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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Stuck in the jade forest again, this time trying to interact with a quest giver: Lorewalker Cho.

Stuck again in jade forest, I don't know what's wrong:(.
Last Piece of the Puzzle - Quest - World of Warcraft

Seems the problem is related to trying to get to the quest giver/transporter: Mishi.
When manually moving next to npc and running profile, mishi is selected, but instead of using the flight, an error occurs in honorbuddy: "no path available"
I think it may have something to do with being in cat form when trying to use the flight, you can't be shape-shifted when using flight paths.
If I take the flight manually and start the profile again, it abandons the quest and tries to get back to the quest giver again, but instead gets stuck on a cliff.
Second Log

Hi, Bsod,

In your first log, this is cache corruption:
[11:26:43.056 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[11:26:44.856 D] Stop and dismount...
[11:26:45.897 D] InteractDebug:1034239692
[11:26:45.934 D] Interact Done:1034239692
[11:26:48.399 D] InteractDebug:1034239692
[11:26:48.439 D] Interact Done:1034239692
[11:26:51.040 D] InteractDebug:1034239692

Cache corruption is a problem with your Honorbuddy installation, and not the profile. You can find the remedy for it here:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

The second log
[16:01:44.215 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[16:01:44.227 D] [InteractWith-v1306(debug)] No viable mobs in area.
Excluded Units:
Mishi [InCompetition(1 players within 20.0, expires in 89s)]
[16:01:57.842 N] Stopping the bot!

There was another player competing for the quest objective (Mishi). The problem would've cleared in 90seconds, and we would have continued. However, you stopped the bot after 13 seconds of waiting, so were unable to observe this.

In v3163, we no longer consider Mishi as a resource that can be competed for. This should prevent confusion in the future.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1418298]Bsod's original post[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1418534]Bsod's original post 2[/post][/size]
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Hiya! First off, Kick, thank you 500x for these profiles. I'm leveling my 7th toon using your profiles and they work amazing every time.

I had a question/suggestion for you. Maybe this has been brought up before, but for the Alliance Blasted Lands quests, near Serpent's Coil, the quests send you through a cave to talk to Bloodmage Lynnore. One of the quests he gives simply has you activate a crystal, which acts as a teleporter in and out of the cave. But after this, the quest profile/bot never uses it again. It always take the long way out of the cave, which is filled with mobs to kill. Would it be a bit more effective to create a behavior for Bloodmage Lynnore's quests that simply uses the crystal to get in and out, instead of taking the long way?

I'm sure you have 3000 other things to do, but if you have a list of things you'd like to get to, maybe this can go on there. Thanks again!

PS - I'm attaching a log so you know which quests I speak of.

View attachment 119644

Hi, Icycool, and thanks for the log and suggestion!

We've captured your idea to [post=1260136]Known Bugs List: Miscellaneous (Rep, Seasonal, etc)[/post].


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1419730]Icycool's profile optimization suggestion[/post][/size]
So Kick love the profiles! One question tho, Is there a way to turn off dismounting when going to turn in quests. It sometimes dismounts in weird spots and can be spotted as a bot easily. It repairs and sells mounted but turning in quests it dismounts before talking to the npc. If it cant be worked around thats ok just thought i'd ask.

Hi, Miltonb,

The dismounting you describe is controlled by Honorbuddy, and not the profile. There is no way to change this behavior.

By way of explanation...
Some quest givers/turnins require you to be facing the NPC and dismounted. Most NPCs do not require this, but some require one, some require the other, some both. There is no way for Honorbuddy to know a-priori the addressing required by the giving/turnin NPC. As such, Honorbuddy always does the most conservative thing of facing and dismounting at a giver/turnin NPC.

The stranglethorn vale quests have become screwed. It's killing the wrong type of animal on all the quests. For example when it has to kill panthers it's killing young panthers and when it has to kill tigers it's killing younger tigers etc etc. All the quests which involve killing animals are like that. None of the kills are counting towards the quest. Have to do them all manually.

I don't think a log will help but i'll attach it anyway

View attachment 119820

WOW and HB cache has been cleared. Plus i've done a new installation.

Hi, Dayloon, and thanks for the log.

