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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

I dunno where to post this. But I assume here is a good place. There is still a serious bug in the Horde and Alliance profile from 92-94 Gorgrond. You're required to go into a cave filled with Ogers, also kill an Oger NPC which requires you to cross a wooden bridge. However, this is the point where I encouter this problem everytime. You need to click on the obstackel to remove the blockage which is needed to cross the bridge. The bot doesn't do this. Instead, the bot just keeps running from left to right into the fence and it looks very bottish. I've already had a friend banned for this specific reason I can say for sure as it was a high population realm and she was banned shortly after leaving Grogrond. (She was AFK for several hours and left the bot running in Gorgrond). Please fix this cause it seems to me it's not hard to fix it. Yet it's a huge bug which can cause you to be banned easily if you don't monitor your bot properly in this zone. I worry about this specific bug since it's been there as long as I can remember.
The plugin runned smooth until i was halfway through lvl 91 on my shaman(frosfire ridge) then it stopped, and it wont start again. I get the message [Profile Message]: Compiling Org Quests, and it does nothing. Tried it on my lvl 90 mage, and it worked just fine
The plugin runned smooth until i was halfway through lvl 91 on my shaman(frosfire ridge) then it stopped, and it wont start again. I get the message [Profile Message]: Compiling Org Quests, and it does nothing. Tried it on my lvl 90 mage, and it worked just fine

Found this issue as well. Happened to me during this quest: Save Wolf Home - Quest - World of Warcraft

The bot sends the character to the center of the "blue circle" that indicates where the target should be, in this case Trokar.
He's just a bit off to the side and the character doesn't go to him or target/attack him. Maybe its different for ranged.

I just stopped the bot and did that portion manually.

Found someone else who had this issue while searching, this is what it gets stuck on. So I guess its been there for a while.

Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5764.788, 6295.42, 95.95795>
Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5764.788, 6295.42, 95.95795>
Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5764.788, 6295.42, 95.95795>
Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5764.788, 6295.42, 95.95795>
Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <5764.788, 6295.42, 95.95795>
The new HB update caused an issue with completing the quests which grant followers in WoD. It just cycles between waiting and failing to complete the quest. It needs manual interaction to complete the quest and get the follower then the bot continues along properly. Also the mesh for Vol'Jin's Pride in Talador is seriously messed up. The bot has extreme difficulty both leaving and entering the camp. While the bot is in this quest area, I highly suggest monitoring it the full time it's there.
Can not turn in quest Drain Schematics (ID: 9731) because I don't have it in my quest log!
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
Any chance to be able to use this with mixed mode instead of just the questing bot? I like to pvp while leveling.
Is any one finding a work around for the "Compiling Org Quests" bug? I will get some logs of it when I try to us the profile again tomorrow. I love your work kick, Would love to see a paid version with a little extra support. Cant expect you to work for free. :)
Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.
Honorbuddy stopped

again at level 59! :D i hand level to 60 and buy mount but still happening...

edit: suddenly it worked :D i was just pressing start once in a while...
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[H - Quest] 96-98 Arak [Kick]

Quest punishable by death

issue. kills 8 mobs and then kills nas dunberlin then continues to wait for him to respawn to kill him again causing the bot to kill him over and over again with out ever turning in quest

even after handing in the quest he continues to kill the mob over and over

issue is that its trying to get the quest punishable by death again which it will not get it anymore sinces its done

i removed all the code for the quest temp as a work around.
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I am lvl 90(i dont have WOD yet)but i want to do uldum quest with your questing profile pack, but this dont work eny more, he go s to Sw and looks to mop quests and stops.
Is there a way to do uldum quest quest with the bot?
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I leveled few of my chars to lv100 with Kicks profile but now when I choose WOD profiles I only have 90-100 A profiles and 90-92 H profile, there are no 92-100 H profiles.
How to resolve problem?
Issues in Nagrand *WoD*.

I've noticed, it completes everything until it gets to "Bone Soup", it will walk to the guy, it will ask to talk to him, it will show the quest you need to accept, but it wont accept the quest. now here is the interesting thing, once I do manually accept the quest it continues on, until it shows the quest again.

the quest is a repeat quest for bone soup.
Horde 90-92 profile needs some love.

The bot gets stuck on many "kill the boss mob" type fights if the mobs fight NPCs or just aren't always specifically on the spot there bot thinks (maybe something like /target would fix this, since they are usually right next to the spot bot is looking for).

Worst part is Mulvericks Servitute (or whatever the quests name is) the bot doesn't pick up Mulverick as follower so whenever I try to sort it's craziness out with restarting the profile it goes back to Mulverick at first I didn't realize what the problem was and I was very confused :P

Also, I might be completely missing something, but is there some option where I could have the profiles change themselves when "level cap" is switched e.g. switch from 90-91 to 92-93 when the character dings 92. I feel like there was such a feature before you tranfered the profile to the buddy store thing. It would do wonders for leveling speed and I wouldn't have to constantly worry about it or "waste" nights on lower level zones.

Another side note how was the WoD profiles constructed? I mean how do they determinate the optimal route? Is it just stringing quests that are relatively close together? I'm just wondering since they seem to miss quite a few of the extra objectives which net way more EXP than the quests. So, if you got spare time maybe you could try to work some of thous in there?

Another big point of stuck is on Horde Gorgrond profile. Somehow the bot got himself trapped under building in Beastwatch over night and when I started him he ran to interact with Kaz (a follower), but he had already done it and Kaz sat at Beastwatch waiting for the bot to speak with her. Followers really seem to be the down fall of this profile so far
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Checking for update on the bones quest in nag, the blue quest that it keeps poping open, but not accepting.

when I manually accept it, it seems to go through the rest of the process. AND just a note..

it is selling whites, including profession books you have to obtain daily from your garrison buildings
Horde Spire of Arak profile. Quest - A Lack of Wasps. Character picks up the quest and keeps going back over and over to turn it in without doing the quest. Had to turn it off and manually complete the quest to continue.
i am glade i dont afk my bot cause i have font a lot of problems with the profiles for WoD 90-92 horde was the profile even tested before releasing to the public cause if it was then there would not be so many problems with it please test them before release like running in to things on the way to turn in a quest and killing mobs in between quest that make it black list part of a quest that is needed please test the profiles