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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Bugs out a bit with big ground mounts,
just to warn everyone to use smaller mounts
was using coalfist gronnling

Also, if you are experiencing stucks, you should make reports to the [post=350949]Navigation thread[/post]. Doing so will fix the problem for everyone, using all bots—not just the Questing bot.

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EDIT: Based on how my previous log was the one produced after an Honorbuddy restart, I'm attaching the log file just before the one I already uploaded, in case that's the one with the juice: View attachment 201472
Have you quested manually any at all prior to this?
It seems that the bot is trying to pickup a breadcrumb quest - which these quests can easily phase out if you've quested any at all manually.

With your log it's trying to pickup Secrets of Gorgrond which internally has two QuestIds.
One which is picked up from Durotan, and one which is picked up from the Command Board.

Currently on my 'to-do' list is to remove any breadcrumb quest pickup that's not absolutely needed to progress the quest line to hopefully avoid these issues.
Please find attached here and in my original post the huge log file just before the one I already uploaded; I'm fairly certain that's the one with all the data:View attachment 201473
This one seems to be an issue within Pandaria.
It looks like the bot was stuck, and after about 7hours, finally bugged out completely.

The issue that caused this seemed to be a bad herb/ore node as the bot was moving to harvest it prior to everything breaking down.
And another one; bot goes to a spot, and stands there doing nothing.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="6782.94" Y="-575.4636" Z="5.120667" />, Iron Docks, Gorgrond.

HOW: Supposedly moving to hunting grounds in the live log, but really just standing there. See screenshot attached.

View attachment 201477

WHAT: Please find 2 logs attached. The bigger one's probably the right one.

EDIT: For the record, this happens with store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/WoD/Pathfinder Profiles/[N - Quest] WoD Pathfinder Loader [Kick].xml
It seems that you're starting this profile inside of an instance.
Try moving your character out of the instance before starting it.
Have you quested manually any at all prior to this?
It seems that the bot is trying to pickup a breadcrumb quest - which these quests can easily phase out if you've quested any at all manually.

With your log it's trying to pickup Secrets of Gorgrond which internally has two QuestIds.
One which is picked up from Durotan, and one which is picked up from the Command Board.

Currently on my 'to-do' list is to remove any breadcrumb quest pickup that's not absolutely needed to progress the quest line to hopefully avoid these issues.

I might have done a quest or more manually, yes. I didn't know that this can affect it. I thought that the bot always just checks which quests are done, ignores those, and moves on. But if this can cause problems, I'd rather just make sure I never quest manually, not even once, and just let it do all quests possible. I'll take note and act accordingly from now on.
This one seems to be an issue within Pandaria.
It looks like the bot was stuck, and after about 7hours, finally bugged out completely.

The issue that caused this seemed to be a bad herb/ore node as the bot was moving to harvest it prior to everything breaking down.

Ouch! 7 hours! I considered avoiding farming while questing, but there are 2 issues with such a move: 1. I miss out on all the materials and profession leveling while bot is questing, and 2. I believe that moving sideways every now and then to pick a herb or ore is: 1. Natural behavior, and 2. Adds a bit of randomization to the bot's path, so not every single bot using this profile will draw exact, to the point, paths on Blizzard's logs.
It seems that you're starting this profile inside of an instance.
Try moving your character out of the instance before starting it.

What do you mean by instance, EchoTiger? Like a dungeon? Or an instanced group? I haven't done any dungeons with my bots recently. So what do you mean?
Another one. And I haven't quested manually or touched the bot for several hours.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="2532.19" Y="2726.045" Z="234.9541" />, Talador.

HOW: Moments before this screenshot, the character was trying to enter the same area, but with an NPC having a bubble around the whole area. Bot was still trying to get inside, even though it's impossible. I hope no players saw that, because it definitely looked wrong. After I took control, I sent it away to a location where it can turn in the quest, but after being activated again, it turned around and returned to the same spot to stand there and do nothing; this time, though, the NPC was not there anymore. See screenshot below.


WHAT: Please find full log attached.

UPDATE: After a shutdown and restart of HB, luckily the bot moved on. But the report is still important because of the stuck behavior that happened.


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And another. Same thing, have not quested manually or touched the bot for hours.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="5863.096" Y="5228.725" Z="144.539" />, Frostfire Ridge.

HOW: Bot stands there doing nothing after a restart. I assume that it stood there and did nothing for a long time, hours ago, before logging out. Live log says, “No viable mobs in area.” See screenshot attached:


WHAT: Please find the full log attached.

UPDATE: Moving the character away from that spot and picking the Frostfire Ridge 90-92 within the WoD folder and starting again made the bot move on.


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Shortly after my post above.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="6406.739" Y="4877.972" Z="46.6759" />, Frostfire Ridge.

HOW: Bot goes to die in lava repeatedly. And, instead of waiting on shore for resurrection timer, to resurrect on-shore, as a ghost it dives into the lava again to resurrect inside. See screenshots:

WoWScrnShot_050116_140453.webp WoWScrnShot_050116_140729.webp

WHAT: Please find the full log attached.

