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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Hi Kick,

Hope you monitor this... got a fairly "pain in the ass" issue that has cropped up on the last 4-5 toons botted to 100 with your profiles.

First let me say the profiles work well.. only a few places they get stuck, which is excellent IMHO.

My problem is one that I didnt notice until now... and is a right pain. The problem is with the quest in Spires of Arak that results in the Salvage Yard level 1 blueprint. I am pretty sure the quest is being completed by the bot, but the blueprint disappears. I assume it is being sold by the bot at some point after its received? In any case, none of the last 5 toons have it in inventory at level 100, tho they do have a ton of other blue stuff thats bound/unique/etc (such as blueprint books, etc).

This is a very bad thing I think because as far as I have been able to tell, that is the only way to get that blueprint, and it cannot be retrieved, at least without putting in a ticket... but I cant rightly do that because it would be really hard to explain how 5 level 100 toons on the same account all have the same issue lol.

So... for a solution... could you please code something that will immediately USE the blueprint as soon as the quest is completed? that will teach it to the toon and problem solved for the future.

Or... if I'm drunk or something and anyone knows a way to fix this on the toons already at 100, please let me know!

Is there a way to make this not set its hearth to orgrimmar? I have it set in two moons for all the portals but the 12-58 profile keeps trying to make it set to org and I'd rather it not
Error in quest " the Talon King"
you fight as the talon king going around killing the bloodmaine, kept spamming the attack option but wasn't targeting any enemies.

Singular - routine used.

View attachment 24016 2015-01-29 21.17.txt "This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior. The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed."

Just paused the bot and completed by hand.
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Questing still trys to go to bottom of mage tower to go to outlands instead of through the portal
level 68
View attachment 166198

error on picking up quest.

looking through your profile it says to abandon the quest " Checking up" but its the first option of two when the character interacts with the NPC. so it doesn't accept the quest and just keeps spamming the NPC until the bot turns off.

The quest the profile wants to pick up is " as the crow flies ".

What i did was went ahead and made the bot(profile) accept the quest "Checking up"
    <PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Checking Up" QuestId="29566" GiverName="Ysiel Windsinger"
                    GiverId="17841" X="-143.4519" Y="5533.816" Z="31.06601" />

Then moved the abandonQuest code to further on down

<If Condition="HasQuest(29566)"> <!-- Checking Up -->
                <CustomBehavior File="AbandonQuest" QuestId="29566" Type="All" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for  {TimeRemaining}" />

View attachment [Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml Check out what i edited . just look up "Checkin up"

Edit: i had the WoW Curse add on " Autoturnin " on. i disabled it and will see if that was causing the problem.


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Hi Kick,

Hope you monitor this... got a fairly "pain in the ass" issue that has cropped up on the last 4-5 toons botted to 100 with your profiles.

First let me say the profiles work well.. only a few places they get stuck, which is excellent IMHO.

My problem is one that I didnt notice until now... and is a right pain. The problem is with the quest in Spires of Arak that results in the Salvage Yard level 1 blueprint. I am pretty sure the quest is being completed by the bot, but the blueprint disappears. I assume it is being sold by the bot at some point after its received? In any case, none of the last 5 toons have it in inventory at level 100, tho they do have a ton of other blue stuff thats bound/unique/etc (such as blueprint books, etc).

This is a very bad thing I think because as far as I have been able to tell, that is the only way to get that blueprint, and it cannot be retrieved, at least without putting in a ticket... but I cant rightly do that because it would be really hard to explain how 5 level 100 toons on the same account all have the same issue lol.

So... for a solution... could you please code something that will immediately USE the blueprint as soon as the quest is completed? that will teach it to the toon and problem solved for the future.

Or... if I'm drunk or something and anyone knows a way to fix this on the toons already at 100, please let me know!


Leveled 20 chars to 100 with HB now, the Salvage Yard blueprint didnt get lost on any one of them. All my chard can build the Salvage Yard without problems.
Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance ([post=1259714]Back to INDEX[/post])
[SIZE=-2]Link: [noparse][post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post][/noparse][/SIZE]

WHAT to Post
  1. A concise description of the problem.
    When asking for help, please be very specific with your problem description. For example,
    (GOOD) "While running in Hellfire Peninsula, it kills Crushworms and interacts with their corpses; however, the toon never gets the item from the dead mob. Instead, it closes the interaction window and immediately moves on."

    (BAD) "I just gotta say Outlands and Northrend are soooo bugged like really bad, so is certain MOP places... the bot just stops randomly... if you give it a nudge it might work again..."
  2. The full, unedited log file that captures the problem.
    All bug report posts must contain your full log file attached.
    • If the log is too big, zip it.
    • Make certain that the log file you are attaching demonstrates the problem
      Do not guess at which log file is correct
      → Find the right log file and attach it.​
    • Do not post all the log files you find in your Honorbuddy/Logs/ directory,
      and do not cut-and-paste log files into your post.
      Both of these are considered forum abuse.​
    Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]
We immediately archive without comment, any problem report without a specific and precise description of the problem, or without a full log attached. A partial, or edited log, will be considered as a missing log.​

WHERE to Post
About three-quarter of the bugs reported are not profile-related. Instead, report these problems to the appropriate location (described below). If you are not certain what type of bug you are experiencing, make a new thread in the Support forum, and one of the Support staff will tell you where to further seek help. Don't forget to attach your log when making the Support forum post.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

  • Combat Routine (CR) bugs
    The toon won't attack/heal/eat/drink. Control of the toon dealing with Combat or Combat recovery is the purview of the Combat Routine. Honorbuddy ships with the [post=880291]Singular[/post] combat routine, but there are plenty of others that are popular with the Community.

