This is probably in the wrong place.
I can't even list all the quests it had problems with. There were a bunch. However, here's a list I built to send a friend:
There are times when your toon will stop, and if it's on a water walking mount (like the azure water strider), and the quest item is below the water, it gets confused, and won't dismount.
Towards the end of level 68, in Netherstorm. Working quests given in Area52 and beyond. Luckily, this is also the time when you want to hearth (or port or whatever) to Stormwind, get the quest and head to Northrend.
Beginning quests in Northrend. Specifically the one where you have to kill the cook in the inn. It keeps coming up as a talk quest, and you need to pause it, and manually hit the quest item in your bags. Something along the lines of "detect recent users of the shadow" or whatever it is.
Quests in Valgarde seem bugged. I took over and ran the catacomb quests. Once they were done, started the bot again, and it took it a while to figure out to turn them in. I mounted and started in the right direction.
Started in Northrend at 26 deaths, now at 72 and 13 bars she's died 41 times. 15 deaths in 1.65 levels.
Level 75, near Fort Wrynn, the quests are ready for turn-in, and another waits to be picked up (no quests yet to be done in the log), and she takes off, running for an elite that eventually kills her. No reason, she just takes off.
Moa'ki Harbor quests:
Planning for the future: Bot was just killing the pups, instead of picking them up.
Slay Loguhn: Bot kills him, but part 2, where you have to use the blood in your bags it misses, and runs off killing shit.
Picking up Spiritual Insight: Runs past the quest giver, then can't pick it up. Turn around, select the giver, bot will continue.
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Commander Lynore Windstryke after 20 seconds
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at High Commander Halford Wyrmbane after 20 seconds
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Slinkin the Demo-gnome after 20 seconds
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at High Commander Halford Wyrmbane after 20 seconds
- Understanding the Scourge Machine
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Sergei after 20 seconds
- Northern Hospitality
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Captured Trapper after 20 seconds
- Test of Mettle
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Hugh Glass after 20 seconds
- A Bear of an Appetite
- Souls at Unrest: trouble targeting killed "Undead Miner" in certain situations.
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Sasha after 20 seconds
- Sasha's Hunt
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Kurun after 20 seconds
- Find Kurun!
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Brugar Stoneshear after 20 seconds
- Uncovering the Tunnels
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Kraz after 20 seconds
- Chill Out, Mon
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Kraz after 20 seconds
- Jin'arrak's End
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Kraz after 20 seconds
- Jin'arrak's End
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Harkor after 20 seconds
- Nice to Meat You
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Mountaineer Kilian after 20 seconds
- The Captive Prospectors
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Mountaineer Kilian after 20 seconds
- Looking the Part
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Sergeant Riannah after 20 seconds
- Reallocating Resources
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Orders From Drakuru after 20 seconds
- Orders From Drakuru
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Crusader MacKellar after 20 seconds
- What's What Friends Are For...
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Commander Falstaav after 20 seconds
- Defend the Stand - Targeted quest-giver, restarted OK
FlyTo-v1844(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
- Was dismounted over Wintergrasp, while heading from Zul'drak to Nesingwary basecamp in Sholozar Basin..
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Chad after 20 seconds
- It Could Be Anywhere! - Targeted quest-giver, restarted OK
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Korg the Cleaver after 20 seconds
- A Steak Fit for a hunter - Targeted quest-giver, restarted OK
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at High-Shaman Rakjak after 20 seconds
- The Sapphire Queen - Targeted quest-giver, restarted OK
Quest: Flown the Coop - Damned bot running around killing everything it's supposed to capture. Finished myself, selected quest-giver, restarted bot
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at High-Shaman Rakjak after 20 seconds
- The Underground menace - Targeted quest-giver, restarted, had to target QG again
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at High-Shaman Rakjak after 20 seconds
- Hoofing It - Targeted quest-giver, restarted, had to target QG again
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to pickup quest at Lafoo after 20 seconds
- Gods like Shiny Things - targeted/faced quest giver, restarted, OK.
Bot stopping! Reason: Failed to turnin quest at Dorian Drakestalker after 20 seconds
- In Search of Bigger Game - Restarted, faced guest giver, OK
At this point, the bot started killing more things it was supposed to collect (fire drakes or something), so I took over, finished the last 3 quests I had, then went on to the next area.
Seems like the biggest issue was targeting. It would select, then deselect the quest giver, and repeat the select/deselect over and over for the 20 seconds, then terminate. In a lot of instances, I was sitting here, doing other things, so I could stop the bot, face the quest giver, then restart and it would take off.
I would just post logs, but there are a bunch, and they only really give the two lines I've copied above. I also finished leveling a couple weeks ago, but felt this was a big enough issue to share.