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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Next issue: When switching auto-profiles from Tonlong Steppes to Dread Wastes, the toon learns MoP flying. There we have to manually accept flying skill :( but thats not the real problem. After learning and continuing the bot, it flies to Serpent Spine, there it learns flightmaster and accepts two quests. And here begins the problem. The toon uses the rope and... uses it over and over, up, down, up, down, ... and never walks away to continue questing. Endless loop. Nice botter honeypot.
See log


I'm getting the "[Discovering]: Frostfire Ridge - Bladespire Citadel." stuck as well.
Is Bladespire citadel actually discovered?
If so (or if not), can you run this in-game and tell me what it says?

/run local a1=(select(3,GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(8937,0))); local a2=(select(3,GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(8937,1))); print(a1, a2);
Having an issue thats been reported already but never got fixed.
Quest: My father's crossbow in Tonlong Steppes, Pandaria. Quest is being picked up and the mob Et'kil is killed as it should. It drops the quest item, but HB doesn't loot it. See log attached.

I've sent a blind edit that 'should' fix the issue.
I don't have any testers near this quest, so if you could verify, that'd be helpful.
Next issue: When switching auto-profiles from Tonlong Steppes to Dread Wastes, the toon learns MoP flying. There we have to manually accept flying skill :( but thats not the real problem. After learning and continuing the bot, it flies to Serpent Spine, there it learns flightmaster and accepts two quests. And here begins the problem. The toon uses the rope and... uses it over and over, up, down, up, down, ... and never walks away to continue questing. Endless loop. Nice botter honeypot.
See log
It looks like there may be minor complications between the profile and navigator.
From the looks of it, Kick had originally hard-coded the profile to use the rope to get down, however a jump-link was added to the Mesh that tells the bot to use the rope when navigating in that area.

So the profile is conflicting with the bot's navigation, which is probably why it's going up and down endlessly.
The profile is telling the bot to use the rope, so while the bot navigates to the rope - the navigator uses the rope instead, meanwhile the profile still wants to use the rope, so it continues to go to the rope... and yea. Heh.
Endless loop since the navigator is endlessly hijacking the rope usage over the profile.

I've sent an SVN update that comments out all the hard-coded 'rope usage' from the profile so hopefully that should fix it.
The bot's navigator will handle all the rope usage on its own, and the profile with just quest as normally without worrying about it.
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I believe it has been discovered. The area seems to be uncovered on my map.

/run local a1=(select(3,GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(8937,0))); local a2=(select(3,GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(8937,1))); print(a1, a2);

This returns "true true"

Thanks for the quick response. I have another log that is much longer w/ the same issue if that helps at all.


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I believe it has been discovered. The area seems to be uncovered on my map.

/run local a1=(select(3,GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(8937,0))); local a2=(select(3,GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(8937,1))); print(a1, a2);

This returns "true true"

Thanks for the quick response. I have another log that is much longer w/ the same issue if that helps at all.
Hmm, so it's returning true on both. Yet if you were to start the profile (right now) it'll go to discover the Bladespire Citadel?

Very strange.
"true, true" means you've discovered it.
So the bot should also see that you've discovered it, yet it's not.

Could you try one more thing and run this profile for me?
It will pop information up on your Honorbuddy, just copy+paste the whole chunk that pops up, even if it has repeating lines.

While on the Alliance quest "Mistantle's Revenge" after a short fight in a house the bot runs outside to a tree and waits for the NPC who aided you to appear with quest cursor. The NPC (Tobias Mistmantle) however simply disappears from inside the house and "reappears" in town to meet you.

Stopped the bot and ran the dev tool for target info once in town to save you some time finding his location.

Log attached.


While on the Alliance quest "Mistantle's Revenge" after a short fight in a house the bot runs outside to a tree and waits for the NPC who aided you to appear with quest cursor. The NPC (Tobias Mistmantle) however simply disappears from inside the house and "reappears" in town to meet you.

Stopped the bot and ran the dev tool for target info once in town to save you some time finding his location.

Log attached.
Thanks for the log and report!
I'll check it out and get a fix made asap if I can find anything.

I may need to send testers out to replicate the issue or to test changes, so I may not be able to update you on the status.
However, it will be documented here.
Created a new Panda to see if I could replicate the Mistmantle error when it got to that level. By level 5 it got an add and failed to generate a path to it somehow then used the heirloom healing trinket 2,100 times (which really, really bothers me....) while dead (maybe?) before tripping inactivity. I hadn't disabled ElvUI however on the first run, however. Log attached.

Side note are there any particular logs you'd want on the way to 100, stuck or otherwise? Looking at the issues post it doesn't seem like there's anything open, but it doesn't hurt to ask.


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Created a new Panda to see if I could replicate the Mistmantle error when it got to that level. By level 5 it got an add and failed to generate a path to it somehow then used the heirloom healing trinket 2,100 times (which really, really bothers me....) while dead (maybe?) before tripping inactivity. I hadn't disabled ElvUI however on the first run, however. Log attached.

Side note are there any particular logs you'd want on the way to 100, stuck or otherwise? Looking at the issues post it doesn't seem like there's anything open, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
The profile seemed to be operating as it should - seeking and gathering roots to complete Kindling the Fire
When you came back to your character, could you see the mob that the bot was trying to engage? If so was that mob in a location where you couldn't navigate to?

Acording to the log the trinket usage bugged out twice. The first time you died while it was trying to spam usage of it.
After the bot revivied, the bot got back on track - then the same occured again, which is when the inactivity timer tripped.

If anything, this looks more like a Singular issue.
Singular trying to use the trinket, but usage of it isn't succeeding so it endlessly spams it.

