parameter types
[10:17:07.592 N] Starting the bot!
[10:17:07.592 N] Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[10:17:07.592 D] Character is a level 1 Human HunterView attachment 205832
Do a fresh install of your bot - somehow your quest behaviors got corrupted.
svn log says, this quest was fixed, but it still bugs. does not dismount my druid from flight form to kill the basilisk. The good thing is, as soon as we have the basilisk meat 5x (collected it manually), it summons the follower and feeds it :)
Do you have a log of this?
Iam located in Germany and have the German version. What is the best way for us to level to 100 or later to 110. your grind profile leads to LvL 85.
Kick had made the original 1-85 grinding profiles.
There hasn't been any plans to add anymore grinding profiles unfortunately.
Yeah the bot has a very hard time in Northrend. From around level 71 to at least 80. I would post logs but I am not sure exactly which to link, unless you just want me to link the past couple days I have of logs. The majority of the problems are from either use an item in your bag in a location or kill x mob and pick up so-and-so item from dead body.

Quest: A Steak Fit for a Hunter ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12804/a-steak-fit-for-a-hunter )
Problem: Won't kill the longneck Grazer to pick up the Longneck Grazer Steak.

Quest: Crocolisk Mastery: The Ambush ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12569/crocolisk-mastery-the-ambush )
Problem: profile kills the mob but doesn't collect the Crocolisk Jaw that drops when you kill him.

I'm not sure if you want to entire log or not, but here it is so far. I am going to be updating this post while I run across problems. Or if its preferable I can just make a new post every time I run into a problem and post the log.

View attachment 205856
Both have been fixed in previous commits about 20~minutes ago.

The Crocolisk Mastery quest was actually another issue in the bot that's being investigated where it thinks "Dead" mobs are "Friendly" and won't loot them.
I've replaced it with another logic that should make it loot them regardless.

Thanks for the report!
Quest: Flora of the Eco-Domes http://www.wowhead.com/quest=10426/flora-of-the-eco-domes
Problem: Does not dismount from "Flying Mount" to use quest item on quest mob, if item is used while mount is on the ground it will work, however in this profile you hover a little which doesn't work. (Suggest force dismount???)

Quest: Fel Reavers No Thanks http://www.wowhead.com/quest=10855/fel-reavers-no-thanks
Problem: profile successfully loots necessary quest item from quest mob, however it doesn't complete the quest.

View attachment 205855


Quest: Winterfin Commerce http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11559/winterfin-commerce
Problem: "Can't do this while moving"

It will collect some but it takes way to long.
All should be fixed in (r 5028)
Would like to report a couple quest that was giving me problems used the updated SVN (.5010), all done with a elemental shaman if that matters.

Quest: An Intriguing Plan [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12165/an-intriguing-plan]
Problem: Does not combine the 3 items into 1.
View attachment 205877

Quest: Nice to Meat You [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12113/nice-to-meat-you]
Problem: Collected 9/10 fibrous worg meat then moved on to collect sholvehorn steak, just runs around not killing anything.
View attachment 205878

Quest: Supplemental Income [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12436/supplemental-income]
Problem: Bot stays in one place
View attachment 205880

Quest: The Unexpected 'Guest' [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12195/the-unexpected-guest]
Problem: Bot stands still
View attachment 205881

Quest: Trolls Is Gone Crazy! [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12861/trolls-is-gone-crazy]
Problem: Bot just roams around on the mount after he acquires the 8 drakuru "lock opener".
View attachment 205882
Fixed "An Intriguing Plan" and "Trolls is Gone Crazy!" in (r. 5031)

The issue you're having where the bot isn't moving hasn't been noted before - I'm not entirely sure what's going on with that.
This would be something unrelated to the current questing issues.

Have you been noticing it a lot?
Jade Forest, Pandaria. Quest is Family Heirlooms. Does not loot the Glassfin Heirlooms
This is the noted "InteractWith" issue where the bot is identifying "Dead" mobs as "Friendly" mobs.
Currently there's nothing I can do to fix this one - and it's up on the internal tracker for the others to address.
Quest: The Yeti Next Door http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11284/the-yeti-next-door
Problem: Doesn't kill frosthorn rams for meat (4). I should note that the quest also requires that you combine the 4 meat and place it in front of shatterhorn. I finished it manually so I'm uncertain if that part works.

Quest: Spirits of the Ice http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11313/spirits-of-the-ice
Problem: Will kill Spirits of the Ice sometimes... however it will clearly ignore favorable targets right next to it.

Quest: The Fallen Sisters http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11314/the-fallen-sisters
Problem: Is killing the Chill Nymphs instead of freeing them using quest item. (Poor Nymphs... apologize!)

Quest: The Book of Runes http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11346/the-book-of-runes
Problem: Doesn't kill iron rune stonecallers to collect chapters, also doesn't combine chapters once all three are collected.

View attachment 205893

Edit: Added wowhead links and additional quests, updated log
All should be fixed in (r. 5033)
Quest: Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12504/argent-crusade-we-are-leaving
Problem: Does not kill enemies attacking soldiers, so you can't talk to them.

Quest: Siphoning the Spirits http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12799/siphoning-the-spirits
Problem: Doesn't kill Lost Drakkari Spirits for Ancient Ectoplasms

Quest: Clipping Their Wings http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12610/clipping-their-wings
Problem: Doesn't kill Zul'Drak Bats for Unblemished Bat Wings

Quest: Stocking the Shelves http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12609/stocking-the-shelves
Problem: Doesn't kill Trapdoor Crawlers for Fresh Spider Ichor

Quest: Skimmer Spinnerets http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12553/skimmer-spinnerets
Problem: Doesn't kill Hath'ar skimmers for Intact Skimmer Spinnerets

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