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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Another one. And I haven't quested manually or touched the bot for several hours.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="2532.19" Y="2726.045" Z="234.9541" />, Talador.

HOW: Moments before this screenshot, the character was trying to enter the same area, but with an NPC having a bubble around the whole area. Bot was still trying to get inside, even though it's impossible. I hope no players saw that, because it definitely looked wrong. After I took control, I sent it away to a location where it can turn in the quest, but after being activated again, it turned around and returned to the same spot to stand there and do nothing; this time, though, the NPC was not there anymore. See screenshot below.

View attachment 201541

WHAT: Please find full log attached.

UPDATE: After a shutdown and restart of HB, luckily the bot moved on. But the report is still important because of the stuck behavior that happened.
It seems that Kick has this quest setup so that if the player is within the bubble radius - it will loop a constant interaction with an NPC that's inside to 'get out of' it.
So somehow your character ended up within the detection radius.

An easy fix for this would be to turn down the detection radius - and have terminations if the player is outside of it.
I've got this one marked down and will tweak it a bit once one of my testers get to the spot.
And another. Same thing, have not quested manually or touched the bot for hours.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="5863.096" Y="5228.725" Z="144.539" />, Frostfire Ridge.

HOW: Bot stands there doing nothing after a restart. I assume that it stood there and did nothing for a long time, hours ago, before logging out. Live log says, “No viable mobs in area.” See screenshot attached:

View attachment 201542

WHAT: Please find the full log attached.

UPDATE: Moving the character away from that spot and picking the Frostfire Ridge 90-92 within the WoD folder and starting again made the bot move on.
While I have my doubts, this one could be a Mesh issue.
From the looks of your log, the bot ended up in the tower - and got stuck because it couldn't get down.

The log has an endless loop of:

[03:45:39.280 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Bladespire Raider, NavType: Run
[03:45:39.346 D] Clearing POI - Reason Pull target is blacklisted
[03:45:39.498 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Bladespire Raider, NavType: Run
[03:45:39.508 D] Clearing POI - Reason Pull target is blacklisted
[03:45:39.588 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Bladespire Raider, NavType: Run
[03:45:39.653 D] Clearing POI - Reason Pull target is blacklisted

Which is why I'd assume it's the navigation, because it can't get to the NPC.
However, this could also be a Combat Routine issue.
Why Talador profile always run to http://www.wowhead.com/object=227527/lightbearer

He buged atm. Bot can pickup and swith to next step. But Every time as bot restarted - one more run to lightbearer. Checked for few toons few times.

		<!-- Grab some Treasures 
			<If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(34101)" > Doesn't count as a treasure, but easy 100 gold.
				<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Lightbearer" X="2195.229" Y="1733.57" Z="119.2742" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" WaitTime="2000" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" MobId="227527" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" X="2194.05" Y="1732.597" Z="120.7772" />
			<If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(34252)" >
				<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Barrel of Fish" X="2522.234" Y="2112.002" Z="108.3595" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" WaitTime="2000" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" MobId="228016" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" X="2522.234" Y="2112.002" Z="108.3595" />
		END Grab some Treasures -->

Why Treasures in Questing profile and why it is. Broken.
Treasures were added to the questing pack at the request of Kick because treasures give the experience equivalent of a single quest.

Also, this treasure was removed from the questing profiles a few weeks ago when it was noted as broken given the recent patch.
You're most-likely using an outdated copy of the profiles.
This spot is a stuck spot for almost every single bot who was leveling in that area for me.

WHERE: Around <Hotspot X="1639.674" Y="3265.615" Z="124.6304" />, Talador.

HOW: The bot gets stuck around that area, and keeps bumping into the walls, or trying to go through them or scale them. Happened with every bot leveling in that zone, so far. See screenshot below:

View attachment 201626

WHAT: Please find the full log attached.
It looks like the bot fell to that location.
Issues like this aren't typically profile-related issues, and are caused by low FPS, NPCs with knockback abilities, or spells that causes the player to "jump" or "go" in a direction. (eg: Monk's roll or Warlock's demon jump.)

From the looks of your log, the bot had just completed a quest and started moving to the next location.
During this, it got stuck on an object which caused the anti-stuck handler to jump, which is when it fell down there.

