[05:20:05.147 N] [EscortGroup-v2009(info)] Escorting 1 units: Demoralized Peon (dist: 0.4)
[05:20:05.147 D] [EscortGroup-v2009(debug)] Behavior State: Escorting
[05:20:11.049 N] [EscortGroup-v2009(info)] Moving to escort
[05:20:16.541 N] (Singular) EnsureTarget: switching to target Rotting Slime.5C71
[05:20:16.557 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Rotting Slime.5C71 lvl=20 h=100.0%, maxh=547, d=9.8 yds, box=1.3, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=3928, faction=14, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=15, tagme=N, tagother=N, tapall=N
[05:20:16.623 N] (Singular) CombatPerfMon: FPS:29 Latency:55
[05:20:16.629 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Rotting Slime.5C71 h=100.0%, maxh=547, d=9.6 yds, box=1.3, inmelee=N, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=14, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[05:20:16.634 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 9.6 yds
[05:20:16.645 N] (Singular) .... health=100.0%, energy=100%, chi=0, tpower=False, tptime=0, tgt=100.0 @ 9.6,
[05:20:16.653 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 9.6 yds
[05:20:16.524 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Rotting Slime
[05:20:16.540 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Rotting Slime.5C71!
[05:20:17.183 N] [Singular] *Jab on Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 100.0% at 2.3 yds
[05:20:17.318 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStoppedWithinMelee: stopping because target at 1.5 yds
[05:20:17.523 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: facing since more than 180 degrees (moving=N)
[05:20:18.220 N] (Singular) .... health=94.7%, energy=63%, chi=2, tpower=False, tptime=0, tgt=83.7 @ 1.3,
[05:20:18.226 N] [Singular] *Tiger Palm on Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 83.7% at 0.0 yds
[05:20:19.161 N] [Singular] *Jab on Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 71.8% at 0.0 yds
[05:20:20.162 N] (Singular) .... health=90.5%, energy=38%, chi=3, tpower=True, tptime=18340, tgt=43.3 @ 1.3,
[05:20:20.164 N] [Singular] *Tiger Palm on Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 43.3% at 0.0 yds
[05:20:21.177 N] (Singular) .... health=90.5%, energy=48%, chi=3, tpower=True, tptime=25377, tgt=28.0 @ 1.3,
[05:20:21.179 N] [Singular] *Jab on Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 28.0% at 0.0 yds
[05:20:22.181 N] (Singular) .... health=85.1%, energy=15%, chi=4, tpower=True, tptime=24374, tgt=10.2 @ 1.3,
[05:20:22.183 N] [Singular] *Blackout Kick on Rotting Slime.5C71 @ 10.2% at 0.0 yds
[05:20:22.567 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[05:20:22.568 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from combat
[05:20:37.711 N] [EscortGroup-v2009(info)] Moving to escort
[05:20:42.439 D] [EscortGroup-v2009(debug)] Behavior State: CheckDone
[05:20:42.507 N] [EscortGroup-v2009(warning)] Looks like we've failed the escort.
[05:20:42.508 N] [EscortGroup-v2009(info)] Behavior complete (EscortCompleteWhen="QuestCompleteOrFails")
[05:20:42.573 N] [EscortGroup-v2009(info)] Finished
[05:22:41.451 N] Stopping the bot!