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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

There is another problem in Nagrand quest "Windroc Mastery".
Windroc Mastery - Quest - World of Warcraft

A bot is just flying a same linear route over and over again and hoping to body-aggro the quest mob "Gutripper". Gutripper is a bird quest mob which flies around.

The problem is that a character with full or many BoA items tend to level faster and out level most of mobs in quest zones. I saw my character just passing by Gutripper without body-aggro'ing the quest mob because my character has full BoA and out leveled the quest mob. The path is just too far away from the quest mob. There were also other bot trains stuck in the same quest. They also out leveled the quest mob and were failing to body-aggro the mob.

Please fix it to target the quest mob and get really close to the mob to aggro him and then dismount and fight the mob.
ok done all these step clicked start and nothing all i get it starting bot goes no wheres

Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick] ($Rev: 3164 $)
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing

2 heirlooms, head and chest. Was stuck a few times and have been sitting AFK for a while too. The leveling time is amazing! So 45 hours, but at least 5 hours of AFK/Stuck/doing random stuff time.

You rock, as do your profiles. I've used them to level more toons than I should admit :) Glitchs here and there, but nothing terrible.

One that is probably pretty easy to fix... Alliance quest in the low 70s in Dragonblight - flight of the wintergarde defender - when it gets the citizen and brings it back to Wintergarde, it doesnt pause long enough to drop off. it needs to pause AT LEAST 5 seconds before ejecting, and then another 5-10 seconds once it hit the eject button.

This quest crashes every single time - it never completes properly.

The profile gets 'stuck' on this quest in Uldum for a long time. I've noticed this happening on several toons. It goes to a specified waypoint, kills 1 or 2 Scorpids and then just sits there waiting for them to respawn. Therefore, it takes much longer to complete the quest than it should.

I've fixed this by adding some hotspots to the custom behavior via the <HuntingGrounds> tag which appear to be working for me, but may need to be reviewed further. See below. Thanks!

Fixed code starting at line 858 on [Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick].xml
<While Condition="HasQuest(28145) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(28145)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Land="true" X="-9067.526" Y="-930.2636" Z="148.6229" />
	    <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="False" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="28145" InteractByUsingItemId="63086" MobId="45859"
                CollectionDistance="500" NumOfTimes="500">
					<Hotspot X="-8733.082" Y="-441.9261" Z="178.4125" />
					<Hotspot X="-8799.418" Y="-517.0039" Z="174.4328" />
					<Hotspot X="-8831.353" Y="-611.8653" Z="180.2863" />		
					<Hotspot X="-8869.563" Y="-441.9044" Z="164.0382" />
					<Hotspot X="-8871.776" Y="-691.9907" Z="171.4524" />
					<Hotspot X="-8928.889" Y="-792.8174" Z="162.5625" />
					<Hotspot X="-8908.9" Y="-853.3503" Z="159.851" />
	     <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="original" />

Original code
 <While Condition="HasQuest(28145) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(28145)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" Land="true" X="-9067.526" Y="-930.2636" Z="148.6229" />
            <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="False" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="28145" InteractByUsingItemId="63086" MobId="45859"
                            CollectionDistance="500" NumOfTimes="500" X="-8831.353" Y="-611.8653" Z="180.2863" />
            <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="original" />
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In Kun-Lai, for some reason alliance tries to use the mailbox in Eastwind Rest, rather than Westwind Rest. Happened with 3 diff toons today. Eastwind Rest is horde .. thankfully they dont attack Alliance.
In Badlands the bot was trying to do The Sentinel's Game, but got stuck and kept abandon and take the quest, then fail, abandon quest and the quest again etc.
Then I did it manually and tried to start the bot again, but it kept trying to take the quest, even after i've done it and is now stuck.
I've tried restart wow, hb and go out of the area.


When I'm doing quests and skin, bot is selling the items that skins, and in Protected Items.xml in root of Honnorbuddy appear correctly all types of leather. Those profiles are ignoring the items added on Protected Items.xml ?
Hey guys! i been using this bot and no problems besides the fact my bot which has no heirlooms at all, is leveling in STV for ages.. He is level 37 and he should of been out of there around 35 - He seems to be to high for the zones, what should i do?
Hi i cant seem to use botbase tyrael with the pack.

