Mines : bots jump down after the start, run back against the wall and then turn again and follow theyre way into the mines. No normal human being does that. At the start you can see em all standing at the same position facing the same direction.
Warsong: Bot runs out of the first gate, runs back in and then out into the game.
Gilneas: all bots gather around the first flag, for alliance i know that is LH. Horde i dont know. They actually dont pack no more, but stand on a distance from eachother, but its noticeable.
Eye of the storm: Bots run down ( alliance ) and face MT on theyre mount. On the stairs. The second MT caps, they turn and run DR.
Twin peaks : Bots run out of the starter room, just past the gate, and run back in, out, in again and then go "into the game"
Temple of Kot: Bots run out of the gate, back in to the gate, then halfway into the game, back to the gate again and then follow theyre way into the game.