EDIT: I moved bot manually to that spot on the ground. Luckily, it stayed and resurrected there.


Im doing the Pandaria loremaster on my toon right now and when i switched to the Kun-Lai profile a message popped up in honorbuddy saying the profile will soon be removed or something about the QB.

So i was just wondering will theese profiles be removed or is it some sort of bug or something?
I might have done a quest or more manually, yes. I didn't know that this can affect it. I thought that the bot always just checks which quests are done, ignores those, and moves on. But if this can cause problems, I'd rather just make sure I never quest manually, not even once, and just let it do all quests possible. I'll take note and act accordingly from now on.
Yea - well it can detect if quests are completed. The problem is just that Blizzard makes a mess by making the quest have multiple IDs.
Which the IDs are how the bot checks the status of the quest.

The quest giving you issues has two IDs, which the questing profile is only designed to handle 1 of the IDs - and that's the one given by Durotan.
It would be possible to have it support both IDs, but to add support for this with every quest in the 90-100 range would take a very long while.

This Wiki article by Chinajade further explains this in detail:
Ouch! 7 hours! I considered avoiding farming while questing, but there are 2 issues with such a move: 1. I miss out on all the materials and profession leveling while bot is questing, and 2. I believe that moving sideways every now and then to pick a herb or ore is: 1. Natural behavior, and 2. Adds a bit of randomization to the bot's path, so not every single bot using this profile will draw exact, to the point, paths on Blizzard's logs.
Yea, harvesting will definitely cause some issues as you've noticed.
Unfortunately 'harvesting' isn't fully supported with the questing profiles, and adding support for them wouldn't be too possible given how many variables there is when it comes to node placements/etc.

The bot does a fine job of pathfinding to the nodes, however unforeseen bugs could easily arise from it.
Some bugs particularity being: the harvest logic attempting to harvest a node while the questbot is trying carrying out a 'delicate' quest which requires no distractions to complete.

I've talked with Hawker a few weeks ago about building in an anti-stuck logic into these profiles.
If the bot stays within the radius of a coordinate for too long, the profile will halt and custom logic will be used to get the bot out of the location (eg: Hearthstone, then return to questing hub.)

I'm not sure when (or if) this logic will be included as the ideas being tossed around at the moment.
Hopefully if it does get added and maybe issues like this will no longer exist.
What do you mean by instance, EchoTiger? Like a dungeon? Or an instanced group? I haven't done any dungeons with my bots recently. So what do you mean?
The log noted your character was actually inside of the Iron Docks dungeon instance.
I couldn't tell you how it ended up in there, but judging by your surprise - it wasn't user-intended. Lol

Of course the questbot can't naturally navigate out of dungeons - so that's what was causing the issue you were having.
Im doing the Pandaria loremaster on my toon right now and when i switched to the Kun-Lai profile a message popped up in honorbuddy saying the profile will soon be removed or something about the QB.

So i was just wondering will theese profiles be removed or is it some sort of bug or something?
It wasn't saying the profile was going to be removed, it was saying that a quest behavior used to execute a quest logic was depreciated - meaning it's no longer needed.
The warning can be ignored, it's noting for a user to worry about. It's just telling the developers to get rid of the code. xD

All questing profiles will remain on the pack until the end of time.
Why Talador profile always run to http://www.wowhead.com/object=227527/lightbearer

He buged atm. Bot can pickup and swith to next step. But Every time as bot restarted - one more run to lightbearer. Checked for few toons few times.

		<!-- Grab some Treasures 
			<If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(34101)" > Doesn't count as a treasure, but easy 100 gold.
				<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Lightbearer" X="2195.229" Y="1733.57" Z="119.2742" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" WaitTime="2000" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" MobId="227527" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" X="2194.05" Y="1732.597" Z="120.7772" />
			<If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(34252)" >
				<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Barrel of Fish" X="2522.234" Y="2112.002" Z="108.3595" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" WaitTime="2000" ProactiveCombatStrategy="ClearMobsTargetingUs" MobId="228016" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" X="2522.234" Y="2112.002" Z="108.3595" />
		END Grab some Treasures -->

Why Treasures in Questing profile and why it is. Broken.
This spot is a stuck spot for almost every single bot who was leveling in that area for me.

WHERE: Around <Hotspot X="1639.674" Y="3265.615" Z="124.6304" />, Talador.

HOW: The bot gets stuck around that area, and keeps bumping into the walls, or trying to go through them or scale them. Happened with every bot leveling in that zone, so far. See screenshot below:


WHAT: Please find the full log attached.


Another spot where bots get stuck over and over again.

WHERE: At <Hotspot X="6785.914" Y="930.7739" Z="144.6393" />, Gorgrond, Draenor.

HOW: Bot just tries to go somewhere through this block of rocks, or tries to scale them. Doesn't work. Happens with all bots. See screenshot below:


WHAT: Please find the full log attached.