You could turn off trinket usage in the "Class Config"
See here:


Sure, I'll take any log you got.
Although navigational stuck issues are only (typically) helpful if the bot is actually stuck on an actual object which we can blacklist.
Like a fence, seasonal object, mailbox, etc.

Often the bot will fall into a location where there's no way to "walk" out of it - so the bot will bug out.
Stucks like this are typically unavoidable since the bot falling in the first place wasn't intended. There's not really much we can do about those.

I don't typically list every bug on the 'bug sheet' - just some of the more major ones. :3
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The profile seemed to be operating as it should - seeking and gathering roots to complete Kindling the Fire
When you came back to your character, could you see the mob that the bot was trying to engage? If so was that mob in a location where you couldn't navigate to?

When I came back I was at the login screen, wasn't in the room at the time as the Panda starting profile have worked fine for me in the past. Upon login I was a ghost though, so I presume I was dead again by that point.

Acording to the log the trinket usage bugged out twice. The first time you died while it was trying to spam usage of it.
After the bot revivied, the bot got back on track - then the same occured again, which is when the inactivity timer tripped.

If anything, this looks more like a Singular issue.
Singular trying to use the trinket, but usage of it isn't succeeding so it endlessly spams it.

You could turn off trinket usage in the "Class Config"

That's the first thing I looked at when I digged through the settings to try to turn it off and I'm 90% sure both Trinket 1 and 2 were disabled, which led to my confusion since it's a neck item and I didn't see an option for it. Is there a way to limit how often Singular will spam something? I don't really feel like it's human-like to do 2,000 uses of a trinket...or anything, really. Not to derail away from the subject or anything.

Sure, I'll take any log you got.
Although navigational stuck issues are only (typically) helpful if the bot is actually stuck on an actual object which we can blacklist.
Like a fence, seasonal object, mailbox, etc.

Often the bot will fall into a location where there's no way to "walk" out of it - so the bot will bug out.
Stucks like this are typically unavoidable since the bot falling in the first place wasn't intended. There's not really much we can do about those.

I don't typically list every bug on the 'bug sheet' - just some of the more major ones. :3

Thanks. In the past I'd just stick with old SVNs until something was clearly broken and never posted logs because I had old routines/profiles. I sort of felt like an ass for making posts every other day about something being broken since a lot of the reports I see are "shitty fucking bot broken again ffs plz fix" without any logs or useful information but since I just play by hand a bit until I'm past whatever hickup my posts for the good of others, I swear!
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Why does this bot get stuck so much / not defend itself when it gets attacked? It just wants to run continuously to a point without engaging a herd of mobs killing my toon. Additionally it drops completed quest when it moves onto a new zone without turning in the completed quests? As well as stopping the bot completely if it can not turn in the quest? Is this broken? Attached a log.


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That's the first thing I looked at when I digged through the settings to try to turn it off and I'm 90% sure both Trinket 1 and 2 were disabled, which led to my confusion since it's a neck item and I didn't see an option for it. Is there a way to limit how often Singular will spam something? I don't really feel like it's human-like to do 2,000 uses of a trinket...or anything, really. Not to derail away from the subject or anything.
There's no as far as I'm aware. And I'm not sure of the necklace issue, you'd need to add in a feature request to Bobby, the Singular routine developer.
You may also want to provide him with this log. The usage of the necklace isn't forced in the profile at all, so that's all Singular's doings.

Thanks. In the past I'd just stick with old SVNs until something was clearly broken and never posted logs because I had old routines/profiles. I sort of felt like an ass for making posts every other day about something being broken since a lot of the reports I see are "shitty fucking bot broken again ffs plz fix" without any logs or useful information but since I just play by hand a bit until I'm past whatever hickup my posts for the good of others, I swear!
Hehe xD
Why does this bot get stuck so much / not defend itself when it gets attacked? It just wants to run continuously to a point without engaging a herd of mobs killing my toon. Additionally it drops completed quest when it moves onto a new zone without turning in the completed quests? As well as stopping the bot completely if it can not turn in the quest? Is this broken? Attached a log.
Your log is showing a massive amount of errors.
Like litterately over 7,448 lines of errors.

I'm not sure what happened to your installation - but you'll definitely need to do a fresh installation to fix that.
Your log is showing a massive amount of errors.
Like litterately over 7,448 lines of errors.

I'm not sure what happened to your installation - but you'll definitely need to do a fresh installation to fix that.

How can I do a fresh install? There a way to like uninstall honor buddy? Thanks EchoTiger!
A fresh install just means taking the .zip file and extracting to a different folder. where no other files are (hopefully)
How can I do a fresh install? There a way to like uninstall honor buddy? Thanks EchoTiger!
Remember to save your key somewhere. As doing a fresh install will delete your settings files.

Make a folder and name it anything you want - this is where your Honorbuddy installation will go.
Click this link: http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetNewest?filter=Honorbuddy
That will download the latest Honorbuddy as a .zip file.

After the download is complete, open the .zip and extract the contents into the folder you made earlier.
That's pretty much it. Start up Honorbuddy, enter you key, then try the questing profiles again.

You can delete your old Honorbuddy folder and the downloaded .zip file.
I noticed this morning on my rogue that the "Saving Foreman Oslow" quest in Redridge may need some tweaking. The bot was able to identify and track down the "Ettin" and attack and use the item necessary but not actually achieve the goal. The point of the quest is to beat up on the Ettin, use the item, the take the Ettin to the Foreman to save him from under the boulder. What was actually happening was the toon would use the item at the beginning of the fight and then lay the smack down on the Ettin killing him. Since the item was used on the NPC, the bot considered this to be successful and then went to the boulder. once there, because the quest couldn't be turned in, the toon went back and found another Ettin, rinse repeat.