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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

it would be awesome if we could change comat routines with out restarting HB

Hi, SirCon89roe,

This is a long-standing feature request, HB-30 ("Allow the user to change routines without restart"). It has not been forgotten, but is currently low priority in the list of many things that need to be addressed.

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what about being able to queue for stuff using both your main spec and off spec, and the bot changes to which ever one is picked for the queue

Hi, Alcbur,

We've opened feature request HB-826 ("Allow queuing for Dungeons with main spec / off spec, then switch based on assigned role") against this issue.

Multi windowed botting, Glider had this function. Would be awsome to bot 3 accounts at the same time. or minimize window so i can do somthing else [Without having too buy 3-4 different keys, and emulate windows.
Multi windowed botting, Glider had this function. Would be awsome to bot 3 accounts at the same time. or minimize window so i can do somthing else [Without having too buy 3-4 different keys, and emulate windows.
Hi, Pralen,

We're not familiar with the some of the concepts you describe. But, to answer what we can...

  1. You are free to minimize Honorbuddy. However, Honorbuddy explicitly prevents you from minimizing the WoWclient in order to protect your WoWaccount.

  2. You can arrange to have one key handle all your Honorbuddy sessions. Just send an email to [email protected], and ask them to "merge your keys". You will need to provide each of the keys and the email address associated with each.

It would be great if you could add a way to check if the user is typing in WoW chat (perhaps to KeyboardManager?). Currently the only straightforward way is to do an LUA check, i.e. Lua.GetReturnValues("return GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus()"), but it's also possible to just scan the offset (GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus: 0xBB244C from 5.4.7) in memory, which is orders of magnitude faster. This would be awesome thanks.
Would be awesome if I could recompile only the selected plugin while bot is running (not started) without having to uncheck any other plugins.

Would be nice to have these items added to the protect list, they are items dropped on timeless isle which are of great help while grinding and the such:
    <!-- Advanced Items: Timeless Isle Utility (ordered alphabetically) -->
    <!-- iLevel:90 -->
    <Item Name="Book of the Ages" Id="103642" />
    <Item Name="Dew of Eternal Morning" Id="103643" />
    <Item Name="Singing Crystal" Id="103641" />

If it would be possible to add a condition that when you have more than 20 of those, the rest is deleted that would also be of great help since depending on how many hours you stay grinding it can few a bag with buffs easily.

If we could have something like:

    <!-- Advanced Items: Timeless Isle Utility (ordered alphabetically) -->
    <!-- iLevel:90 -->
    <Item Name="Book of the Ages" Id="103642" MaxAmount="20" />
    <Item Name="Dew of Eternal Morning" Id="103643" MaxAmount="20" />
    <Item Name="Singing Crystal" Id="103641" MaxAmount="20" />

Where the bot would check the "MaxAmount" and remove the extra would be awesome.
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There should be a simple "grind this area" button.
When you're levelling and see a good area with instant mobs. Just press a button and it will grind the area of all enemy mobs.

Also there should be a "kill elites" mode, which makes the cc wait for important cooldowns for the class to be able to take on elites, and also simple things like for a shadowpriest to go in to a set of elites shielded, so a new shield will be ready fast after engaging.
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It would be great if you could add a way to check if the user is typing in WoW chat (perhaps to KeyboardManager?). Currently the only straightforward way is to do an LUA check, i.e. Lua.GetReturnValues("return GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus()"), but it's also possible to just scan the offset (GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus: 0xBB244C from 5.4.7) in memory, which is orders of magnitude faster. This would be awesome thanks.

Hi, Tomcruise,

We've created feature request HB-855 ("HB API for reading if user is typing in WoWclient 'chat' frame"). We'll have to see what the senior staff says about the request.


[EDITED 3-Jun-2014 by chinajade]: Hi again, Tomcruise,
The development staff have looked at this request, and will not to pursue it unless an actual performance need can be demonstrated. The problem is the additional 'widening' of the HB API (which is a maintenance issue) for minimal value.
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There should be a simple "grind this area" button.
When you're levelling and see a good area with instant mobs. Just press a button and it will grind the area of all enemy mobs.

Also there should be a "kill elites" mode, which makes the cc wait for important cooldowns for the class to be able to take on elites, and also simple things like for a shadowpriest to go in to a set of elites shielded, so a new shield will be ready fast after engaging.
Hi, Jagarock,

These are good ideas, but do not belong in the Honorbuddy core.