[COLOR="#00FF00"][14:24:07.523 D] Goal: Moving to <1906.354, 3225.242, 133.759> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 1281][/COLOR]
[14:24:31.046 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 14.65546, FPS: 29, Latency: 37, Map: Draenor, loc: <1593.608, 3288.043, 133.6591>)!
[14:24:31.048 D] Nearest game object, distance 15.44 yards
<!--Bench in Talador zone and on Draenor continent-->
<GameObject model="World\Expansion05\Doodads\Draenei\6dr_Draenei_pewlong.m2">
  <Matrix M11="-0.07845926" M12="-0.9969173" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.9969173" M22="-0.07845926" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="1" M34="0" M41="1597.52258" M42="3302.97925" M43="133.665314" M44="1" />

[14:24:31.048 V] Trying dismount
[14:24:31.048 D] Stop and dismount... Reason: Stuck Handler
[14:24:32.255 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 12.841, FPS: 22, Latency: 37, Map: Draenor, loc: <1593.612, 3288.042, 133.6591>)!
[14:24:32.256 D] Nearest game object, distance 15.44 yards
<!--Bench in Talador zone and on Draenor continent-->
<GameObject model="World\Expansion05\Doodads\Draenei\6dr_Draenei_pewlong.m2">
  <Matrix M11="-0.07845926" M12="-0.9969173" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.9969173" M22="-0.07845926" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="1" M34="0" M41="1597.52258" M42="3302.97925" M43="133.665314" M44="1" />

[COLOR="#FF0000"][14:24:32.256 V] Trying jump
[14:24:32.848 N] [Singular] *Slow Fall on Me @ 100.0%
[14:24:35.827 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore![/COLOR] [B] --- Bot fell here as a result of getting stuck on the objects listed above.[/B]
[14:25:07.965 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles

In that area, does it look like the bot can get away from it without jumping or falling? (a direct path)

This error may need to be reported to the navigation thread - as a patch to the mesh to blackspot the initial object the bot got stuck on would fix this.
Another spot where bots get stuck over and over again.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="6785.914" Y="930.7739" Z="144.6393" />, Gorgrond, Draenor.

HOW: Bot just tries to go somewhere through this block of rocks, or tries to scale them. Doesn't work. Happens with all bots. See screenshot below:

View attachment 201631

WHAT: Please find the full log attached.
This bug along with another similar bug has been noted already and is in the process of being fixed.
Thanks for the report!
Treasures were added to the questing pack at the request of Kick because treasures give the experience equivalent of a single quest.

Also, this treasure was removed from the questing profiles a few weeks ago when it was noted as broken given the recent patch.
You're most-likely using an outdated copy of the profiles.

I use profiles arrived with HB. And i try use profile from store. Same behavior... Now manual delete it from profile for other toons, Thx
Running the "[Fly][H - Quest] Twilight Highlands 84-85 [Kick].xml" profile to open up the portal in Orgrimmar. Found three bugs with fixes (I need these for several toons)

1. When interacting with demolishers for quest 26294 Weapons of Mass Dysfunction, the bot goes to the closest one to the NPC http://www.wowhead.com/npc=42672/foreman-glibbs, and sits there repeatedly testing the same demolisher. It appears the correct one is always the third one from the NPC, so it should be easily fixed by moving to the correct demo first. The demo we want is <Vendor Name="Hellscream Demolisher" Entry="42673" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="2392.984" Y="-4796.818" Z="126.7942" />. A suitable place to move to would be <Hotspot X="2398.633" Y="-4798.797" Z="126.665" />.

2. Quest "Madness" (http://wowhead.com/quest=26549) states it often bugs out and has retry logic in the profile, but I've found if standing closer to the NPC for the line "This is madness!" it works, and at the current position my bots just retry again and again until cancelled because the NPC despawns. I would recommend moving them here to wait for the speech: <Hotspot X="-4109.375" Y="-6414.495" Z="37.70375" />. I believe you need to be in range to be stunned, and this seems to work 100% of the time.

3. For quest "Insurrection" (http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26621/insurrection) if your character has flying the bot will fly to the NPCs which are fighting and wait for them to leave combat. If you disable mounting for the duration of this quest the bot will pull the hostile mobs and interact with the NPCs correctly.

