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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Hello Kickazz,

Posting this as I can confirm it's a 100% stuck for all horde characters. I have tried 3 of my own and always see another 2-3 bots in the same place all the time. It's lvl 25 quest Wet Works in Ashenvale. Below you can find the logs and screenshots of the area.
Position: <2610.70, -3055.91, 156.39>

PM me if you have any questions or you want to make a test.

Edit: the fix is to make the bot use the item "Secret Signal Powder" from the bags and summon the NPC.

This is still here, along with other 2 "show stoppers" in Ashenvale. I'm sure everyone knows about them, but still haven't been discussed in years.
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick].xml
Issue: A level 5 Tauren attempts to take the FP from Bloodhoof Village to Orgrimmar, but does not have enough currency. Upon failure, the profile directs the character to MoveTo Innkeeper Gryshka in Orgimmar - this leads to essentially indefinite deaths to mobs with far higher levels ("Skulled" mobs). Without sending currency to the character or navigating manually to Orgimmar, starting a new Tauren is effectively not AFK-able. Replicated multiple times to ensure it wasn't just bad luck - no tests with Taurens reached 9 Silver, 40 Copper before this point in the profile.

Suggested Fix: If possible, a currency check needs to be performed on the character. Currency should be > 9 Silver, 40 Copper in order to take the FP to Orgrimmar.

Log attached:


It is pretty annoying that the profile does auto equip items.... even if the function in honorbuddy is turned off the profile still puts stuff on is there an way to get that fixed??
my leveling heirloom gear does all the time get taken off by some crap -.-
It is pretty annoying that the profile does auto equip items.... even if the function in honorbuddy is turned off the profile still puts stuff on is there an way to get that fixed??
my leveling heirloom gear does all the time get taken off by some crap -.-

wut. It's not the profile, it's the AutoEquip. Just configure it in the settings, pretty please.
Only problem I am having is he just keeps mounting the grand expedition yak and unmounting and he doesn;t need to sell.
For some odd reason I can only see BC, Cata, Classic, Exploration and GoTo when loading through buddy store, anyone else experiencing this?
You guys should make a paid version. I'd buy it, I know people that would buy it. Something you guys can develop more and be rewarded for it.
For the DK Death Knight quest "If Chaos, Drives, Let Suffering Hold The Reins" it does not kill all 10 Citizen of Havenshire mobs.

I think I fixed it by adding the following line:

Line 382: <Hotspot Name="Corner" X="1912.76" Y="-5769.26" Z="103.32" />

It is important to note this is a new line added.

I also added a mob ID to the following line:

Line 387: MobState="Alive" MobId="28609" MobId2="28611" MobId3="28557" MobId4="28608" MobId5="28576"

The text in bold is what I added to the already existing line 387.

From what I can tell this fixes the problem.

EDIT: Ok this fix doesnt work all the time.

The problem is instead of an attack command "interactwith" is used. Which means the bot runs up and right clicks the target. BUT the range to interact is further than melee range. So what ends up happening is the character runs up queues up a melee attack but it is out of range. After 2-3 seconds it mounts up and continues on its way without ever having attacked the mob. Rather frustrating.
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I've been using this for a while now, but when I want to do 70-80, the bot always stops at a certain point saying "Waiting for NPC's to arrive".
I get "Compiling Org quests" at Frostfire Ridge. I'm on quest "Gormaul Tower". The bot buffs up and then just stands there with "Compiling Org quests" message and nothing happens for hours. Tried to start it in Garrison and next to the quest area/mobs but no difference. I've been lvling alliance toon same time, but he's on BC area now, works fine so far. We'll see if it hiccups when it hits WoD area, like this horde side seems to do.
Horde - High Wilderness - Feralas - Level 43.

Quest "Testing the Vessel"

Sat all night pathing the same exact route with about 3 other people not completing the quest. Log attached.


I have noticed, that some quests the bot double takes instead of taking a little bit more time to accept them. I also am learning that some quests it has problems turning them in or doing them in correct order. I like the bot so far its enjoyable watching it using this profile. I feel you did great work and is there a way to put Skinning on the professions for wod, or grinding herbs. :)
kicks i dont know whats wrong with the profiles but many times in area when im gone from pc honorbuddy automatticly stops i didnt clicked on the stop button on honorbuddy is there away to let it automaticly restart again because its just standing and doing nothing it always happens when im not on the pc?