From the log, we see:

[12:54:01.126 D] Goal: Kill Young Stranglethorn Tiger x 10
[12:54:09.998 N] [Singular] invalid attack unit Young Stranglethorn Tiger.BC2D is already Dead
[12:54:24.376 N] [Singular] Casting Starfire on Young Stranglethorn Tiger.CE05 @ 62.8% at 3.7 yds
[12:54:25.389 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Starfire#2912 failure: 'Interrupted'
[12:54:26.316 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
[12:54:31.069 N] [Singular] Casting Sunfire on Young Stranglethorn Tiger.C73A @ 100.0% at 39.0 yds
[12:54:32.131 N] [Singular] invalid attack unit Young Stranglethorn Tiger.C73A is already Dead
[12:54:48.923 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Starfire#2912 failure: 'Interrupted'
[12:54:48.823 N] [Singular] invalid attack unit Young Stranglethorn Tiger.BFF4 is already Dead
[12:55:04.737 N] [Singular] Casting Sunfire on Young Stranglethorn Tiger.5764 @ 3.2% at 3.7 yds
[12:55:05.088 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Sunfire#93402 failure: 'Your target is dead'
[12:55:18.944 N] [Singular] Casting Wrath on Young Stranglethorn Tiger.C417 @ 63.4% at 3.7 yds
[12:55:20.203 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
[12:55:48.098 N] [Singular] Casting Sunfire on Young Stranglethorn Tiger.F96D @ 52.5% at 3.7 yds
[12:55:48.432 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Sunfire#93402 failure: 'Your target is dead'
...and so on...

The profile is definitely hunting the right mobs. However, it looks like the WoWclient is not giving you proper credit for the kills. We were just through this area recently on new toons, and know there is nothing wrong with the profiles for these quests.

Instead, we believe your problem lies here:
* Problematic game client addons were encountered--please disable these addons:
Zygor Guides Viewer 4​

Please disable these addons. They are *known* to interfere with proper Honorbuddy operation. More info here:
[post=1292171]HelpDesk: Programs that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products[/post]

Please show us a fresh log if you encounter this problem again with these addons diabled.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1420845]Dayloon's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I am having the following error appear in Honorybuddy. I have done a clean install and still get the error.

Level 39 Pandaren Shadow priest Running singular in Orgrimmar on Kicks 12-58 Horde profile.

View attachment 120224

Hi, Characture, and thanks for the log.

The problem is the "The Grimtotem Weapon" and its documented in [post=1260127]Known Bugs List: Classic 1-58[/post]. For now, please do the quest manually, turn it in, and start Honorbuddy again.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1423943]Characture's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Got a new error after today's patch, related to:
[UserSettings-v1294(error)] [MAINTENANCE ERROR: Error processing attribute 'GroundMountFarmingMode.']:

H, HBNewbb, and thanks for the log.

This is a bug in Honorbuddy .728. Please upgrade to .729, and the problem should go away.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1425790]HBNewbb's original post w/log[/post][/size]
When questing in Hellfire, my rogue sat there trying to sap something indefinitely, I was AFK and I can't help but imagine this must look suspicious... Please find attached log..
The message that was spamming in my HB window starts around line number 58550
[10:47:18.983 N] [Singular] Casting Sap on Debilitated Mag'har Grunt.9715 @ 100.0% at 8.4 yds
[10:47:19.509 N] [Singular] Casting Sap on Debilitated Mag'har Grunt.9715 @ 100.0% at 8.4 yds
The error seems to be that I wasn't facing the target...
[10:47:19.515 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Target needs to be in front of you.
[10:47:19.515 N] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Sap#6770 failure: 'Target needs to be in front of you.'

View attachment 120516

Hi, Merlin75, and thanks for the log.

What you are describing is a problem with your Combat Routine, and not the profile. You will need to report the problem to the [post=880291]Singular thread[/post].

But before you do...
You will need to clean some things up, so Bobby53 can analyze the issue.
  • You need to disable the BuddyCon plugin—it simply emits too much 'noise' in the log and hides the problem
  • You will need to disable these *known* problematical WoWclient addons:
    * Problematic game client addons were encountered--please disable these addons:
    Zygor Guides Viewer 4
    More info here:
    [post=1292171]HelpDesk: Programs that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products[/post]
  • You will need to bump the log level up and drop a 'log mark' where the problem occurs.
    More details on how to do this in the first few posts of the Singular thread.

Once you reproduce the problem under 'cleaner' conditions, I'm sure Bobby53 will be glad to have a look.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1426851]Merlin75's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I am not sure if quest behaviour errors are related to kick's profile. But from yesterday's update, I am getting a compiler error about quest behaviours.
Sorry if I posted in wrong place I am not sure if it is related to profile or HB questing itself.

