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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Is there a way to adjust for when you out level content? The bot has me running STV quests at level 39 but I'm assuming my BoA has put me ahead of the actual guide.

Hi, Jsschaefer95,

Aye, BoA's will always be a problem. Please find further information in this article:
[post=1105561]HelpDesk: Quests are 'green' or 'gray'[/post]

Receiving the following error on the Goblin quest profile.
View attachment 122104
I edited the profile manually to change the Range from 15 to 16 in both instances and it appears to be working now.

Hi, Joker76,

In v3173, we've folded in your recommended repair. Thanks so much!


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1439951]Joker76's problem report w/recommended repair[/post][/size]
Keep dying at level 17
Hi, SpecialKey, and welcome aboard.

Please find your answer in this article:
[post=1067435]HelpDesk: Dieing too much while questing[/post]

If you require further assistance, please attach your full log file.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

When Im trying to load the 12-58 Alliance profile I encounter this error:

"[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Adam\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\InteractWithV2.cs(785,34) : error CS1593: Delegate 'System.Func<object,Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine>' does not take 0 arguments"

Does anyone know why this is happening? I've tried to reinstall and update the profile pack.

Hi, Adkin,

As stated in [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post], compile errors are problems with your Honorbuddy installation—not the profile.

You should start repairing the problem with a 'clean install'. Instructions here:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

If you need further assistance, please open a new thread in the Support forum. They will need to see your full log attached.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Is anyone else getting issues with HFP? Every other quest the bot seems to be bugging out.
Northrend quest "Flight of the Wintergarde Defender" is bugged. D/Cs after hitting the skybox too many times.

Hi, Jsschaefer95,

There is nothing wrong with the Hellfire Peninsula profile. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

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Hello all I cannot use questing bot with kick's profile pack on any toons. I have tried reinstalling hb and updating kick's profiles via svn here's the error:

[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\James\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\InteractWithV2.cs(785,34) : error CS1593: Delegate 'System.Func<object,Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine>' does not take 0 arguments
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 2937

and the log:

Hi, Steelrainkilla, and many thanks for the log file.

It looks like your Honorbuddy installation is seriously damage. We're afraid you need a 'clean install' to put it back right. You can find the instructions here:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1440836]Steelrainkilla's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Phsysical Training: Forced Labor quest Horde [Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]

Bot won't harvest. Out of range permanentely

Hi, Chippelchen,

This log has been heavily edited, and is unsuitable for analysis.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1441651]Chippelchen's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I got a problem with the BC profile [Fly][H-Quest] BC 58-70.
HB wants to pick up the quest "Cannons of Rage" but the quest before in this quest chain isn´t done yet. That is this quest: Forge Camp: Mageddon - Quest - World of Warcraft
It only kills the small mobs in this quest and not the big one. This way the quest can´t get turned in.

Hi, Woombazz, and thanks for the log.

It appears you are suffering from cache corruption. This article will help you resolve the problem:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1442488]Woombazz's original post w/log[/post][/size]
About 3 quests in at hyjal my character is just standing AFK next to 2 npcs and keeps d/cing....

Hi, Jsschaefer95,

Once again, we are unable to assist you without a full log attached. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

Hi, Jsschaefer95,

Once again, we are unable to assist you without a full log attached. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].


It's not even logging anything. Just says "No viable mobs in area." and it's sitting out front of the Hyjal portal.
Mounting: Red Proto-Drake
Blacklisting Fayran Elthas for 5 minutes because we can't navigate to it!

proceeds to sit on a hill and do nothing until it afk logs out
i just got my honorbuddy working again and using kick profiles as i have always been. my character is currently 74 level and i was leveling it before myself, now when i turn on the bot and the profile it just keeps grinding mobs and not doing any quests. bot is on questing ofcourse. is this part of the profile or am i missing something
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i just got my honorbuddy working again and using kick profiles as i have always been. my character is currently 74 level and i was leveling it before myself, now when i turn on the bot and the profile it just keeps grinding mobs and not doing any quests. bot is on questing ofcourse. is this part of the profile or am i missing something

Hi, Nekkeeh,

Its probably a conflicting addon or plugin, or somesuch. But, there's no way to assist you with problems like this without a full log that captures the issue.

I got a problem with the BC profile [Fly][H-Quest] BC 58-70.
HB wants to pick up the quest "Cannons of Rage" but the quest before in this quest chain isn´t done yet. That is this quest: Forge Camp: Mageddon - Quest - World of Warcraft
It only kills the small mobs in this quest and not the big one. This way the quest can´t get turned in."

This is happening to me too. I did clear all caches and restarted a bot several times. The bot keeps trying to get the quest from Nazgrel, but it's not there yet.

Looks like the bot doesn't finish the previous quest "Forge Camp: Mageddon" completely. It killed 10 of Gan'arg Servant, but didn't get Head of Forgefiend Razorsaw. Therefore the bot isn't getting the next quest from Nazgrel.

I believe it's a bug instead of cache corruption. My friend had a same problem as well.

EDIT : I got the Head of Forgefiend Razorsaw manually and the bot got the next quest from the NPC. Please fix it to kill the Forgefiend Razorsaw.
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my DKs in DK starting zone have problems killing the citzens, just stand there and don't kill those, also they dont seem to pick up stuff like chains, pots, books, not to mention they don't equip these two swords to persuade the crusaders to talk .. always chaning the sword to the main 1 handed sword.. if ran alone often die over and over leading to the destruction of gear in the horse stealing quest.. any help? usuing blood spec, seems to me that the profile for DK starting zone needs to be fully revised
Greetings to all mates.
I am using Mega kicks PROFILE for questings etc.
Since yesterady i was trying to do pandaria quests with my chars 90 lvl

and for some reason when i try to started on my priest he was going to take the Quest ... and founding the npc but do nothing. was just have it on target and nothing

And doing an SVN update every once a week
And have try to start the bot also but fully delete the cache but still nothing

Now what i am doind in the bot.

Since i start it i put it on questing bot.
selecting the script from MoP folder the Valey of the Four winds script-Alliance
and nothing
The npc name that give the Quest is called Xiao and is on the
Valey of the four winds in the The Vellied star...
here is a log also

View attachment 4768 2014-03-30 14.05.txt

Any solution would be nice.
Ty in Advance
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