I would really like to see Arena support in BGbuddy or another PVP botbase as the current usage span of the whole package is very short.
At this point it takes about 1-1,5 week to get a character to level 90 using normal not-so-obvious botting. It then takes about 2-3 days to get into full honor gear (currently malevolent) and after that you're essentially on your own again. You can have BGbuddy run random BGs or Call to Arms for 50 CQ each win which takes forever to get anything. In fact, you get about sufficient CQ to buy 1 set piece by the time it has completed farming all your honor gear. This doesn't scale.
Especially with the new catch-up mechanism which provides 15k CQ caps for new characters I need the bot to step up and get that done for me. A few weeks into a new season there is no reason to play competitive PVP unless you have a full set of the current season's gear.
I really don't care if there is only 2s support, which is non-competative and broken through the roof anyway but it is by far the fastest method for gaining large amounts of CQ. A feature HB currently doesn't have.
Preferably it becomes part of the package but I'd be happy to pay for the support as well. I don't want this feature for gaining rating or achievements, we really just need it to get current season gear faster. In the same way the raid bots do for PVE players.
Hi, YuriG,
The company owners said there will never be any support for Arena play.
My take on their position is...
Arena players take their game very seriously. And to support Arena play would be a direct "poke in the eye" of the spirit of an Arena, and incur the immediate and unrelenting attention of Bliz.
Hi, YuriG,
The company owners said there will never be any support for Arena play.
My take on their position is...
Arena players take their game very seriously. And to support Arena play would be a direct "poke in the eye" of the spirit of an Arena, and incur the immediate and unrelenting attention of Bliz.
Just Run 2 toons using Lazyraider on both. have a healer class and set bot number two as your tank. Then Bot 2 setup is with Lazy Raider and auto target settings enabled. Then use a CR that has auto movement for both and your done. You might loose a bunch but the few you do win will be much quicker CQ then the BG farming.
I second this.You should really consider something on the main HB page that tells of the bot status. I would use green amber and red flashing bar, the flashing part tells what phase the Bot is in etc.
My 2 cents. That way the forums would be perhaps less clogged with the same questions about "is HB down?"
AutoEquip2 that ships with HonorBuddy should do this. If the weights are incorrect you should report them.Honorbuddy does not pick the optimal quest reward item.
You should be using 1 HonorBuddy folder per instance of WoW.I would like to suggest that you add a "Show Log" button on the interface somewhere so we can just open the current (if bot is running) or last (if bot is stopped) log for that character. Finding logs for people with 6+ accounts is a real pain in the ass. Gotta go through all of them and try to guess which one is the one you are looking for.
There was a plugin out there that did this, and it has been supposedly updated.Dude Jumping... I never see bots jumping when moving like humans players do. Come to think about it when was the last time you saw a Hunter not jump while kiting?
You should be using 1 HonorBuddy folder per instance of WoW.
There was a plugin out there that did this, and it has been supposedly updated.
No setting up the button isn't hard, but not really the point. It can cause cache problems among other things.Says who? I don't want to set up 10+ folders, I have them all in one with a merged license.
Come on, as a programmer I know that adding a button that opens a file isn't hard.
Then you should report it so it can get fixed saying you tried it and it's out of date helps nothing.It doesn't work as you would expect. I know, I've tried it. And it's also out of date.