Hello. I am having issues completing the Bonus Objective "Assault of Darktide Roost".
The bot shows the following under the info tab:
Goal: Turning in Quest - Missive: Assault on Darktide Roost (
http://wowhead.com/quest=38182) : To - Shadow Hunter Ukambe : ID - 78495 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 217]
I already have the quest (purchased w/ 200 garrison resources from my Garrison). It continues to try turning in a quest that it doesn't complete.
Restarted HB. When I start the bot FROM my garrison, it performs "Taking flight path to Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley from Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge"
Once it arrives, it moves forward a few meters, and then just sits there whilst the bot states "Waiting on taxi..". Then, returns back to the Garrison! (Taking flight path to Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge from Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley).
Again states Turning in Quest - Missive: Assault on Darktide Roost (
http://wowhead.com/quest=38182) : To - Shadow Hunter Ukambe : ID - 78495 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 217]. After a few moments of derp, HB stops and states "Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Shadow Hunter Ukambe after 20 seconds"
I'm updated to the latest SVN revision and I also have attempted reloading WoW, HB, and my PC itself. Attached a log file to see if I could get some further assistance here. I did notice that if I manually moved my character a bit further away, it would go and attempt to do 'Assault on Socrethar's Rise', but will eventually attempt to fly back to my garrison to turn in a quest that isn't completed. Rather confusing.
PROFILE USED IS: \Questing Profile Pack\Reputation\WoD\Apexis Dailies\[N - Quest] Assault on Darktide Roost [Kick]
EDIT: Still not working (just completed it manually). Also, are there profiles available for 'Assault on Socrethar's Rise' and 'Assault on Skettis'? I'm unable to find them, unless they're named differently within the profile pack. Thanks