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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

I have used this profile loads and the only problem that I have encountered (which happened recently) is it wont do any quests in Jade Forest. I load up the Jade forest profile, it compiles the quests and then moves on to valley quests. like this:

[Profile Message]: Compiling Pearlfin Village Quests (Ally)
[Profile Message]: Compiling Serpent's Overlook Quests
[LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] ($Rev: 3109 $)

Hi, Rhyspect,

There is no way to assist you, unless you attach the full log that captures the issue. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

Not sure if this belongs in the profile or some other part of HB, if a character is a Feral Druid, below 20, wouldn't it make sense to use cat form when moving between hotspots as there's a speed increase?

Hi again, Merlin75,

The profile does not determine which form to use while traveling. These decisions are made by the Combat Routine.

I really don't know what's happening anymore. My Horde Druid got to 77 and started with Sholazir Basin quests in Northrend. It kept reverting to trying to pick up a quest that didn't exist yet (you need to go further along the quest line to pick it up). No matter what I did it kept reverting back to that same quest giver and trying to pick up the quest. So in the end I levelled normally until 80, hoping the problem went away.

When 80 I loaded the Hyjal profile and my toon started flying towards dalaran, but got stuck flying east/west under the citadel.

I then went back to Orgirmmer, loaded the profile again, instead of doing the pre-cata quests, my toon flew over to hyjal and now is parked in the grove of aessina, west of the map. Honorbuddy starts and does nothing. No error messages so I'm not sure what the problem is, but I think again it may be trying to pick a quest up it hasn't done yet and is phased.

Can anyone help me because I keep getting these problems since Northrend? I just keep getting logged out for innactivity if I don't babysit and there seems nothing I can do than just to level normally.

Oh the other problem I have been having is it keeps directing my toon to kill Hunters of the other faction, I play on a PvE realm. Sadly it just gets targeting the hunters pet and keeps trying to attack them. They are not even marked as PvP and neither am I.

Here are my logs that hopefully cover the problems I have been having.

View attachment 121998

Here's another log from starting the Hyjal where it flew from Orgrimmer to Hyjal and just got stuck at the Grove of Aessina. View attachment 122000

EDIT# I followed the steps to clear cache in wow and honobuddy and now the quests are working fine. Seems my cache got corrupted.
I'm also having the "could not find quest" issue a few others have mentioned before.

View attachment 121488

Hi, Kmolleson, and many thanks for the log.

This is not a profile problem. This article should help you sort the issue:
[post=1070048]HelpDesk: Honorbuddy can't find the quest-giving NPC[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1411565]Kmolleson's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I'm also having the "could not find quest" issue a few others have mentioned before.

View attachment 121488

The solution is, copy the profile to your desktop and delete the kickz archive out of hb, than it will work again.
what kickz archive??? i dont find anything with this file name "archive" or "kickz archive".

Hi, Kelstor, and welcome aboard.

Honorbuddy does not ship with "Kick's profile pack". If the profile pack was inside your Honorbuddy directory, its because you put them there.

If you read through [post=1259749]Obtaining a Copy of the Profiles[/post], you will see we explicitly state that the user should place Kick's profiles OUTSIDE the Honorbuddy directory tree.

In any case, the location of Kick's profiles is not the cause of this problem. For those with this problem, this article provides your answer:
[post=1070048]HelpDesk: Honorbuddy can't find the quest-giving NPC[/post]

Edit: removed my post about attacking player pets that are unflagged.

I see people are already reporting this issue in the 727 Test build thread.

Hi, here is the uploaded attachment. The bot tries to go and pick up the quest, quest giver is not there and I do not have the quest in my log.View attachment 121525

Hi, Bryaownzyou, and many thanks for the log.

Most of the time, this problem is going to be corrupted caches. In some circumstances, questing manually can damage your quest state. In either case, this article should help you sort the problem:
[post=1356864]HelpDesk: Quest giver is not offering expected quest[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1412053]Bryanownzyou's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Hello i have a profile quest in sholazar, the bot try to get Just follow orders Just Following Orders - Quest - World of Warcraft from the NPC High-Shaman Rakjak! the bot need to get other quest first from the Zepik the Gorloc Hunter.

