I dunno where to post this. But I assume here is a good place. There is still a serious bug in the Horde and Alliance profile from 92-94 Gorgrond. You're required to go into a cave filled with Ogers, also kill an Oger NPC which requires you to cross a wooden bridge. However, this is the point where I encouter this problem everytime. You need to click on the obstackel to remove the blockage which is needed to cross the bridge. The bot doesn't do this. Instead, the bot just keeps running from left to right into the fence and it looks very bottish. I've already had a friend banned for this specific reason I can say for sure as it was a high population realm and she was banned shortly after leaving Grogrond. (She was AFK for several hours and left the bot running in Gorgrond). Please fix this cause it seems to me it's not hard to fix it. Yet it's a huge bug which can cause you to be banned easily if you don't monitor your bot properly in this zone. I worry about this specific bug since it's been there as long as I can remember.