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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

After the update it doesnt work... Something about if body function

I am getting the same error.

Warning: Could not parse while body node

I don't think it is a problem with the profile as much as it is something going wonky in HB itself
When questing in Hellfire, my rogue sat there trying to sap something indefinitely, I was AFK and I can't help but imagine this must look suspicious... Please find attached log..
The message that was spamming in my HB window starts around line number 58550
[10:47:18.983 N] [Singular] Casting Sap on Debilitated Mag'har Grunt.9715 @ 100.0% at 8.4 yds
[10:47:19.509 N] [Singular] Casting Sap on Debilitated Mag'har Grunt.9715 @ 100.0% at 8.4 yds
The error seems to be that I wasn't facing the target...
[10:47:19.515 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Target needs to be in front of you.
[10:47:19.515 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Sap#6770 failure: 'Target needs to be in front of you.'

View attachment 10188 2014-03-13 10.28.zip
I am not sure if quest behaviour errors are related to kick's profile. But from yesterday's update, I am getting a compiler error about quest behaviours.
Sorry if I posted in wrong place I am not sure if it is related to profile or HB questing itself.

Here is the log file:


Last edited:
I seems to be getting the same errors.. everything else is working with the exception on Kick's Profiles, I have tried this on mutilple computers and profiles and bots with the same compiling errors.

log attached:


[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\------l\Desktop\MyWoWFriend\Quest Behaviors\Development\InteractWithV2.cs(785,34) : error CS1593: Delegate 'System.Func<object,Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine>' does not take 0 arguments
Warning: Errors in quest behaviors!
I am getting a whole lot of this when I try and load the profiles... since the update to Honorbuddy I get these lines alot, I cannot even use my botanist profiles anymore...am nervous to use Kick's since I am new to botting....is there anything I can do to fix this?
I'm curious where to report this, if a quest is unobtainable because it's part of an insane chain that started 3 or 4 levels ago, can HB just skip it and move on? or be smart enough to go back and do what it didn't do because leveling happened too fast? (I've had to stop/start the bot a number of times due to 'stuck' and prof leveling). Is that a Kick's thing or an HB Quest Order thing?
Horde LK 68-80 Profile Error


First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to put together such a wonderful application. It has been a real time-saver for me and allowed me to accomplish both in-game goals and IRL goals. ;)

I updated my HB this morning, and I updated the profiles this morning as well. I have a fresh toon in LK now, but I can't load the profile. It goes compile-error crazy when I try. I've attached the log as requested. There may be more, but I didn't want to risk crashing with an endless loop, so I killed the program. My guess is the error is similar all the way through, but if necessary I would be willing to re-run and let it play to the end (if there is an end) of the compile errors and then attach that log. :)

Thank you again for all that you do! I look forward to hearing back from you when you are able. ;)



I'm not sure whether someone already asked or not, but why have you decided to make the questing profiles unusable in any Botbase other than Questing, such as Mixed Mode? Any reasoning behind it? Any way to bypass it (had a quick look into the profile but couldn't find anything)?
HI Everyone,

I was having the same issue after updating. Uninstall HB from computer, then make sure to delete honorbuddy folder after to get rid of all the old data. Download the new installer (729) and re-install, after I did this everything works!

Bot time is it?
Hello everyone,

i got a problem with my druid and your profile :(

After my Druid hit lvl 58 he bought the Snowy Gryphon (which is usable/learnable at lvl 60) and he doesn't need to learn the flying skill, because my toon is druid :P
So far so good, but then he went to outlands and stay there doin' nothing, while in WoW the message "You can't use that item" appears and HB tells me something about a LUA Command related with ItemID 25472, which is the snowy gryphon.
So i guess he tried to use the gryphon out of my inv, but he can't because it requires LVL 60.

1. if I delete the Snowy Gryphon my bot wants to buy a new one :/
2. I tried to let the Flying Mount ID empty for Auto Pick or I tried to use the Flight Form ID (which is automaticly entered after I hit 58 and it is correct (checked it on wowhead))

So far I tried:
- delete cache
- update profiles
- reinstall HB

I thought about out comment the flight quest, but that is far behind my knowledge and maybe there is a easier solution ;)
LVL to 60 so that he can use the mount would be an idea, but it's very suspicious to see a druid, which doesn't use his flight form ;(

Any Ideas ?

PS: Error appears with the 12-58 profile AND the 58-70 profile :(


HI Everyone,

I was having the same issue after updating. Uninstall HB from computer, then make sure to delete honorbuddy folder after to get rid of all the old data. Download the new installer (729) and re-install, after I did this everything works!

Bot time is it?

This worked for me too, thanks!
HI Everyone,

I was having the same issue after updating. Uninstall HB from computer, then make sure to delete honorbuddy folder after to get rid of all the old data. Download the new installer (729) and re-install, after I did this everything works!

Bot time is it?

Oh my goodness <3 thanks! did this and mine works now also!
Guys i'm quite new to the forum so could anyone help me on my last hurdle with Kicks leveling profile. My problem is i've just got to 85 and now the profile just will not work ([A - Quest] 85-86 The Jade Forest [Kick]) he just runs to Paw'Don village and stands in the middle and does literally nothing? It just compiles the quests which I have 4 quests in Jade forest( An Air of Worry) (Critical Condition) (Pillaging Peons) (Priorities) so yeah could anyone help I'm not quite sure how to post my logs so I will do so if I can find out how.

Cheers Razzman
Hey I'm really looking for help here, I leveld 1 character using kicks without almost any issues at all, just a few quest stops etc. So now when I once against started from one of my level 80 chars it just refused to work, the bot started flying out to nowhere and I got it to start questing for 30 seconds and after that it just auto stopped and spammed a message in the log. Here is my support thread with some more info regarding my problems http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/153151-reset-bot.html . Please help if possible! Just let me know if I need to add smth to help address the issue.