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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

I am using the HB key I purchased here. I have everything enabled. But under profile/ Buddy store it shows with ONLY up to MOP. There is no WOD to be found
Yes using a key bought from honorbuddy.com.
Did a fresh install of the bot and disabled/enabled the profile in Buddy store and now I only have classic and Cata.
Had MoP and LK aswell before doing that.
I guess either there is no answer to our issue. Or none is going to be shared? I guess it is what happens when we are called "Liars". But there is no reason to lie about it, if I had WOD I would not waste my time or the time here on the forums over it
love the profile, have lvl'd 5 toons with it so far from 90-100, most of the problems i have had in the past have bin fixed but there is still one quest that is giveing all of my toons a hard time Getting the Points - Quest - World of Warcraft the toon will not collect the Barbed Thunderlord Spear - Item - World of Warcraft it will just constantly run in the farming area, i have to always stop/pause my honorbuddy and manualy collect them, then restart and it will be fine the rest of the way to 100. iv also had a problem with the bot not exepting the quest item Coil of Sturdy Rope - Item - World of Warcraft in my inventory to do A Collection of Coils - Quest - World of Warcraft this has bin over several versions of honorbuddy, i have deleted and done a fresh install, and i have disabled all of my addons, and it still does not collect them. ty for the hard work

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Hey @ Kicks not sure how to report bugs. But the profile is perfect but gets stuck on 96-98 profile on the admiral taylor quest last pard where you need to kill the abomination. confirmed on 3 toons.

Same here. Will just run to Admiral Taylor, go to the hut, abandon quest and take it again
Same here. Will just run to Admiral Taylor, go to the hut, abandon quest and take it again

Mine wont even get that far. stopped questing at 94 and has been trying to grind all the way to 98. Tried on 2 different characters and it's the same thing
Can I get any support? I have read the thread, and I am not the only one who is not showing a WOD folder. But I have yet to see a reply from Kicks....?
Can I get any support? I have read the thread, and I am not the only one who is not showing a WOD folder. But I have yet to see a reply from Kicks....?
Are you comfortable with svn? You can download the full array of the kicks profiles via svn. Then you'll definitely have the wod folder
So it's really been awhile since I've botted WoW, and the last time this profile pack was hurting for efficiency, has anyone 1-100 with these profiles that can tell me how well it is working for them? Is everyone able to (Horde) get 1-100 with just a few minor faults that you can stop the bot, kill the guy and restart?
Why does this profile literally kill every single mob it comes across? It slows leveling down by an incredible amount and no matter even if i toggle off kill between hotspots it does it still.
Anyone else Experiencing some Problem with the profile 90-100 Alliance side because on several occasions it decides to run past like 10-15 mobs to get to the quest item die and repeats I don't have a log so I'm not much help but its happened on then one quest just Curious if anyone else has noticed this happening
yeah everytime i click start all it shows is this??

help please?

Just a guess but, it looks like you're trying to run it with the profession buddy bot at the same time. I recall the questbot having to be run alone. Switch it to questbot.
Get the SVN pack mate. That's what I did because it wasn't displaying through the store. 90-100 in about a day!
I have the 1-100 Profil from buddystore, now im lvl 70 and i dont can find the next profil...
[LoadProfile-v1728(info)] Loading profile '..\LK\[Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml
and i dont find this!? can anyone help me
hey kick
i tried to do the questing pack for gorground but it keeps taking me to ashran to do the pvp quest how do i fix it
please its drove me crazy for 2 days
otherwise you rock