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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

I would like to see most the ability to do group questing. A lot of people RAF accounts and questing is the safest way up to 90. As of now, the only real ways to take advantage of HB and RAF is through dungeons and grinding. If there was a way to seamlessly implement the ability to recognize each others' quests and follow them step by step (maybe tapping into the quest book and noticing the [1] next to the quest name, denoting a group member has that quest) would be such a huge turn on i'm sure to the entire HB community.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
Not really feedback on the bot itself but to the devs.

Try to update atleast twice a day on the progress on the bot after patches, like 12am and 12pm or something along those lines. That would make people shitstorm less on the forum, less shit to clean up. Doesn't have to be a novel just say shit like;

Still working on it
<Random message if you got other things to add>
I know it can be done as most PB profiles do it already but I'm talking about something built into HB not into the profile itself.

The issue is, navigation doesn't always work. 80% of the time, a high level script will check zone id, and defer to a transport routine like you propose, but there are good reasons to move this within a more complex module, namely handling failures, complexities and editing or custom options for classes with portals, etc.

PB, should be the arbiters of this kind of transport, because it will be problematic to test, lots of unforeseen issues, and requires an unusual level of access to character info.

eg. missing the boat, being phased, not a high enough level, haven't unlocked the portal to use or, done the quests, not enough gold to buy a mount, flying or pandaria flying, etc.

For every issue, a condition has to be considered and a test made, and a solution found, before the main script will start. In the case of phased areas, heh.

Or scenarios, instances, raids, whatever.
I recently made several post with examples of how to address some of these issues. For whatever reason, one of the mods keeps removing the post. Guess they don't want users knowing about it to keep them from complaining.
I recently made several post with examples of how to address some of these issues. For whatever reason, one of the mods keeps removing the post. Guess they don't want users to know about it.

<!-- Outland -->
<If Condition="Me.MapId == 530">
<CustomBehavior File="Message"
Text="We are in Outland."
LogColor="Cyan" />

<CustomBehavior File="Message"
Text="Moving to Shattrath portals."
LogColor="Lime" />

<!-- Fly to shattrath -->
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1977.775" Y="5373.526" Z="54.82305" />

<!-- Go to the ground -->
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1920.137" Y="5400.772" Z="-12.42688" />

<!-- Alliance -->
<If Condition="Me.IsAlliance">
<CustomBehavior File="Message"
Text="We are Alliance."
LogColor="Cyan" />

<CustomBehavior File="Message"
Text="Taking Stormwind portal."
LogColor="Lime" />

<!-- Portal to stormwind -->
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1892.733" Y="5390.708" Z="-12.42776" />

<!-- Interact with stormwind portal -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith"
X="-1894.18921" Y="5387.93945" Z="-12.4282484" />

<!-- Horde -->
<ElseIf Condition="Me.IsHorde">
<CustomBehavior File="Message"
Text="We are Horde."
LogColor="Cyan" />

<CustomBehavior File="Message"
Text="Taking Orgrimmar portal."
LogColor="Lime" />

<!-- Portal to org -->
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-1897.926" Y="5395.339" Z="-12.42868" />

<!-- Interact with orgrimmar portal -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith"
X="-1899.44971" Y="5393.01" Z="-12.4283171" />
</ElseIf> <!-- Horde -->
</If> <!-- Alliance -->
</If> <!-- Outland -->

Is that it?
The issue is, navigation doesn't always work. 80% of the time, a high level script will check zone id, and defer to a transport routine like you propose
For every issue, a condition has to be considered and a test made, and a solution found, before the main script will start...................................

As you said, the profile writer can choose to add all the condition checks. HB Devs aren't going to take the time to add all those checks into HB, there are simply too many individual checks. But over time, the data could be collected by individual profiles, thus establishing a database which could later be incorporated. As a profile writer, I try my best to to keep HB from attempting to think. As soon as it does, something will bug.
Dungeon Buddy is Ossetians one I will vote for

pet combat I do not think some would use
Alright so after reading this thread and staying tuned I have to agree with a lot of people when it comes to the Questing ? Dungenbot ? Gatherbot and navigation problems that sometimes occur. But I honestly don?t know the hate which people have given against ?Pet Combat Bot Base?. I?m going to stand out from the crowd, maybe because it?s over the internet and w/e but that is actually a future bot base I would LOVE to have. Maybe people have not thought of this so I might as well say it to those whom are still struggling and have a big headache with the questing in WoW.

You can level your tune with Pet Battles, all you need are two special plugins, ?Battle Pet Swapper? & ?POKEBUDDY? and as usually a good profile. I?ve tried to compare questing and leveling by pet battles and sure questing does go faster if it?s 100% afk able, but actually from 80/85-90 pet battles goes faster because I have not encountered one single ?live? or ?free profile? that will go 100% afk. While pet battles are much as the archaeology bot it?s much to 99.9% afk able if you just use the right profile.
Also people should consider that this is planning, while also posting this I would like thank the dev team for taking time in fixing and improving HB. Also a little future improvement I would like to see is when it comes to professionbuddy ? I would love to have a simple profession leveling(I know that there are A LOT of profiles, but I have not found profiles for all professions that goe 100% automated)that only levels the profession, ofc all profession should be supported. For example( running instances for leveling enchanting etc)
Else I?m pretty happy with the product for what I use it for. :D
There is a pretty decent tool for pet battles.

Its not included by default, and its not perfect (yet).

But it should be the dev's last worry, since im already taking care of the pet battles :)
Hello, I am using 658 version and its problems I have met will be reported below.

The AHBOT script of professional mode cannot cancel goods when doing an auction.

Sometimes, the flight acquisition mode is easy to be ceased when backpack is full.

Moreover, when is the salesman script can be upgraded ?

Thank you so much for your kind help.
hi , I still can't connect with the bot
the error is You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #17371
You are currently on build #0
pls help me :)
You should focus on BG buddy since it is the easiest part to fix. What it really needs are random Profiles. Atm there are a lot of bots in the bgs, all running the same waypoints, mounting at the same time and doing the same stuff. I could ticket all bot users eaven before the bg starts, so it is absolutely undafe atm.

At the mine, which human would start, jump off the startpoint, turn around and walk back 2 yards against a wall and then walk to the middle?

Like this there are bad waypoints in every bg and avery hb bot uses them. The folks in my guild startet to ticket everybody, because eaven non bot users know these behaviors.

To be honest, I am already looking for an alternative bot.

That's right, BGbuddy has been a pain for a long time now. Friends of mine (who don't bot and never did) told me they can report 10-20 botters within the first 20 seconds of each IoC, just because it's that obvious.

However Dungeonbuddy works fine for me (with a little assistance here and there, that is).

Impossible. I use the previously set to complete the script. Will show we are stuck. this is occasionally occurs when the bag full of ready to return, not every ID is so

exit it appropriately on HB launch, not "hblauncher doesn't respond, force close"-style :)
I would find use for:
Pet Combat Bot Base
Stuck Handler Improvements

Thank you for the bot, it makes the games grind acceptable.
It would be very good to add to following parameter option to "UserSettings" Custom Behavior called "RessAtMaxDistance", this parameter which could be of type bool means that the bot will find the maximum distance in which it can ress away from the body... this is extremely good to stop infinity loop resurrection and saves us ressing at the spirit healers, it would also be good on several quests one of which is called "The Endless Flow".. basically it stops people from ressing where they will just die anyway since the died in a place where mobs are in one big bunch (such as horde guards near a town), it will also be designed to ress where it's not in aggro range of mobs.

Thank you.