I'm not sure if tis is related with Kick's profile or Hbuddy but I was running it on my VM and it was running just fine, did outlands up to 68 and then when I reached Northrend... Well It tried to goo for a vendeor in the middle of the map of borean tundra (it was the first thing the bot wanted to do as soon as it reached Northrend). Afterwards he bot won't move, won't deliver quests , feels like I need to initiate attacks for it to actullay start fighting mobs. I've unistalled and tried installing it again from the instaler on my computer.. should I redownload it? Everytime I do a new install it just updates and goes do the same thing... I'm playing on alliance. Currently im stuck on the Kvladir quests like "Spirits watch over us".
THank you for the help. Id attach a log but he isnt making one
THank you for the help. Id attach a log but he isnt making one