There are so many problems I have encountered with this profile, I'm wondering if its either just me who reports these specific ones, or if it only happens to me for whatever reason. Anyway, here I go:
In Hyjal on my 85 horde druid, I got stuck inside a cave there, when I logged back on, by toon was sitting inside the portal. Instead of going away and walking back in (to trigger portal), my toon was just standing there.
View attachment stuck trying exit cave portal.txt
Then, a quest or two later, when going round collecting lodestones, my toon kept getting near a stone and trying to pick at it, yet in wow, the stones were too far away. Again Honorbuddy was just paused at the broken stones indefinitely.
View attachment stuck mining stone.txt
Then, later on a quest requires you to defeat an elite giant using Tortilla's aid. You have to wait for tortilla to tank the elite before attacking it. Instead several times my character tried to attack the elite and died. It kept releasing and running back and doing the same over and over again, leaving itself in lava, mounting my repair yak, in lava and just standing still.
View attachment stuck in death loop with giant.txt
Once more in Hyjal, I got to the last Ragnaros quest (the event to defeat ragnaros). The profile enters the portal fine, talks to the npc to start the battle, but then just stays there loading profiles, or just walks into lava in no direction. This carried on for a while until i had to do the event manually.
View attachment stuck in lava defeat ragnaros.txtView attachment ragnaros 2.txt
Then, in deepholm the profile was working well, until bizarrely at one point it got lost in the centre building trying to find an npc. I had to find the npc and hand in the quest manually and then it worked fine.
View attachment lost in deepholm center.txt
Later on, when questing in deepholm it decided to try and run to vendor/mail and got stuck on a ground mount on the edge of a cliff. I tried to move around, but no matter what I did, it still reverted to trying to find a vendor/mailbox which didn't exist. I thought it may be going to the centre building, but when i flew and started the profile, it again flew back to this miscellaneous place where no vendor or mailbox existed, I even checked on different levels! The log is too big and I couldn't upload a zip file for some reason so
here is a link.
The most recent problems seem to be right at the beginning of jade forest where my toon got stuck in the middle of a stream there several times. I think
this log should cover that.
I keep having to delete my cache as shown in the tutorial but these problems keep happening. What's going wrong?
Edit# Reading the known defects it appears two of the problems are listed.
1. Lodestone problem.
2. Exiting portal problem.
But the 3rd listed in the defects section doesn't apply to me, I entered the portal okay, but just didn't commit to the battle correctly.
[EDITED 6-Mar-2014 04:32UTC by
chinajade]: Hi,
Bsod, and we're sorry you're having so many problems. Alas, all your attachments are showing up as invalid to me. I've reported the issue to the forum operator, but nothing I can do about it until this gets repaired.
From the one log I can see:
[20:18:01.239 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[20:18:01.239 D] Could not generate path from {1576.012, -570.5449, 308.4767} to {1455.585, -502.2483, 346.1903} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[20:18:01.408 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[20:18:01.408 D] Could not generate path from {1576.012, -570.5449, 308.4767} to {1455.585, -502.2483, 346.1903} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
The profile is working fine. The problem is navigation (which is not a profile issue). As stated in
[post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post], Navigation issues should be reported to the
[post=350949]Navigation thread[/post].
There are a few issues with the Hyjal profile, but all known have been documented. Due the the quantity and types of issues you are reporting, I
strongly suspect the problem is your Honorbuddy installation. Especially, if you're having to clean the caches so much. Cache cleaning should only be required once in a blue moon—say, your machine lost power abruptly.
We're leaving your post here, until the forum attachment issue gets rectified. Hopefully, we can give the problem a look then.