Hi, Igoblin, and many thanks for the log.

The profile does indeed complete "Hoofing It", before it attempts to pick up "Just Following Orders". If Honorbuddy has failed to complete "Hoofing It", then more than likely your caches are corrupted. This article should help you sort the problem:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1412126]Igoblin's original post w/log[/post][/size]
Hi all, I'm using the profiles to level up some characters and so far everything is going fine.
I was wondering if there is a way to build in some delay between actions though? I'm not looking to level as fast as possible, just want to make sure it looks real... don't want to get caught. Right now I feel like the actions are happening way too fast which makes it look kind of obvious that I am botting (in my opinion).

Is this possible? Am I just being paranoid?

Hi, Maro1987, and welcome aboard.

The speed at which the profile directives are executed is solely under the control of Honorbuddy. Alas, Honorbuddy does not allow any of these actions to be tuned as far as execution speed.

It might be possible to write a plugin to slow things down, but it would be a little tricky to do this and get it right. But along this line, Giwin writes a number of plugins for tinfoil-hat wearing types. (And, that's a fine wardrobe choice, by the way!). If you look in the plugins forum, you should find plugins to take breaks every so often, take breaks when other players are around, etc.

Is it possible to edit the LK profile so it only does Sholazar Basin quests?
Gave it a try and just remove every other zone in it and just keep Sholazar and now it just Compiles quest and stops because it thinks it's done. Only done 36 quest in Sholazar and not a single Oracle/Frenzy

Hi, Zoubiey,

It sounds like you may have cache corruption issues. If so, this article should help you sort the problem:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

Aye, you should be able to trim down the profile to do only Sholazar Basin. Alas, we will be unable to assist you in these endeavors. Nor, will we be able to support any modifications you make to the profile pack.

If you believe you have a problem that requires assistance, please attach the full log that captures whatever issue you are observing.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

cheers & good luck.
to get quest the 'white pawn' bot just keeps clicking on admiral taylor?
how do i fix
It keeps clicking on any quest giver or hand in. How do I fix this?
Hi, Gooner,

This is almost assuredly your Combat Routine at fault. The issue is addressed in the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post].

In the future, if you need assistance, please attach the full log that captures the issue.

I'm flying in Zangar and doing the questing through Kick's but it seems like when it decides to do something on the ground, it just dismounts in flight, since Zangar is so covered with water that's "usually" ok, but I keep either dying or almost dying (then getting killed by a MOB).. help? Just happened before I turned off the bot and uploaded this log..
View attachment 121669

Hi, Merlin75, and thank you for the log

Please turn off the Buddycon2 plugin, if you are having problems while questing. It simply make too much 'noise' in the logs to diagnose problems in a reasonable period of time.

The profile does not control the behavior you are observing. This is most likely an issue with Honorbuddy or your Combat Routine.

It might be possible to abate the problem by turning off "Auto dismount in flight" in the WoWclient.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1413141]Merlin75's original post w/log[/post][/size]
I think I may have found a bug with the profile, more specifically, when the characters bag is full, it will not mail while in Gadgetzan/Tanaris. It will sell, but it will not mail anything. Refer to this post.

Hi, Bmandk, and thank you VERY much for that link.

This was a very rare boundary condition situation. In v3153, we've adjusted the profile to provide 'ultimate fallback' Vendors and Mailboxes.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1413169]Bmandk's problem report post[/post][/size]
Hey, im using kicks profile for 80-82 in mount hyjal all the bot does is go right to wolfs run and trys to pick up quests which arent there because the current ones to get there or chains have not been completed? any one else have or had this issue

Hi, Thagrizza,

This sounds like a cache corruption issue. If so, this article will help you sort it:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

When requesting assistance in the future, please be certain to attach your full log that captures the issue.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

I use Heirlooms with top enchants so exping a bit faster. My 31 lvl bot kills 26 lvl mobs and all quests are green :(
Shouldn't it skip some quests if my lvl is high enough? I'm afraid it will be questing grays soon.

