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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

I think I have found another quest that you should take a look at. It is the A steak fit for a hunter, this one just gets stuck on walking into a giant tree and will not start the quest. Next is the Crocolisk MAstery: The bot does the aimless run even after killing a few it just seems to not realize that they are still there. Same with An offering for Soo-ram. Just look into those and hopefully this item bug will be fixed soon! Keep up the awesome work!!


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Does the profile get auto-updated through HB or should we be using the SVN to stay completely up to date?
hey - have the following errors - anything that can be done ?

0:15:15.372 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[10:15:15.372 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[10:15:24.619 D] Activity: Loading Profile...
[10:15:38.004 D] Loading profile from store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/Auto Loader.xml
[10:15:39.523 V] [Compiler Warning]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\UseItemTargetLocation.cs(148,29) : warning CS0108: 'UseItemTargetLocation.Me' hides inherited member 'QuestBehaviorBase.Me'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
[10:15:39.523 V] [Compiler Warning]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\BreakImmunityByKillingMobsInCloseProximity.cs(141,36) : warning CS0108: 'BreakImmunityByKillingMobsInCloseProximity.Me' hides inherited member 'QuestBehaviorBase.Me'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
[10:15:39.523 N] [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(19,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.SpecificQuests.MrDsWildRide' already contains a definition for 'MrDsWildRide'
[10:15:39.523 V] [Compiler Warning]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\24817-LostIsles-AGoblininSharksClothing.cs(58,20) : warning CS0108: '_24817.QuestId' hides inherited member 'QuestBehaviorBase.QuestId'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
[10:15:39.523 N] [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(21,16) : error CS0111: Type 'MrDsWildRide' already defines a member called '.ctor' with the same parameter types
[10:15:39.523 N] [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Collin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(68,30) : error CS0111: Type 'MrDsWildRide' already defines a member called 'OnStart' with the same parameter types
[10:17:07.592 N] Starting the bot!
[10:17:07.592 N] Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[10:17:07.592 D] Character is a level 1 Human HunterView attachment 7148 2016-08-06 13.14.txt
svn log says, this quest was fixed, but it still bugs. does not dismount my druid from flight form to kill the basilisk. The good thing is, as soon as we have the basilisk meat 5x (collected it manually), it summons the follower and feeds it :)
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Iam located in Germany and have the German version. What is the best way for us to level to 100 or later to 110. your grind profile leads to LvL 85.
Yeah the bot has a very hard time in Northrend. From around level 71 to at least 80. I would post logs but I am not sure exactly which to link, unless you just want me to link the past couple days I have of logs. The majority of the problems are from either use an item in your bag in a location or kill x mob and pick up so-and-so item from dead body.

Quest: A Steak Fit for a Hunter ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12804/a-steak-fit-for-a-hunter )
Problem: Won't kill the longneck Grazer to pick up the Longneck Grazer Steak.

Quest: Crocolisk Mastery: The Ambush ( http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12569/crocolisk-mastery-the-ambush )
Problem: profile kills the mob but doesn't collect the Crocolisk Jaw that drops when you kill him.

I'm not sure if you want to entire log or not, but here it is so far. I am going to be updating this post while I run across problems. Or if its preferable I can just make a new post every time I run into a problem and post the log.

View attachment 216708 2016-08-05 21.43.txt
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Quest: Flora of the Eco-Domes http://www.wowhead.com/quest=10426/flora-of-the-eco-domes
Problem: Does not dismount from "Flying Mount" to use quest item on quest mob, if item is used while mount is on the ground it will work, however in this profile you hover a little which doesn't work. (Suggest force dismount???)

Quest: Fel Reavers No Thanks http://www.wowhead.com/quest=10855/fel-reavers-no-thanks
Problem: profile successfully loots necessary quest item from quest mob, however it doesn't complete the quest.

View attachment 6964 2016-08-06 10.47.txt


Quest: Winterfin Commerce http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11559/winterfin-commerce
Problem: "Can't do this while moving"

It will collect some but it takes way to long.
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Would like to report a couple quest that was giving me problems used the updated SVN (.5010), all done with a elemental shaman if that matters.

Quest: An Intriguing Plan [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12165/an-intriguing-plan]
Problem: Does not combine the 3 items into 1.
View attachment 14176 2016-08-05 16.00.txt

Quest: Nice to Meat You [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12113/nice-to-meat-you]
Problem: Collected 9/10 fibrous worg meat then moved on to collect sholvehorn steak, just runs around not killing anything.
View attachment 14176 2016-08-05 16.00.txt

Quest: Supplemental Income [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12436/supplemental-income]
Problem: Bot stays in one place
View attachment 10588 2016-08-05 11.59.txt

Quest: The Unexpected 'Guest' [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12195/the-unexpected-guest]
Problem: Bot stands still
View attachment 19360 2016-08-05 13.49.txt

Quest: Trolls Is Gone Crazy! [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12861/trolls-is-gone-crazy]
Problem: Bot just roams around on the mount after he acquires the 8 drakuru "lock opener".
View attachment 16452 2016-08-05 21.26.txt
Is there any setting I've missed that I should have? But every quest where my toon have to loot something from mobs, it just roams around and doing nothing. So I have to manually do them all.

It's ONLY on quest where it's required for the toon to loot mobs, it doesnt kill mobs it just run around like a headless chicken.


NVM Read the first big post.

Is there anything I can help you with which remove this issue?
Just report the name of any quest you come across where it does this, and I'll fix it asap.
I'm hoping by Tuesday this issue will be fixed by Blizzard - but in the mean time I'm fixing as much as I can just in case they don't.
Quest: The Yeti Next Door http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11284/the-yeti-next-door
Problem: Doesn't kill frosthorn rams for meat (4). I should note that the quest also requires that you combine the 4 meat and place it in front of shatterhorn. I finished it manually so I'm uncertain if that part works.

Quest: Spirits of the Ice http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11313/spirits-of-the-ice
Problem: Will kill Spirits of the Ice sometimes... however it will clearly ignore favorable targets right next to it.

Quest: The Fallen Sisters http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11314/the-fallen-sisters
Problem: Is killing the Chill Nymphs instead of freeing them using quest item. (Poor Nymphs... apologize!)

Quest: The Book of Runes http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11346/the-book-of-runes
Problem: Doesn't kill iron rune stonecallers to collect chapters, also doesn't combine chapters once all three are collected.

View attachment 8112 2016-08-06 14.37.txt

Edit: Added wowhead links and additional quests, updated log
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Quest: I'm Not Supposed To Tell You This (in Eastern Plaguelands)

While waiting for the respawn, the bot will endlessly run around in circles in the spawn area. This constant pattern is a good way to get banned.
Fixed in (r. 5012) - bot should now just stand in the area waiting.
Argent Call: Trial of the Crusader (EPL)

Completely broken (doesn't go to right location or attempt to use quest item).
I've noted this down, but it's low priority right now.
I'm mostly focusing on the actual 1-100 questing range - once it's fixed up, I'll check this profile out.
Hi Echo, first let me apologize i didn't mean to come out like a jerk, i am sorry. Thank you for your prompt and professional reply. after following your instructions seems the bot is running just fine, he has been questing for 2hrs strong. i even ran to do some errands and hes still working hard doing all the quest. So again, thank you and sorry.
It's no problem at all.

Good to see it worked - Bot safe!