Greetings to all mates.
I am using Mega kicks PROFILE for questings etc.
Since yesterady i was trying to do pandaria quests with my chars 90 lvl
and for some reason when i try to started on my priest he was going to take the Quest ... and founding the npc but do nothing. was just have it on target and nothing
And doing an SVN update every once a week
And have try to start the bot also but fully delete the cache but still nothing
Now what i am doind in the bot.
Since i start it i put it on questing bot.
selecting the script from MoP folder the Valey of the Four winds script-Alliance
and nothing
The npc name that give the Quest is called Xiao and is on the
Valey of the four winds in the The Vellied star...
here is a log also
View attachment 122798
Any solution would be nice.
Ty in Advance