Hi, Chaser,

This is answered in the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post].

i noticed 2 bugs using tuhuanha's hunter routine:

-roadridge quest when you need to get a key surrounded by sleeping wolves - bot runs into them even when the pet is dismissed, dying over and over
-with the newest version of hb bot doesn't seem to accept the quests, just stands in front of the guy but doesn't accept, clicks him over and over, hasn't happened to me with the earlier revision of hb..
Always use Singular with Kicks. Never another CR.
If you find a bug with a CR, report it with a logfile in the authors thread please.

Hi, Msciciel_z_hong-kongu,

If you need assistance, we simply must have your log that captures whatever issue you are observing. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

As BotOperator suggests, your second issue is caused by your choice of Combat Routine. The problem is addressed in the [post=1259964]FAQ[/post].

Tons of errors any time I load this now. After a couple minutes of errors it just grinds instead of questing.

Hi, Wowlich,

Your problem description is a classic fingerprint of a bad Honorbuddy installation. You might want to think about doing a 'clean install'. Instructions here:
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

If that have you off-and-away, we must see the full log that captures whatever issue you are having. Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post].

Tried molten front today, lots of issues....

Profile: [Fly][N - Rep Quest] Molten Front Firelands Dailies [Kick]
Issue: Must be started after passing through portal into molten front or it does nothing.
Issue: Quest 'Burn Victims' - it never stops treating the victims. Must complete quest manually.

Profile: [Fly][N - Rep Quest] Shadow - Molten Front Firelands Dailies [Kick]
Issue: If you start this profile in Hyjal, outside of the molten front, it tries navigating to molten front but just sits there going nowhere.

Profile: [Fly][N - Rep Quest] Hyjal Firelands Dailies [Kick]
Issue: Quest 'Perfecting the Howl' - after meeting critera, auto-complete dialog pops up but profile does not complete quest. it continues killing mobs until manually completing, and accepting the follow-up quest 'The Call of the Pack'
Issue: Quest 'Treating the Wounds' - it's pathing on the inside of the ledge through the pyrelords instead of the outside of the ledge where the behemoths are. the quest requires killing behemoths but doesn't path through them. as a result, the quest will almost never complete without intervention.

Hi, Slator, and many thanks for the log!

As recorded in [post=1260136]Known Bugs List: Miscellaneous (Rep, Seasonal, etc)[/post], most of the Rep profiles are stale at the moment. We have it on our list to go through and freshen them, but that has yet to happen.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1415053]Slator's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
if I change the "<checkpoint level = "11">" to something greater than 90 can I get this pack to just run through all the quests for me? I leveled my druid in Dungeon Finder but would like to do Lore master on them but heck if I am going to do all of that by hand. Obviously I would have to do all of the checkpoints, not just the one.

Hi, Nucleotides,

You should find this article helpful in modifying the profiles for your goal:
[post=1067958]HelpDesk: Questing profiles and the Loremaster achievement[/post]

For some reason the profile keeps stopping for me and end up usually with a server disconnect or HB and WoW.exe closed completely.

Here is the latest rendition, questing in Zul'Drak in Northrend. My toon is just stuck within interact distance next to commander kunz @ the argent stand.

View attachment 121923

Hi, Bsod, and many thanks for the log.

[23:07:23.876 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - Pa'Troll : QuestID - 12596 : To - Commander Kunz : ID - 28039
[23:07:23.877 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[23:07:23.910 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[23:07:27.288 D] InteractDebug:721589756
[23:07:27.288 D] Interact Done:721589756
[23:07:30.336 D] InteractDebug:721589756
[23:07:30.336 D] Interact Done:721589756
[23:07:33.322 D] InteractDebug:721589756
[23:07:33.322 D] Interact Done:721589756

This looks like cache corruption (which is not a problem with the profile). This article should help you resolve the issue:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]

If you are not off-and-away after this, please show us a fresh log of the problem.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1415490]Bsod's original post w/log[/post][/size]