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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

It's a known issue - the code originally used was Lua-based and the Lua function used no longer works.

I'm working on a mass-update that should replace all uses of the Lua code.

Does this mean there is no need anymore in reporting broken quests of that kind?
Does this mean there is no need anymore in reporting broken quests of that kind?
I've just sent an update that replaces the Lua functions.
If you use this update and it continues to be a problem, then report it. :)

Right now I'm focusing development on Singular as it needs a lot of work as well.

For the questing issues that are currently being reported, I'm queuing them up into my workflow.
If the Tuesday patch does not fix the Blizzard issue, then I will re-prioritize working on the reported quests.

Thanks for all your reports so far!
I've just sent an update that replaces the Lua functions.
If you use this update and it continues to be a problem, then report it. :)

Right now I'm focusing development on Singular as it needs a lot of work as well.

For the questing issues that are currently being reported, I'm queuing them up into my workflow.
If the Tuesday patch does not fix the Blizzard issue, then I will re-prioritize working on the reported quests.

Thanks for all your reports so far!

Thanks for all your hard work! Love that!
When I try to use the instructions for the Loremaster version, it simply just loads profiles from WOD. With the update does the Autoloader version one with those settings still work?
He tries to get this quest but doesn't exist. Comment out the quest will do the job and move forward.

<!--<If Condition="Me.Level &gt; 53">
<PickUp QuestName="The Dunes of Silithus" QuestId="28859" GiverName="Zen'Aliri" GiverId="38269" X="-7461.412" Y="-1528.385" Z="-268.8134" />
</If> -->
Do you have logs for this?
There's no code in the profiles to delete these items as far as I'm aware.

Ye, I could see that in the code, but all the summon items for both factions (Oracle and frenxz) goes missing in the bag just after pickup, so when I want to do the quest manually (due to the bot not summoning the NPC), I have to go back to the quest giver inorder to get a new summoning item.

Log attached. The Mist quest starts around [00:07:46.835 D], and there is a printout of the quest items in the bag as well.

A bit offtopic, but instead of giving this quest profile a overhaul, is it not possible to go get the source code from https://www.thebuddyforum.com/thebu...r-profiless-questbot-1-70-90-96-alliance.html ? Then fix that quest bot. It worked extreamly well when it was working prior to natfoth abandoning the project for some reason.


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Still not working in rev 5034:

Quest: Argent Call: The Trial of the Crypt (http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27464/argent-call-the-trial-of-the-crypt)
Problem: Running in circles right in front of the entrance of the crypt, doesn't use quest item properly if in the crypt (runs out of the crypt)

-> Log 2492 2016-08-08 18.45.txt

Quest: Latent Demons of the Land (http://www.wowhead.com/quest=28312/latent-demons-of-the-land)
Problem: Just killing random flamekins, doesn't attempt to loot 18 required "Fallen Flamekin" (loot symbol looks like object loot after mob is dead, maybe that's the reason)

-> Log 4824 2016-08-09 02.44.txt

View attachment 2492 2016-08-08 18.45.txt
View attachment 4824 2016-08-09 02.44.txt

I had to cut down the second log because of an upload error. Thank you for recent fixes!
Still not working in rev 5034:
I haven't addressed those issues yet.

Once today's patch is rolled out and Honorbuddy is updated, I will be addressing all the reported issues assuming Blizzard hasn't fixed it.
After I fix all the currently reported issues - I'll nuke this thread clean and setup a list that will list out all the quests that have been fixed.
[FONT=&quot]If you come across a quest where the bot is just running around doing nothing, please report the quest here so that I may fix it![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thanks for your understanding and support!

The Focus on the Beach quest in WoTLK. Char runs back and forward under the locations where you are to use a quest item.

The Family Heirlooms quest in MoP. Character runs to a location and sits there.

I find it fun to just level characters so I've leveled many many times and this is the first time I've had to really babysit.

I'm going to level another toon soon so I'll keep a list of quests that this is happening to.
Quest: Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12504/argent-crusade-we-are-leaving
Problem: Does not kill enemies attacking soldiers, so you can't talk to them.

Quest: Siphoning the Spirits http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12799/siphoning-the-spirits
Problem: Doesn't kill Lost Drakkari Spirits for Ancient Ectoplasms

Quest: Clipping Their Wings http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12610/clipping-their-wings
Problem: Doesn't kill Zul'Drak Bats for Unblemished Bat Wings

Quest: Stocking the Shelves http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12609/stocking-the-shelves
Problem: Doesn't kill Trapdoor Crawlers for Fresh Spider Ichor

Quest: Skimmer Spinnerets http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12553/skimmer-spinnerets
Problem: Doesn't kill Hath'ar skimmers for Intact Skimmer Spinnerets

View attachment 205918
All fixed in (r. 5044)
Im messing around with the quest profiles, but I have added hunter class to gnome 1-5, and fixed the decontamination quest (see below codes). I have attached the profile as well. I hope it is okay I just proposed the changes rather than reporting the issue...

Decon quest:
        <PickUp QuestName="Decontamination" QuestId="27635" GiverName="Gaffer Coilspring" GiverId="46274" />
        <If Condition="HasQuest(27635) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(27635)">
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" NumOfTimes="1" MobId="46185" X="-5175.427" Y="745.7177" Z="287.397" />
            <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="25000" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Decontamination" QuestId="27635" TurnInName="Technician Braggle" TurnInId="46255" />

Hunter class quest:
		        <If Condition="Me.Class == WoWClass.Hunter">
            <PickUp QuestName="The Future of Gnomeregan" QuestId="41217" GiverName="Nevin Twistwrench"
                    GiverId="42396" />
            <TurnIn QuestName="The Future of Gnomeregan" QuestId="41217" TurnInName="Muffinus Chromebrew"
                    TurnInId="103614" />
            <PickUp QuestName="Meet the High Tinker" QuestId="41218" GiverName="Muffinus Chromebrew"
                    GiverId="103614" />
            <TurnIn QuestName="Meet the High Tinker" QuestId="41218" TurnInName="High Tinker Mekkatorque"
                    TurnInId="42317" />


Can confirm this is an issue, woke up to my character standing there for who knows how long.

Rise of the brotherhood.

Walks right up to the king and just sits there. Doesn't turn in.

I think it's looking for the old king.


Also, just letting you know, recently started a character that I'm going 1-100 with and I'll 100% let you know of anything I get stuck on. It's been working perfectly fine other than standing at the king.
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Quest: Make the Bad Snake Go Away ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12571/make-the-bad-snake-go-away )
Problem: profile wouldn't attack anything. It just stopped moving and wouldn't go anywhere.

Quest: In Search if Bigger Game ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12595/in-search-of-bigger-game )
Problem: Profile wouldn't move from one spot.

It was actually not Gods like Shiny Things, it was either Make the Bad Snakes Go Away or In Search for Bigger Game. I am not sure which one cause I ended up manually doing them.

View attachment 205920
"Make the Bad Snake Go Away" is Fixed in (r. 5047)

The "In Search of Bigger Game" issue may have been another issue regarding navigation.