For the "grind here" idea, Honorbuddy expects this to be implemented as a 'bot', not a 'button'. There are a number of bots out there that already do this type of thing. For instance, [post=1377896]Eclipse[/post] is a 'skin mobs here' bot, and there are several variants of "pickpocket here" bots available from various sources. But as yet, no one has written a 'grind here' bot, as that activity is so easy to do with a trivial profile. To get started, give a look at the Honorbuddy:Levelbot:Grinding Starter Profile - The Buddy Wiki.

As far as 'kill elites' functionality...
Honorbuddy leaves those decisions to the Combat Routines.

You can get an overview of the Honorbuddy architecture in this article:

Is there any way to disable the default auto-equip and use the plugin instead? When I try this it pops up an error that the plugin is now part of the main bot, but there's no way to tell the bot to stop equipping all the BoEs I get that could otherwise be sold for thousands upon thousands of gold.

Greens and blues can sell for loads, oftentimes more than epics, so I don't see why the setting to not equip BoE can't just be "Don't equip BoEs"
Dungeonbuddy Farm Mode, being able to farm more than a single dungeon on a row, like for example after ticking 3 or 4 dungeons the bot would sequentially or randomly farm each of these selected ones in a loop.

Or if this is too much hassle to code, maybe adding an API option to be able to control Dungeonbuddy current selected dungeon, through PB profiles or a custom plugin.

Thank you :)
Support for Eye of the Storm for RBG's. The logic used for BGbuddy is pretty good and this is the only one that I've come across where it doesn't work.

Also, I think an improved feature for BGbuddy would be to make it so it doesn't want to cap flags and bases at the start of the game (ie: Battle for Gilneas, Eye of the Storm) maps where you generally only want to leave one person at the base at the very start of the game. Usually not the biggest deal, but suppose I'm the only healer in my BG group, and he sits base to cap a base he doesn't even arrive at first, and then takes a couple seconds to load largest fight, etc.

You could probably build upon this to make it more class specific, like Tank specs capping using the default logic.

Edit: And another thing, it's annoying when I switch toons, I'll have to exit game and restart the whole bot/wow in order to get it synced up correctly.
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Hey, I would love to see an option that varys a waypoint a bot takes. The idea behind this is, that the bot does not take exact same route all the time with certain profiles, but varys it's waypoint by a set amount, not too much, just to avoid the LCP detection.
Would be nice for quest and grind botbase.
It's great that Honorbuddy has implemented a pause/resume option, but would it be possible to implement a hotkey, or keybind option, to do this without having to always bring HB to the foreground? Sometimes you need to pause/resume on the fly and you can miss the opportunity if you have to click on HB, then pause/resume, when it would be quicker to just hit your hotkey/keybind while in game. Just an idea.
Is there any way to disable the default auto-equip and use the plugin instead? When I try this it pops up an error that the plugin is now part of the main bot, but there's no way to tell the bot to stop equipping all the BoEs I get that could otherwise be sold for thousands upon thousands of gold.

Greens and blues can sell for loads, oftentimes more than epics, so I don't see why the setting to not equip BoE can't just be "Don't equip BoEs"

Hi, LowKey,

AutoEquip is controlled by the user, as it always has been. DungeonBuddy has absolutely nothing to do with this.

Honorbuddy does not ship with an "AutoEquip" plugin, you should probably do a 'clean install', if you've such cruft remaining around.
[post=1120664]HelpDesk: "Clean installing" Honorbuddy[/post]

To disable AutoEquip,
→ "Settings & Tools"
→ Uncheck "Auto Equip" under the CharacterManager group​

I'm not sure if blacklisting Evade-bug type mobs is done by HB or the CR, but if it's done by HB I'd like to request a feature be implemented that learns a mob is Evade-bugged (can't be attacked, but bot just keeps attacking it anyway and often times just get stuck attacking the evading mob until user manually stops it) and blacklists it so the bot can move on with what it was doing instead of just continuously attacking it infinitely until the user stops it.

Please could you support both Me.HasAura and HasAura, basically you support HasQuest but not HasAura, would be great for consistency as sometimes I don't know whenever to put a Me. in front of it.

Small suggestion.

Thanks again.
The update to isle of conquest bg buddy, now makes them wait in keep even longer than before, then rush docks. cant we rush docks without a delay as horde?
I'm not sure I understand the reply to my post, doesn't seem to be addressing what I mentioned, but whatever. New idea:

Does the bot always vendor before mailing or is that a kicks profile thing? Would make immensely more sense to mail before vendoring. Would simplify dealing with BoEs and BoP gear you get for leveling purposes.

As it stands now, you can only either trash all Greens or mail all greens. Would be better to be able to first mail all BoEs, then vendor any quest greens.

But again, that may just be a profile thing and not a bot thing.