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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Everytime I start up 88-89 H I get this error.

Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[Profile Message]: Compiling Kun-Lai Summit Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Binan Village Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Binan Village Quests
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 61065 in database.
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
Currently a Horde druid lvl67 in Nagrand. On the quest Talbuk Mastery

Bot is flying up and down in only a north and south direction, but too far east to be in range of where the mob patrols. Its trying to find the mob: Bach'lor that drops the quest item, but it just carries on forever, because its not surveying his complete spawn area.

Also whilst getting a log, bot has just stopped sitting in a tree. Honorbuddy continuously "Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-1825.774, 8795.199, 50.16935>" had to stop and start it. Log isnt so big, but earlier was stuck here for a couple of hours going up and down, unf I accidently deleted that log.

View attachment 121394
I encountered a problem on Kun Lai
"Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 61065 in database.
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!"

I attached the log and done some digging. It seems that the bot didnt accept the quest "The Fall of Shai Shu" with id 30855 and such the aforementioned missing NPC didnt spawn! (Nope that I run the same profile less than a month before and it had run flawlessly)
Also note that I manually accepted the quest and it is back and running

using the 1-90 profile for month without problems...
But now its the case that the bot wont make quests wich include "Use object" , "interact with" he ignores them and goes to the end npc to end the quest.
Could anyone comment on how safe Kick's profiles are? I've heard that there's some form of detection in place that looks for Kicks, but its all rumors.
Searing Gorge (mis)behavior

So I'm questing through Searing Gorge, went to get dinner and came back to find I had died a dozen or so times, apparently he fell in the lava underground and every time he rez'd he just died again - I prefer going back to my body as opposed to the spirit healer, is there a way to add a timer/counter "if character dies twice in x minutes then spirit rez" ? I don't have a log for this.

Second issue is the log that is attached, when doing the QuestId: 27982, QuestName: Twilight Collars in the cave, the bot ran in and agro'd five or six NPCs on the way into the cave, then dismounted (of course) and promptly got killed.. Similar things happened when doing QuestId: 28029, QuestName: Set Them Ablaze!, the bot will run to a tower agroing everything in it's path, then dismount to light the tower and, I intervened and cast slow fall and jumped off the side before he got killed on that one... I thought it had smarts built-in to get out of combat before dismounting? I've seen it do that before... at least, I thought I had...


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Started a brand new toon, wanted to see how the profile behaved when starting at lvl 1 instead of somewhere in the 40s-50s..
The profile failed to interact with "Goal: Use Attack Plan: Orgrimmar x 1" but the toon just stood there next to it.. I had to manually intervene to get it to happen.. Then when I tried to stop/start the profile, HB crashed...
This is a fresh clean install of HB and Kick's
Log attached...

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I have used this profile loads and the only problem that I have encountered (which happened recently) is it wont do any quests in Jade Forest. I load up the Jade forest profile, it compiles the quests and then moves on to valley quests. like this:

[Profile Message]: Compiling Pearlfin Village Quests (Ally)
[Profile Message]: Compiling Serpent's Overlook Quests
[LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick].xml'
Changing current profile to [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] ($Rev: 3109 $)
Not sure if this belongs in the profile or some other part of HB, if a character is a Feral Druid, below 20, wouldn't it make sense to use cat form when moving between hotspots as there's a speed increase?
Hi all, I'm using the profiles to level up some characters and so far everything is going fine.
I was wondering if there is a way to build in some delay between actions though? I'm not looking to level as fast as possible, just want to make sure it looks real... don't want to get caught. Right now I feel like the actions are happening way too fast which makes it look kind of obvious that I am botting (in my opinion).

Is this possible? Am I just being paranoid?

Is it possible to edit the LK profile so it only does Sholazar Basin quests?
Gave it a try and just remove every other zone in it and just keep Sholazar and now it just Compiles quest and stops because it thinks it's done. Only done 36 quest in Sholazar and not a single Oracle/Frenzy
I'm flying in Zangar and doing the questing through Kick's but it seems like when it decides to do something on the ground, it just dismounts in flight, since Zangar is so covered with water that's "usually" ok, but I keep either dying or almost dying (then getting killed by a MOB).. help? Just happened before I turned off the bot and uploaded this log..
View attachment 121669

I think I may have found a bug with the profile, more specifically, when the characters bag is full, it will not mail while in Gadgetzan/Tanaris. It will sell, but it will not mail anything. Refer to this post.
Hey, im using kicks profile for 80-82 in mount hyjal all the bot does is go right to wolfs run and trys to pick up quests which arent there because the current ones to get there or chains have not been completed? any one else have or had this issue
I use Heirlooms with top enchants so exping a bit faster. My 31 lvl bot kills 26 lvl mobs and all quests are green :(
Shouldn't it skip some quests if my lvl is high enough? I'm afraid it will be questing grays soon.