Thanks for your hard work :)
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I don't know what's wrong, but this is the first time this happens: A bot questing in Draenor keeps going back to Kalimdor for some reason. I think it's been on it for about 12 hours! You can see from the size of the log. I found most of its gear red or completely broken, apparently trying to swim the ocean or something.

Please find the full log attached.


I use profiles arrived with HB. And i try use profile from store. Same behavior... Now manual delete it from profile for other toons, Thx
The profiles that are shipped with the bot aren't updated as frequently as the store copy.

The store copy is updated twice a day at 11AM and PM UTC.
The profiles that are shipped with the bot are only updated when the actual bot is updated.
I don't know what's wrong, but this is the first time this happens: A bot questing in Draenor keeps going back to Kalimdor for some reason. I think it's been on it for about 12 hours! You can see from the size of the log. I found most of its gear red or completely broken, apparently trying to swim the ocean or something.

Please find the full log attached.
Huh, this one's a bit interesting.
Not a profile issue - but an issue in the "MountHook" logic.

The mount hook is used for lower level profiles to detect when you're high enough level to buy a mount.
Once you are high enough level, it hijacks the profile code and moves to buy a mount for you (if you don't have one already.)

Somehow.. the MountHook logic remained hooked into your bot once you loaded the initial profile which chain-loaded every profile up until the Gorgrond profile.

With your issue, the MountHook activated - causing the bot to 'attempt' to go to Orgrimmar to buy a mount.
I'll push this to the other devs, and see what they can figure up.
In Talador, and the quests: Prized Repossessions, Punching Through and Supply Recovery the bot just spam interact with the npc i had to manually turn in the quest after you use the rope. And then bot dont pick up the quest and when i pick up the quest myself and start bot does samething.

Horde btw !
In Talador, and the quests: Prized Repossessions, Punching Through and Supply Recovery the bot just spam interact with the npc i had to manually turn in the quest after you use the rope. And then bot dont pick up the quest and when i pick up the quest myself and start bot does samething.

Horde btw !
How are you obtaining the profiles?
This issue was addressed two weeks ago and a fix should've been made.
Honest Question here...

I'm trying to optimise leveling as much as possible...

Regarding CATA and MOP leveling.. Should I Follow stricly the profiles? As in:

I start Jade FOrest and Ding 86, should I change profile to Valley of 4 Winds or let the bot keep running on its own, still on Jade Forest?

I have full exp heirlooms btw.

I'm asking this as usually a charcter will finish Jade Forest around lvl 89 but I'm concerned with Quest XP degradation as your level increases.
Honest Question here...

I'm trying to optimise leveling as much as possible...

Regarding CATA and MOP leveling.. Should I Follow stricly the profiles? As in:

I start Jade FOrest and Ding 86, should I change profile to Valley of 4 Winds or let the bot keep running on its own, still on Jade Forest?

I have full exp heirlooms btw.

I'm asking this as usually a charcter will finish Jade Forest around lvl 89 but I'm concerned with Quest XP degradation as your level increases.
I've honestly not tested it out that much.

But at the same time, you have to count the fact that the higher level you are - the faster the lower level quests will be completed.
So even though the experience yield is a little bit lower, you're still completing them at a higher rate than you would quests that are your level.

Perhaps someone else here has experimented with it a bit.
If not, then your best bet would be to try it out.

If you're leveling a lot of characters - check their /played.
Have one group do things differently than another group and see how the /played matches up.
Hi there,

Is there a way that i don''t use the heirloom mount while i quest?

The option use ground mounts is off, but it still uses the heirloom mount.

i want to use mounts on lvl 40 :)



Hi there,
Is there a way that i don''t use the heirloom mount while i quest?
The option use ground mounts is off, but it still uses the heirloom mount.
i want to use mounts on lvl 40 :)

Hi, Obzzcure,

When we [post=2195989]diagnosed your problem in the Support forum[/post], you were using Cava's questing profiles—not the Honorbuddy Profile Pack.

There is nothing wrong with the Honorbuddy Profile Pack profiles. You are reporting the problem to the wrong team.

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Hi, Obzzcure,

When we [post=2195989]diagnosed your problem in the Support forum[/post], you were using Cava's questing profiles—not the Honorbuddy Profile Pack.

There is nothing wrong with the Honorbuddy Profile Pack profiles. You are reporting the problem to the wrong team.


Yes you're right sorry about that.