Here is the log file:
Ever since the last HB update this error has occurred. As somebody mentioned previously about bad requests.

Log attached.
I seems to be getting the same errors.. everything else is working with the exception on Kick's Profiles, I have tried this on mutilple computers and profiles and bots with the same compiling errors.

log attached:

First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to put together such a wonderful application. It has been a real time-saver for me and allowed me to accomplish both in-game goals and IRL goals. ;)

I updated my HB this morning, and I updated the profiles this morning as well. I have a fresh toon in LK now, but I can't load the profile. It goes compile-error crazy when I try. I've attached the log as requested. There may be more, but I didn't want to risk crashing with an endless loop, so I killed the program. My guess is the error is similar all the way through, but if necessary I would be willing to re-run and let it play to the end (if there is an end) of the compile errors and then attach that log. :)

Thank you again for all that you do! I look forward to hearing back from you when you are able. ;)
Getting an error anytime i start up a kick's routine. Attached is a partial log since the entire log was too big

Hi, He5aM, Victiln, Yelsom, VixenRogue, Panasonic, and thanks for the log files!

As described in [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post], 'compile problems' are never problems with the profile. Instead, something is awry with your Honorbuddy installation.

Your first step to clearing this problem is to do a 'clean install'. You can find the instructions here:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1427178]He5aM's original post w/log[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1427183]Victiln's original post w/log[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1427201]Yelsom's original post w/log[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1427562]VixenRogue's original post w/log[/post][/size]
[size=-2]Ref: [post=1431252]Panasonic's original post w/log fragment[/post][/size]
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I'm not sure whether someone already asked or not, but why have you decided to make the questing profiles unusable in any Botbase other than Questing, such as Mixed Mode? Any reasoning behind it? Any way to bypass it (had a quick look into the profile but couldn't find anything)?

Hi, Reoxftw,

This article should answer your question:
[post=1144989]HelpDesk: Using Questing with Mixed Mode[/post]

Hello everyone,

i got a problem with my druid and your profile :(

After my Druid hit lvl 58 he bought the Snowy Gryphon (which is usable/learnable at lvl 60) and he doesn't need to learn the flying skill, because my toon is druid :P
So far so good, but then he went to outlands and stay there doin' nothing, while in WoW the message "You can't use that item" appears and HB tells me something about a LUA Command related with ItemID 25472, which is the snowy gryphon.
So i guess he tried to use the gryphon out of my inv, but he can't because it requires LVL 60.

1. if I delete the Snowy Gryphon my bot wants to buy a new one :/
2. I tried to let the Flying Mount ID empty for Auto Pick or I tried to use the Flight Form ID (which is automaticly entered after I hit 58 and it is correct (checked it on wowhead))

So far I tried:
- delete cache
- update profiles
- reinstall HB

I thought about out comment the flight quest, but that is far behind my knowledge and maybe there is a easier solution ;)
LVL to 60 so that he can use the mount would be an idea, but it's very suspicious to see a druid, which doesn't use his flight form ;(

Any Ideas ?

PS: Error appears with the 12-58 profile AND the 58-70 profile :(

Hi, SMuve, and thanks for the logs!

You are bumping into HB-144 ("MountHook tries to train flying before Level 60"). This is a boundary condition problem with the MountHook quest behavior. The problem seems to only happen to Druids whose accounts do not yet possess at least one flying mount.

You only real solution to the problem at the moment is to comment out all MountHook usages in the profile:
<!-- <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\MountHook" state="True" /> -->
This line occurs several times in the profile, so be sure to snag them all.

Very sorry for the inconvenience. No ETA on a bugfix for the behavior, but I've added the info you've provided to the bug report as another datapoint.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1428092]SMuve's original post w/log[/post][/size]
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There are a lot of problems using the DK profile. Bot stops several times.

"Massacre at lights point" won't work. Bot just stands there doing nothing.
There are a lot of problems using the DK profile. Bot stops several times.
"Massacre at lights point" won't work. Bot just stands there doing nothing.

Hi, Chippelchen,

Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post]. There is absolutely no way to assist you with a problem, unless we have the full log that captures the issue.