    If you determine that your problem is Combat Routine related, please make a post into the appropriate combat routine thread. If you are reporting a bug with Singular, please be certain you use the [post=880296]Singular Bug Reporting template[/post] required on that thread; otherwise, your post will be ignored/archived.
    Combat Routine problems are not profile-related issues. Please do not post such problems in this thread--use the appropriate Combat Routine thread (e.g., [post=880291]Singular thread[/post]), instead.
  • Honorbuddy installation isssues
    "Compile errors" are not a problem with the profile, but with your Honorbuddy installation. The user has corrupted the Honorbuddy installation in some fashion. Usually, this is the result of loading an out-of-date plugin, or incorrectly installing third-party quest behaviors. To remedy the problem, try doing a 'clean install'. You can find the instructions here:
    [post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

    If that doesn't clear your problem, please make a post to the Support forum to ask for help. Be certain to attach a full log that demonstrates the problem.
    Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]
  • Honorbuddy configuration issues
    If your toon is not mounting, using the wrong mount, not buying food/water, etc, these are usually Honorbuddy configuration issues. Please use one of the following resources to eliminate your problem:
    • CodenameG's [post=1056327][VIDEO] How to Setup HonorBuddy. (narrated) [/post]
    • Tony's [post=345107]A quick Hb guide/presentation for a fast setup [/post]
    • [post=1061382]HelpDesk thread[/post]
    • Support forum
    Honorbuddy configuration problems are not profile-related issues. Please do not post such problems in this thread--use the Support forum, instead.
  • Bot issues
    If your toon is not selling, mailing, repairing, training, stuck at the flight master, or is failing at picking up or turning in quests, not selecting an appropriate quest reward?these are issues with the Honorbuddy core. You should make a post into the Support forum regarding issues related to these problems.
    Honorbuddy core problems are not profile-related issues. Please do not post such problems in this thread--use the Support forum, instead.
  • Navigational issues / "Stuck" problems
    If your toon is not moving, getting stuck on terrain decorations, has problems using an elevator/blimp/boat, or keeps running into a wall, these are navigational issues. First, see if this article will help resolve your problem:
    [post=1067322]HelpDesk: Toon is not moving[/post]

    If your toon is swimming out into the middle of the ocean and dies, the user has usually loaded an incorrect profile. The toon should be on the same continent as the profile you are attempting to run.

    If you continue to have problems, the issue should be reported to the.Support forum (with your log), unless you know for certain the problem is mesh-related in nature.

    Mesh-related issues should be reported to the [post=350949]Navigation thread[/post]. Over there, they will need to know where you are getting stuck?the continent on which the problem occurred, and the coordinates:
    → Settings & Tools
    → Developer Tools
    → double-click on the <0, 0, 0> in the "Local Player Info" group
    → capture the <Hotspot ... /> reported in the Honorbuddy scrolly Log window​
    The navigation thread will also need a screenshot to see exactly how you are getting stuck.
    Navigational problems are not profile-related issues. Please do not post such problems in this thread--use the [post=350949]Navigation thread[/post], instead.
  • Profile issues
    If a toon is not completing a quest it has picked up, or it fails to do a prerequisite quest, or does not have appropriate faction to pick up a quest, these are profile issues, and should be reported in this thread.

[post=1259714]Back to INDEX[/post]

The toon gets stuck at Zurai at Swamprat Post in Zangarmarsh trying to get his quests. I took stopped the bot, took the quests, but the bot keeps wanting to run back to him and click him, cancel the page, click him, cancel the page, over and over until the bot stops. I was wondering if there was a way I could get the actual files of these bots so if I needed to do so, I could delete that quest out of the profile, rather than have to go through the whole process of posting and waiting. Is it possible to be able to get these actual files on my computer? THanks.

View attachment 11200 2015-01-30 17.27.txt
Leveled 20 chars to 100 with HB now, the Salvage Yard blueprint didnt get lost on any one of them. All my chard can build the Salvage Yard without problems.
right now the Quest " Challenge of the Masters" is bugged .

Edit: tried again this afternoon and it worked
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Started doing Talador stuff and bot is trying to go to a specific spot but there is a wall blocking the way. Log attached.

i think if you manually complete or run to this quest ""The Lord of the Gordunni"(The Lord of the Gordunni - Quest - World of Warcraft) incomplete 0/1 Witch Lord Morkurk slain (type: KillMob) " and start the bot, it'll get back on track. looks like you had a bunch of path issues.
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Quick question regarding questing with Kicks profiles. I leveled some WoD zones by hand to see the content but I missed some stuff and I know from experience using Kicks profiles it hits that content I missed because I've leveled other toons with it in WoD. Is there a way to go back and run certain zones after you hit 100? I tried the other day but my toon just stood there so it may have been a separate issue all together, I'm not sure so I'd thought I'd ask here.


I know the spot you're referring to. There is a little rope lying on the ground beside the left wall as you look at the blocked area. Click that and you'll jump to the top of the wall then hop down and start the bot again. Took me a lot of searching to figure out what the deal was. Apparently if you zone out of that area you have to use the rope to get back in. The rope is hardly noticeable tho took me a minute to see it. Good luck!
Just a quick question;
I'm currently running MoP quests, and when I reach lvl 90, will the bot automaticly continue in WoD, or do I have to manually switch profiles?
There are no WoD folders period, when I try to use SVN profiles they don't work.
