Support for Eye of the Storm for RBG's. The logic used for BGbuddy is pretty good and this is the only one that I've come across where it doesn't work.
Also, I think an improved feature for BGbuddy would be to make it so it doesn't want to cap flags and bases at the start of the game (ie: Battle for Gilneas, Eye of the Storm) maps where you generally only want to leave one person at the base at the very start of the game. Usually not the biggest deal, but suppose I'm the only healer in my BG group, and he sits base to cap a base he doesn't even arrive at first, and then takes a couple seconds to load largest fight, etc.
You could probably build upon this to make it more class specific, like Tank specs capping using the default logic.
Edit: And another thing, it's annoying when I switch toons, I'll have to exit game and restart the whole bot/wow in order to get it synced up correctly.