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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Kick has this occur because if you end up with a full quest log, the bot will hard-stop. And this wouldn't be good if you are away or asleep while it's running.
It was added in to help keep the flow of the bot optimal.

However, this shouldn't happen much.
There's only a few times that it abandons -all- the quests.
Which profile did you load when this happened?

I manually loaded the Cata - [Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick] when this happened. Cant tell if it was right after loading or after a few quests. Noticed it after about 15 mins I think.
Hello. Loading Cata Uldum profile on mine 100 lvl char, it doing near 15 quests and then fly to stormwind and try to take MoP quests. What I do wrong? why it not doing all profile quests?>
I've leveled several 100s in the past months and they always, always bug in the quest [H] Eyes Above. The bot will get 3 out of 6 credits for it and then it will fly to western Dragonblight, very close to Borean Tundra, and afk there. Solution is to pause the bot, fly back, manually finish the quest and resume. It's not rare to find a cluster of bots in the same exact place, all afk. Can't believe this isn't fixed yet.
Hello. I am having issues completing the Bonus Objective "Assault of Darktide Roost".

The bot shows the following under the info tab:
Goal: Turning in Quest - Missive: Assault on Darktide Roost (http://wowhead.com/quest=38182) : To - Shadow Hunter Ukambe : ID - 78495 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 217]
I already have the quest (purchased w/ 200 garrison resources from my Garrison). It continues to try turning in a quest that it doesn't complete.

Restarted HB. When I start the bot FROM my garrison, it performs "Taking flight path to Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley from Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge"
Once it arrives, it moves forward a few meters, and then just sits there whilst the bot states "Waiting on taxi..". Then, returns back to the Garrison! (Taking flight path to Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge from Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley).
Again states Turning in Quest - Missive: Assault on Darktide Roost (http://wowhead.com/quest=38182) : To - Shadow Hunter Ukambe : ID - 78495 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 217]. After a few moments of derp, HB stops and states "Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Shadow Hunter Ukambe after 20 seconds"

I'm updated to the latest SVN revision and I also have attempted reloading WoW, HB, and my PC itself. Attached a log file to see if I could get some further assistance here. I did notice that if I manually moved my character a bit further away, it would go and attempt to do 'Assault on Socrethar's Rise', but will eventually attempt to fly back to my garrison to turn in a quest that isn't completed. Rather confusing.

PROFILE USED IS: \Questing Profile Pack\Reputation\WoD\Apexis Dailies\[N - Quest] Assault on Darktide Roost [Kick]

EDIT: Still not working (just completed it manually). Also, are there profiles available for 'Assault on Socrethar's Rise' and 'Assault on Skettis'? I'm unable to find them, unless they're named differently within the profile pack. Thanks


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I manually loaded the Cata - [Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick] when this happened. Cant tell if it was right after loading or after a few quests. Noticed it after about 15 mins I think.
Yup, there's two occurences of the "Abandon All" code in the Hyjal profile.

1) If you lack quest The Last Living Lorekeeper(25830) in your quest log, and it isn't complete.
2) If you have quest As Hyjal Burns(25316) in your quest log, and it is complete.​

So either of those two situations occured, which triggered it.
Hello. Loading Cata Uldum profile on mine 100 lvl char, it doing near 15 quests and then fly to stormwind and try to take MoP quests. What I do wrong? why it not doing all profile quests?>
Is "Ignore Checkpoints" checked in the Honorbuddy "Settings & Tools" menu ?
If it's not checked, then the bot will skip sections of the profile code since you're a high level doing low level quests.
I've leveled several 100s in the past months and they always, always bug in the quest [H] Eyes Above. The bot will get 3 out of 6 credits for it and then it will fly to western Dragonblight, very close to Borean Tundra, and afk there. Solution is to pause the bot, fly back, manually finish the quest and resume. It's not rare to find a cluster of bots in the same exact place, all afk. Can't believe this isn't fixed yet.
Could you toss me a log of the issue? I don't (currently) have any Horde testers around this zone/level that could run this.
In the mean time, I'll check out the profile code and look for anything that's out of place.
Hello. I am having issues completing the Bonus Objective "Assault of Darktide Roost".

The bot shows the following under the info tab:
Goal: Turning in Quest - Missive: Assault on Darktide Roost (http://wowhead.com/quest=38182) : To - Shadow Hunter Ukambe : ID - 78495 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 217]
I already have the quest (purchased w/ 200 garrison resources from my Garrison). It continues to try turning in a quest that it doesn't complete.

Restarted HB. When I start the bot FROM my garrison, it performs "Taking flight path to Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley from Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge"
Once it arrives, it moves forward a few meters, and then just sits there whilst the bot states "Waiting on taxi..". Then, returns back to the Garrison! (Taking flight path to Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge from Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley).
Again states Turning in Quest - Missive: Assault on Darktide Roost (http://wowhead.com/quest=38182) : To - Shadow Hunter Ukambe : ID - 78495 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 217]. After a few moments of derp, HB stops and states "Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Shadow Hunter Ukambe after 20 seconds"

I'm updated to the latest SVN revision and I also have attempted reloading WoW, HB, and my PC itself. Attached a log file to see if I could get some further assistance here. I did notice that if I manually moved my character a bit further away, it would go and attempt to do 'Assault on Socrethar's Rise', but will eventually attempt to fly back to my garrison to turn in a quest that isn't completed. Rather confusing.