Honorbuddy v2.5.10121.730 started.
Logging in...
Attaching to D3D11
Attached to WoW with ID 6156
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Party Bot
New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
New bot added!: Raid Bot
New bot added!: Tyrael
Honorbuddy v2.5.10121.730 started!
Character is a level 85 Human Paladin
Current zone is The Jade Forest
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Disabled
Glider Sounds - Enabled
Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Hello level 85 Human Paladin
Thank you for using TuanHA Paladin Public Release
For best Combat Routine performance, please set Custom Lag Tolerance to 400 ms.
Game Menu > Interface > Combat Check Custom Lag Toerance and Adjust the Slider to 400 ms
Best Non-AFK Botbase are LazyRaider: [Bot] LazyRaider - User Controlled Raiding+Heroics+RAF or Tyrael [Bot] Tyrael - A raiding botbase!
Please be advised that few disabled option and powerful logic is not available in Public Release. Arena and Rated Battleground is not supported.
Initializing pre-combat buff behaviours.
Initializing combat behaviours.
Initializing rest behaviours.
Initializing death behaviours.
Initialization complete.
[Tyrael] Automatic Updater is enabled!
[Tyrael] ChatOutput enabled!
[Tyrael] Click to Move enabled!
[Tyrael] HardLock (Framelock) disabled!
[Tyrael] SoftLock (Framelock) disabled!
[Tyrael] Continues Healing mode disabled!
[Tyrael] Plugins are disabled!
[Tyrael] X is the pause key, with Alt as modifier key.
[Tyrael] Interface saved and closed!
Load TuanHA Protection Paladin Default Quest Settings from a file complete
TuanHA Protection Paladin Settings have been saved
TuanHA Protection Paladin Settings have been saved
Changing current profile to [A - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick] ($Rev: 3083 $)
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Tyrael

[Tyrael] Checking if the used revision is the latest, updates if it is not.
[Tyrael] No updates found.
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[Tyrael] HardLock and SoftLock are both disabled - For optimal DPS/HPS I suggest enabling ONE of them.
[Tyrael] TuanHA Paladin [Public Release] is loaded.
[Tyrael] Tyrael 5.6.2 has been started.
[Tyrael] Special thanks to the following persons:
[Tyrael] PureRotation Team

Update Status on Bot Start
Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
[Pursuit of Justice] [Fist of Justice] [Eternal Flame] [Unbreakable Spirit] [Divine Purpose]
Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 5
Glyphdetection - No Glyph in slot 6
[Glyph of Righteous Retreat - 115933] [Glyph of the Alabaster Shield - 63222] [Glyph of the Falling Avenger - 115931] [Glyph of Divine Protection - 54924]
Hold 1 second Control + P To Toggle Pause Mode.
Building Rotation Completed
Newest SVN Revision: 22
You are using Revision: 22
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Regarding this thread just donated for Kicks old questing profiles witch I used for years for my first time today since only now I could afford it . Also big thanks to him .
Also donated to Botanist for his dung amazing profiles and for the grinding leveling profiles !
Thanks guys for your hard work !
In Kun-Lau Summit, at Eastwind Rest, there is a spot right next to a freed Farmhand right near Farmhand Ko, there is a fence with a big bucket next to it. The bot, when in that area, always tries to run between the fence and bucket <2312.09, 915.15, 481.57> and gets stuck. Wont dismount and cannot get past that point and stays there until the bot dc's. May want to add in a blackspot so it tries to avoid it. Have done about a dozen toons in the past few weeks and everyone of them have been caught at that point.
Might be a noob question, but can it gather herbs/ore while running the profile? How do you do this, if so?
Might be a noob question, but can it gather herbs/ore while running the profile? How do you do this, if so?

Under the Settings & Tools tab click on the Harvest Minerals and Harvest Herbs tabs and the bot it will gather as it quests...but only if you have the proper skill level for the herb/ore in question.
in wintergarde keep, the quest where u take the gryphon to pick up the citizens and drop them back off to a safe zone, is bugged. it picks them up, flies back, then doesnt drop them off, and just flies back to pick up another, but you can only pick up one at a time.

View attachment 3612 2014-04-04 14.54.txt

this has been bugged for some time now. months.

EDIT: quest name: flight of the wintergarde defender
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You mean 80-82? Cant get to Hyjal till 80. Im selecting the right profile but it still goes into a frenzy.
ok thanks :) just deleted the silly question :)

but today i realized that maybe you should make the area as your home to let toon make quess in that area...
here it is

Hi again, Nekkeeh, and thank you for the log.

Toon: 74.0 Human Warlock (Male, Alliance)
[12:02:44.126 D] Goal: Grinding to level 75

It appears the profile is operating as designed. However, it should not be grinding for an entire level, unless something has gone horribly wrong. It looks like your Honorbuddy installation is not working correctly. This could be an 'install' problem, or perhaps a permission problems (are you remembering to run it with Windoze admin privileges?):
[11:08:49.328 D] Could not write to output file 'c:\Users\Pekka\AppData\Local\Temp\rxzcxza0.dll' -- 'Käyttö estetty.'

I have never seen this Honorbuddy failure mode before, and you should make a new thread in the Support forum with your log. Until this problem is resolved, no profile will operate correctly.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1445335]Initial reply to Nekkeeh[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1445427]Nekkeeh's log[/post][/size]