Hi chinajade,

I started testing HB with Kicks Profile and after the first 30 Minutes the following error occured:

I died after on the way from Undercity to Orgrimmar and since then i don't get the bot working anymore. The profile seems to load properly, but the bot doesn't move anymore.

Thanks for your help in advance!




For the past 3 months i have been leveling RAF accounts with Kicks when i tried to start it up today on a new toon i received a lot of warnings so i did a fresh install of HB and updated the Kicks folder and still keep getting the samething also uploading a log so you can check and see if i have something wrong but its been working with no problem for 3 months


Hi chinajade,

I started testing HB with Kicks Profile and after the first 30 Minutes the following error occured:

I died after on the way from Undercity to Orgrimmar and since then i don't get the bot working anymore. The profile seems to load properly, but the bot doesn't move anymore.

Thanks for your help in advance!


Hi, Makladibakla, and thanks for the log.

[13:50:40.222 D] Exception when attempting to download Kalimdor_40_29: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: Es konnte keine Verbindung mit "net.tcp://auth4.buddyauth.com:5031/AuthService.svc" hergestellt werden. Der Verbindungsversuch hat für einen Zeitraum von 00:00:30 angedauert. TCP-Fehlercode 10060: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat
bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)

It looks like you have lost the ability to communicate with the navigation server. This is probably an issue with your local network, or your ISP.

In any case, this is not a problem with the profile, and you should make a new thread in the Support forum if the problem persists. Before making that post, you might try the remedies outlined in this article:
[post=1389221]HelpDesk: 'Authentication Failed' errors[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1435382]Makladibakla's original post w/log[/post][/size]
For the past 3 months i have been leveling RAF accounts with Kicks when i tried to start it up today on a new toon i received a lot of warnings so i did a fresh install of HB and updated the Kicks folder and still keep getting the samething also uploading a log so you can check and see if i have something wrong but its been working with no problem for 3 months

Hi, Tdizzly, and thanks for the log

[22:06:52.053 V] [Compiler Warning]: c:\Users\SKID\Desktop\Honor\Quest Behaviors\EscortGroup.cs(518,13) : warning CS0618: 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.CustomForcedBehavior.Dispose()' is obsolete: 'Use OnFinished instead.'
[22:06:52.053 V] [Compiler Warning]: c:\Users\SKID\Desktop\Honor\Quest Behaviors\ForcedMount.cs(123,17) : warning CS0618: 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.CustomForcedBehavior.Dispose()' is obsolete: 'Use OnFinished instead.'
[22:06:52.053 V] [Compiler Warning]: c:\Users\SKID\Desktop\Honor\Quest Behaviors\ForceSetVendor.cs(162,17) : warning CS0618: 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.CustomForcedBehavior.Dispose()' is obsolete: 'Use OnFinished instead.'
[22:06:52.053 V] [Compiler Warning]: c:\Users\SKID\Desktop\Honor\Quest Behaviors\ForceSetVendor.cs(199,17) : warning CS0618: 'Styx.Helpers.CharacterSettings.FindVendorsAutomatically' is obsolete: 'This is no longer a setting. VendorManager automatically finds vendors from database if none of the vendors in the profile is eligible.'

Your Honorbuddy installation is damaged. You did not do a clean install. Please follow the instructions outlined in this article:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

If you are not off-and-away after this, please follow up to the Support forum. Your issue is not with the profile pack.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1435792]Tdizzly's original post w/log[/post][/size]
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Changing profile from Kun-Lai Summit to Townlong Steppes seems to make the profile go nuts and take the character back to Kun-Lai even when its in Townlong.
After it gets to a certain hotspot in Kun-Lai it will start killing everything on sight, even yellow mobs.

View attachment 121665

Hi, DoomEater, and thanks for the log.

[08:16:20.803 D] [ProfileCompatibilityInfo-v1232(debug)] ---------- BEGIN: Profile Compatibility Info ----------
Toon: 88.4 Orc Hunter (Male, Horde)
[08:16:21.153 D] Goal: Grinding to level 88.5

The profile is operating correctly. Just let it run, please.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1436106]DoomEater's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Hi, I was leveling an alliance char from level 1 and got to Sentinel Hill and it did nothing until it logged out.
I deleted Cache folders before starting the bot.


Hey when I try to start [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick] my HB goes nuts and starts to spam:

[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\InteractWithV2.cs(785,34) : error CS1593: Delegaten System.Func<object,Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine> accepterar inte 0-argument
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 2365