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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Not sure if this is the correct place to post but..
I have a problem with loading profiles from store on my laptop.
It will only allow me to select alliance 90-92, 92-94 and 94-96.
On my main pc (desktop) i can load everything, horde and ally, all to 100.
Any thing I can try to have all load on my laptop?
I was wondering if there is a way to protect quests from
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro"
          Macro="/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end" />
I'm running with the Darkmoon Faire quest, Test Your Strength, to get 10 Darkmoon Prize Tickets, which I use to buy the 1 hour EXP boost Top Hat.
However, the quest always seems to get deleted right before I reach the 250 items i need.

For the moment I just remove the above code from the profile after a SVN update, but would be easier if there was some protection in place. :)
Wow still no fix for all our problems from Kick's. Should we try to find a better solution to level characters?
Wow still no fix for all our problems from Kick's. Should we try to find a better solution to level characters?
"All problems" is pretty ambitious... :)
I got a SVN update today, so he is definitely working on it, give it time. :)
I'm just going to post this who ever is botting a hunter called s***er on the realm scarshield legion you need to watch your bot your running in to a wall for 15 mins now :D.

Btw i would like to report a mistake where the bot keeps running in to a wall after picking up the quests.
The rider's bind and Lighting up the sky.
This is the profile 85-90 MOP for Horde and ally
Profile: WOD 98-100 Nagrand
Faction: Horde
Class: Rogue
Quest: A Fascinating Fungus (at Zangar Shore)

It goes around and kills the monsters for fungus, but once it kills a few of them... it jumps in the water, and stares at the fungus that is underwater and doesnt go and pick it up.
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Hello I am trying to get my friends windows 8 computer up and running with his HB but we are having issues with the 90-100 leveling profiles (kicks).

On my computer I had to delete the cache file located in: user/appdata/local/bossland/buddystore in order for the 90-100 profiles to appear in my HB, but on my friends windows 8 machine the "bossland/buddystore" file is not there and I cannot find it!

Any guidance would be appreciated.
Hello, I have been running this profile to level my chars from 90 to 100, I also created a DK not too long ago. Well, DK is 100 now and most of my chars are 100 as well, thanks to this profile (thank you guys for the great work) however I notice today that my hunter lvl 90 is not moving at all, did anybody else notice that problem? I reload/restart everything several times and still no luck. I Would turn the quest manually but they he wont even pick the quest or turn in the quest, all he does is kill if something approaches .
Doesn't seem to want to work in EK when I'm level 26

keeps wanting to put me in kalimdor
Guys, hey.
Think this is the most stupid question ever some1 asked buy anyway, how to download that profile?
1. I went https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=124
2. I press 'obtain for free'
3. Now i'm w8in for...? There was no 'browse' or smth similar
P.S. All of this i did ingame with working HB, so there is a phrase in the left corner in HB 'Loading profile' but where is, what is... Help me pls.
P.S.1. Log from the HB starts till the moment i've started to download.
[15:26:48.676 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[15:26:48.676 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[15:26:58.957 D] Activity: Loading Profile...
Can you in some way tell the bot what buildings too pick in wod profile soo you don-t have too babysitt when it plays 90-100 ?
Guys, hey.
Think this is the most stupid question ever some1 asked buy anyway, how to download that profile?
1. I went https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=124
2. I press 'obtain for free'
3. Now i'm w8in for...? There was no 'browse' or smth similar
P.S. All of this i did ingame with working HB, so there is a phrase in the left corner in HB 'Loading profile' but where is, what is... Help me pls.
P.S.1. Log from the HB starts till the moment i've started to download.
[15:26:48.676 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[15:26:48.676 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[15:26:58.957 D] Activity: Loading Profile...

so normally after buying something from store or obtaining something free you would need to shut down Honorbuddy and restart it ..did you try that?

if you did then select questing as your "Bot" and then below that there is a load profile dropdown ..select "from Buddystore" and a list of the stuff you have from the store should be there, including kicks questing scripts which by the way are so great! TY Kicks!

Can you in some way tell the bot what buildings too pick in wod profile soo you don-t have too babysitt when it plays 90-100 ?

for the garrison or outposts?...it will pick a building for an outpost without you babysitting it but I don't think you have the ability to tell it which one you want ..its pre-scripted by the author
Outposts. My horde toon dont pick

ok I know the bot will have a window pop up to make a selecttio9n but normally it times out and picks one for you ..and this isn't happening for you?

it just hangs up and doesn't continue I'm assuming
[MountHook-vUnknown(info)] Insert was requested, but was already present
[Profile Message]: Compiling Desolace Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling N. Desolace Quests
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 35286 in database.
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!

Lvl 33 dunno what to do....