Working my way through Cataclysm dungeons some more. I'll run each three or four times and see if there are any consistent errors. I'll update this post through the next few hours.
Blackrock Caverns - fully AFKable, including quests. Just make sure your healer CR can handle Karsh Steelbender. May want to move toons a bit closer with Karsh Steelbender, my ranged toons don't seem to fight him unless I move them a few steps closer.
Throne of the Tides - fully AFKable but with issues. Tank seems to be running into the gate on the gauntlet to Ozumat rather than keeping aggro on the sentries. DB seems to think the dungeon is complete after talking to Neptulon but before killing Ozumat, though it does go through the fight (sometimes it even kills Ozumat but very rarely, normally DB requeues before then). Doesn't loot Neptulon's chest.
The Stonecore - technically AFKable if you massively outgear the instance. Too many mechanics problems otherwise, mainly on trash. Need to focus on the Stonecore Earthshapers before they transform into a Force of Earth. Nuke them down, interrupt the cast. Panic if they transform - still a very nasty AOE. Need to avoid Corborus when he's submerged. Don't stand in front of Stonecore Flayers when they use Flay. Need to jump as Crystalspawn Giants finish casting Quake. Need to interrupt Force Grip on High Priestess Azil and avoid Seismic Shard impact site. Try to run west out of gravity wells, this helps control the trash.
The Vortex Pinnacle - not all toons looting Grand Vizier Ertan's Heart for the quest. No encounter mechanics scripted for Altairus, I can understand the winds being tricky (maybe if downwind, move to other side of the boss), but really need to avoid the Chilling Breath (it's a 120 degree cone attack on a random player). Toons run right through the mass of Skyfall Stars before Asaad, meaning toons are being pounded by them even while fighting the boss.