PROFILE USED IS: \Questing Profile Pack\Reputation\WoD\Apexis Dailies\[N - Quest] Assault on Darktide Roost [Kick]

EDIT: Still not working (just completed it manually). Also, are there profiles available for 'Assault on Socrethar's Rise' and 'Assault on Skettis'? I'm unable to find them, unless they're named differently within the profile pack. Thanks
I'll check out the Darktide Roost issue, thanks for the report and log!
It's probably just a bad ID somewhere.

Kick was in charge of the 'Assault on' profiles, I'm not sure if he had actually got around to making a profile for all of them.
If there's not any profiles for it on the SVN, then he may have either missed it, or forgot to upload them.

I'll ask him and see what's up. Thanks for pointing it out!
Flying support for the MoP profiles?
I'm not sure that it was a priority - it can be added, but it will cause a lot of bugs and will require a good chunk of testing.

The reason why - some of the behaviors and <Objective/> tags won't dismount the player from a flying mount properly.
Although it has no problem with ground mounts.
So for every occurence of this issue, extra code would need to be added to force-dismount the player.
Na, I meant the part where it switches from Tonlong to Dread Wastes. Between those two profiles it goes to learn MoP flying skill and at this point you have to manually accept learning the skill before the bot continues. Maybe there is a reason for it, but other riding/flying skills are learnt without user intervention. So I do not understand why I have to learn it as the toon stands at the fliying trainer, opens its windows but does not accept learning.
Na, I meant the part where it switches from Tonlong to Dread Wastes. Between those two profiles it goes to learn MoP flying skill and at this point you have to manually accept learning the skill before the bot continues. Maybe there is a reason for it, but other riding/flying skills are learnt without user intervention. So I do not understand why I have to learn it as the toon stands at the fliying trainer, opens its windows but does not accept learning.
Ah, I see what you mean.
It could be that he left it out since it costs so much and some people would rather keep the gold than continue.

It could still be automated - but only if the user actually "accepts" the dialog box that appears.
I'll mark that down as a feature request.
Is "Ignore Checkpoints" checked in the Honorbuddy "Settings & Tools" menu ?
If it's not checked, then the bot will skip sections of the profile code since you're a high level doing low level quests.

Yep. Try with and without this mark. Checked and uncheked> one result. It just write @compiling questline@ then going to rachet, ship to stomwind and load pandaria profile.
View attachment 4004 2015-12-06 17.58.txt

All previos profiles (BK, LK profiles) was ok. Also was ok a Hijal profile. This one is problem(
Yep. Try with and without this mark. Checked and uncheked> one result. It just write @compiling questline@ then going to rachet, ship to stomwind and load pandaria profile.
View attachment 194069

All previos profiles (BK, LK profiles) was ok. Also was ok a Hijal profile. This one is problem(
Hm, it looks like Kick has hard-coded the profile to load the Jade Forest profile if you're above level 84.
Here's an edit with that taken out.

View attachment [Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick].xml

In the mean time, I'll investigate the profile a bit further to see why this was hard-coded.
Hm, it looks like Kick has hard-coded the profile to load the Jade Forest profile if you're above level 84.
Here's an edit with that taken out.

View attachment 194076

In the mean time, I'll investigate the profile a bit further to see why this was hard-coded.

Thank you so-so-so much, EchoTiger!! Work flawlessly! Like a charm!

But,the same with deepholm quests. Done only 13 quests for opening portal and then load pandaria. But I want doing terazan delies. Could you check it too?
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Hello, is the Auto loader fixed now? when i start it it still say Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 42575 in database.smt" then stops so i have to use the other profiles. isnt it just easier to remove that NPC ID ?
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Thank you so-so-so much, EchoTiger!! Work flawlessly! Like a charm!

But,the same with deepholm quests. Done only 13 quests for opening portal and then load pandaria. But I want doing terazan delies. Could you check it too?

It doesn't seem that the Deepholm profile has the level check like the other.
Nor does it have level checkpoints.

Could you give me a log for this one as well?
Hello, is the Auto loader fixed now? when i start it it still say Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 42575 in database.smt" then stops so i have to use the other profiles. isnt it just easier to remove that NPC ID ?
This isn't an issue with the autoloader - the autoloader doesn't actually do quests, so it wouldn't be searching for a Quest Giver.
Could you send me a full log so I can see what's going on?
I loaded the Autoloader.xml again now and it works, it does the quests it's supposed to, then in 10-20 mins the error will show again, now i couldnt retrieve the log atm, but if anything happends ill post it in a reply ...FYI tho , i already leveled 3 chars to lvl 100 with autloader before this started happening :)
Can this complete Missive quests from your garrison?
Kick made profiles for the missives.
You can find them in this directory:

Questing Profile Pack\Reputation\WoD\Apexis Dailies\
The 90-100 profiles are pretty much junk right now. Leveling 7 different accounts and i literally have to sit here and babysit them. Some of the issues have been around since the start, like the quest thats in the cave and instead your character stands on exiles rise. Also when you first get your garrison it messes up when you do your first mission. Just way too many issues but those are the few I can think of I've had in the past few days on every single character.